tough love arena mods

It is necessary code cleanup that will make future work much easier and safer. Check out the free online tournament for a chance to permanently unlock birthday skins! Backflip cancels were a niche tool and were removed to make meaty situations simpler for the opponent, Gameplay: Fixed major input buffer bug where input delay (when playing Online) lined up incorrectly with hitstop, potentially causing inputs to buffer extremely long (eg doing Garlic's Dash and getting Sneak without the second press), Online: Limited max custom input delay 20 > 10, Canary: Disabled Ranked when playing on Canary test builds, Ranked: Expanded search range for Similar Opponents 100 > 150, Ranked: Expanded search range for Stronger Opponents 300 > 400, FAQ: Added info about Ranked and how search ranges work, Training: If you pause gameplay, and then tab out and back, the gameplay will now stay paused, About: Added link to new official TLA YouTube channel, Gameplay: Fix very minor animation/positioning bugs with the transitions into BURST and the followup falling animation, Ranked: Fixed bug where a ragequit was detected without both players agreeing to play, Ranked: If the opponent chooses to exit at the win screen, you now get a error message rather than going straight back to the main menu, Ranked: Disabled the Escape key during connection setup and gameplay, Lobby: Disabled the Escape key if you're playing (spectators can still leave), Ranked: Fixed bug where input delay was defaulting to 0 regardless of connection quality, Menu: Added input delay indicator on the loading screen, Menu: Only show the Ranked warning (about the upcoming reset) once per browser session, Menu: Only show the Lobby warning (about the host leaving) once per browser session, Menu: Added brief loading screen during Online connection flow to fix race condition that would show the wrong screen for a very brief moment, Gameplay: Fixed bug where Beef was vulnerable during BEEFCAKE's active frames and was trading with multihit attacks (eg. The frame data is horrible on every single character, buttons for the grains and carbs are wild and are broken while the meats get nothing. Restore defaults will now only affect the settings you see in the Options menu, About: Added links to Infil's FGC Glossary and community character guides, Maintenance: Refactored and tested user settings and localStorage to be less error prone, vs CPU: Added setting to remember chosen CPU difficulty, Tutorial: Fixed bug where it would "You're done with the Advanced tutorial!" Accounts: Added Carb, Meat, and Spice as name options, Online: Added infrastructure to support new handshake server, Private Match: Fixed bug where you could double-click JOIN, creating orