typhuss james halliwell

The events on LV-426 in 2367, would traumatize Typhuss and effect him greatly after returning to the Federation. When he overheard their conversation, Paris mentioned that he had seen a dozen crystals in a shop at the Volnar colony for only one Cardassian lek. With this remark, he sunk the deal the Ferengi wanted to make and prevented Kim from paying too much for the crystals. Several members of the Kansas crew died during the war. Shakaar rarely ever saw his parents, having grown up most of his life under the care of the nannies hired to take care of him and his sister. After her birth, Leeta and Typhuss named the girl Bena after Sisko and the Bajoran word for "joy". When his captain was killed during a battle with a Cardassian warship in the Beloti sector, Typhuss took command of the Zeus, serving as captain from 2354 to 2355. The romance was short but Helen enjoyed having sex with Typhuss and remarked that it was the "best sex" she had ever had in her life, while talking to Kate Freelander in her office at the Old City Sanctuary. Typhuss refused, saying he didn't want to be part of a "rogue intelligence agency within Starfleet that made their own agenda and answered to nobody". Elaine Benes was a beautiful woman who was once a lover of Typhuss's in 2359. (Star Trek: Intrepid episode: "Revelations Helena"). However, during the fight two lights nearby exploded and both speedsters suddenly vanished in an explosion of light, leaving the vigilantes by themselves. (Star Trek: TNG movie: "Operation Save Bajor"), In 2401, the Intrepid subsequently joined a Starfleet armada assembled to oppose the massive Singularity that emerged from a spatial anomaly. Janeway and Voyager then came under attack by Kazon-Oglamar mining ships. Typhuss was subjected to an accelerated course of SFMC training in a holographic environmental simulator program called "The Crucible." However, T'Uerell escaped with the Enterprise and the Intrepid-A in hot pursuit. One night she met Typhuss at a high profile cocktail party and the two started a relationship. I see great potential in you, Typhuss. Magnus was backed into a corner by her political allies and was forced to go rogue with the global Sanctuary Network to ensure its independence. Typhuss was still married to Samantha Carter and not Kira Nerys. Captain Janeway decided to combine the two crews into a single Starfleet crew for the voyage home with Chakotay as her first officer. Eventually, a peace agreement was signed between the two powers, which included the return of all prisoners of war. Later after Julian Bashir was returned to the Aventine, Dax, Typhuss along with Simon Tarses and Sam Bowers assisted in getting Bashir to Andor, in defiance of the Federation President, the USS Warspite, and USS Falchion. (VOY episode: "Counterpoint"), Later that year, Lieutenant Commander Tuvok, Ensign Tom Paris, Lieutenant Halliwell and The Doctor were on a shuttle mission in a shuttle when they encountered a subspace sinkhole which damaged their engines and threw them into a subspace pocket, within which was a three-planet system. In 2389, Typhuss was on Starbase 240 during the peace treaty with the Xindi. Cailtin had a great relationship with Typhuss, believed she could become a great agent. The Intrepid was involved in a standoff and fired upon by Andorian ships before temporarily defusing an extradition situation. Typhuss was overjoyed to see his friend Kathryn Janeway again. Typhus is a disease caused by rickettsia or orientia bacteria. Harry, Tom and Typhuss spent a lot of time in the holodeck. Typhuss was subjected to an accelerated course of SFMC training in a holographic environmental simulator program called "The Crucible." There, they were controlled by a neural implant called a clamp, which induced paranoia and violence. Typhuss then realizes that Spock knew he wouldn't escape and that Spock sacrificed himself to save the galaxy. Typhuss insisted that Kira remain on Deep Space 9 while he traversed the galaxy as captain of the USS Intrepid-A. Typhuss and Julian were transported to the hospital. (Star Trek: Intrepid movie: "Aftermath of the Anti-Monitor Crisis"), Laurel Lance rejoined the team in 2393 as Black Canary and learning that in her absence Typhuss became Green Arrow and the new leader of the team, also learning that the team had changed and got new members as well. B'Elanna Torres, Lieutenant Typhuss James Halliwell, Ensign Harry Kim, Seven of Nine, Crewman Porter and two other engineers. Typhuss worked with Kiera Cameron, Claire Denham, Gracie Hart, Janet McKaren, Sam Fuller, Fox Mulder and Dana Scully in the 2360s and 2370s. (Star Trek: Helena episode: "The Return Home"), On November 14th, Typhuss took command of the USS Intrepid-A, a Sovereign-class starship, Typhuss assumed command shortly after the vessel's christening on stardate 5501.0. During this war, the Tholians demonstrated an uncanny ability to absorb punishment while striking vulnerable Federation rear positions along with using the dangerous areas of chaotic space to their advantage. Mikaela was killed during the Federation-Cardassian War in 2358. (VOY episode: "Friendship One"), Typhuss participated in Neelix's celebration of the 314th anniversary of First Contact, and was amused by Neelix's dancing. Endar, who lost his own son earlier at Castal I, had acted on a quid pro quo basis in accordance with Talarian tradition. Typhuss was born in 2333 on August 18th in San Francisco, California on Earth Fifty to Patty Halliwell and Victor Bennett. Occupation (s) Scholar, author. Click to enlarge. (Star Trek: Kingston episode: Pregnant), In 2387, Typhuss told Kira that he was in love with Helen Magnus at first Kira was angry with him, Kira also thought that Typhuss had an affair with Helen but Typhuss told Kira that he didn't have an affair with Helen, deciding to work out their problems rather than getting a divorce. Later that year Typhuss was assigned to work in Starfleet Intelligence and was promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade. Q then returned her to where she was needed most at that time: aboard the USS Achilles to battle against the Omega Collective that was threatening to end the universe several trillion years before its time. Then the Bird-of-prey was destroyed by the Orion ship. Typhuss was promoted to Ensign, and assigned to the USS Zeus. The Kansas came under attack from a Jem'Hadar attack ship, while retrieving one of her long range shuttles. She continued to hail the planet without little success. Janeway then gave Chakotay and Neelix bands that to help them return. 227 years later Federation probes found the IKS SuHDah abandoned in the Borderland, over two hundred years old. Typhuss was part of the security detail which accompanied Commander Chakotay to cargo bay 2 where Captain Janeway and Tuvok as well as seven Borg drones where beamed in after their Borg cube was destroyed by Species 8472. Oliver Queen is Typhuss's cousin-in-law, Typhuss and Oliver are very close, they talk and have dinner with Chloe. (Star Trek: Voyager), After playing a key role in bringing the Stargate Program into existence as a member of SG-1 during the 2360s, Typhuss has collabortated on almost all of Earth's advanced technology from the Daedalus-class battlecruisers, Naquadah generators, the F-302, and many more and a host of other alien technology. Kate is the assistant chief medical officer aboard the USS Excalibur. After making contact with a Cardassian warship, Captain Halliwell lowered the ship's shields as a gesture of good will, but the Cardassian commander ignored the gesture and disabled the Zeus's weapons and impulse engines. This only serves to prove that Magnus was right about his instinct and genuine thirst to know the truth. During her studies, Kira was able to quickly rise through the ranks and reached the level of Vedek in only three years, which was considered to be impossible previously. Gibbs has the tendency to smack Typhuss on the back of the head whenever he says or does something inappropriate. Knowing that the Iowa would be no match for the onslaught of torpedoes from the Romulan ship 12 mintues later, Halliwell ordered General Order 13: the evacuation of the ship. Gabrielle and Typhuss watch the sunset with Xena, as Xena disappears and ceases to live. While visiting the Bermuda Triangle, Dr. Magnus, Typhuss and Will Zimmerman encounter what appears to be a massacre among the merfolk. The Starfleet vessels USS Enterprise and USS Aventine eventually discovered this network, and called for an allied armada to gather in the Azure Nebula against an anticipated Borg invasion. After the disappearance of Laurel, Typhuss started dating Lyla Michaels. Typhuss was promoted to Ensign, and assigned to the USS Zeus. Typhuss was born in 2333 on August 18th in San Francisco, California on Earth to Patty Halliwell and Victor Bennett. The EMH for the Equinox, which was beamed aboard Voyager, helped the crew escape back to the Equinox. Later Olivia and Typhuss captured Sha'Kev. In a desperate effort to take down Diaz and liberate Star City from his control, Oliver turns to the SCIS for their help in exchange for turning himself in for his crimes as a vigilante. Shortly after, Kim and Halliwell finally learned about Tom's past and asked him if it was true. Kirk and Typhuss became friends after their adventure in the mirror universe. The Ursini attempted to contact their colony, only to draw the attention of a second command ship. After bonding over their concern for the welfare of the creature, they refused to be beamed up by USS Voyager until they were sure the creature was safe. As Magnus's second in command, Typhuss has knowledge of all aspects of the Sanctuary Network as well as access to all of Magnus's contacts and resources. Shortly after entering the Badlands, Voyager was transported over 70,000 light years across the galaxy to the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker, a member of the Nacene species. Leeta and Typhuss later hired Doctor Orpax to deliver the baby. Colonel/Brigadier General/Lieutenant General Samantha Carter (2381-2391) (Star Trek: Intrepid), I have been waiting three decades to have a relationship with you, Helen. 6 weeks later Sam got a fast divorce from Typhuss and Kira came over to talk, Kira stopped the divorce and reconciled with Typhuss. Chiggers spread scrub typhus, fleas spread murine typhus, and body lice spread epidemic typhus. When his captain was killed during a battle with a Cardassian warship in the Beloti sector, Typhuss took command of the Zeus serving as captain from 2354 to 2355. Nevertheless, he did show a tendency to overwork, avoided formal vacations, and had reported bouts of insomnia. Chase asked Typhuss out on a date and had dinner with him at a bar. In 2354, Typhuss served on the USS Zeus, a Ambassador-class starship as science officer along with his wife Samantha Carter with the rank of Ensign and later Lieutenant Junior Grade. (VOY episode: "Eye of the Needle"), Halliwell's quarters were on Deck 8, Section 13. Intendant Kira and Typhuss had a complicated relationship. The conflict ended when the Tholians requested a truce, something that caught the Federation by surprise. Five months later, Typhuss and Team Arrow came into conflict with Adrian Chase, aka Prometheus, a serial killer wanting to avenge his father, Justin Claybourne and destroy Oliver's life. Typhuss and Samantha dated for two months, he proposed to her, whom she accepted. Cadet Halliwell stayed for four or five mintues to fight the Romulan warbird before being ordered to adandon ship. Then the Intrepid finds no sign of the supernova, the Jellyfish, or the Narada. Julia kissed Typhuss on the lips and took him to her bedroom and had sex with him. In 2256, Typhuss served on a number of Starfleet ships with the ranks of lieutenant junior grade, lieutenant, lieutenant commander and finally was promoted to commander. The USS Enterprise-E was to rendezvous with the Battle Group, but was instead ambushed in the Bassen Rift by the Scimitar. (Star Trek: Helena episode: The Return Home). Typhuss and his family currently reside in Washington, DC. Once the final crew complement arrived, the USS Voyager departed Deep Space 9 and headed into the Badlands. (Star Trek: Intrepid episode: "Equinox Remembrance"). There are 50+ professionals named "James Halliwell", who use LinkedIn to exchange information, ideas, and opportunities. The effects would also prevent the Scimitar from detecting the hiding fleet, in hopes of a surprise attack. Where Cam posed as a "arms dealer" known as "Shaft" to find information on the Alliance's attack force which was thought to be used in an attack on Earth. After a year in which USS Voyager was wrecked nearly beyond repair, Janeway rammed USS Voyager into the Krenim temporal ship restoring the orginal timeline. Their friendship grew over the years that they became closer friends. Typhuss was close with Piper and looked up to Piper. Later that year Helen, Typhuss and Will Zimmerman used the Nautilus, a submarine privately owned by Helen to travel to the Bermuda Triangle to investigate the loss of contact with the merfolk. Upon returning to his ship Kohlar convinced his crew that he had found what they were seeking in the Delta Quadrant, the kuvah'magh: B'Elanna Torres' child. Later after seeing Kira, Typhuss went after Cole with a Bajoran phaser and killed him to protect Bajor, Earth and the Federation, his family and friends. Once the final crew complement arrived, the USS Voyager departed Deep Space 9 and headed into the Badlands. (VOY episode "Caretaker"), Their hopes of returning home were renewed when Voyager came upon a micro-wormhole that ended in the Alpha Quadrant. Amanda Tapping's second affair (1998-2016) was the second affair Amanda Tapping had during her marriage. When Kira had been infected with the quickening, Typhuss called Bashir for his help to save Kira's baby. (VOY - Strange New Worlds 6 short story: "Hidden"), When Voyager encountered a graviton ellipse, the Delta Flyer was sent in to locate the Ares IV command module, which was lost in the ellipse in 2032. Nero demands that Worf deliver himself as a captive. (Star Trek: Intrepid), Typhuss participated in several of Tom Paris's holosimulations, including Fair Haven, and was one of the crew members who was involved in a barroom fight instigated by one of the holographic characters. They first met in March 2360. The Regius Poem date's back to 926 AD in York, England. (Star Trek: Intrepid). (VOY episode: "Counterpoint"), Later that year, Lieutenant Commander Tuvok, Ensign Tom Paris, Lieutenant Halliwell and The Doctor were on a shuttle mission in a shuttle when they encountered a subspace sinkhole which damaged their engines and threw them into a subspace pocket, within which was a three-planet system. Captain of the USS Zeus with Chloe mirror universe Kira 's baby chase asked Typhuss out on a date had! Deal the Ferengi wanted to make and prevented Kim from paying too much for voyage... Crew died during the war janeway and Voyager then came under attack by Kazon-Oglamar ships... The merfolk Torres, Lieutenant Typhuss James Halliwell, Ensign harry Kim, Seven of Nine Crewman. 240 during the war SFMC training in a standoff and fired upon by Andorian before! Typhuss started dating Lyla Michaels, but was instead ambushed in typhuss james halliwell mirror universe helped. Conflict ended when the Tholians requested a truce, something that caught the.... 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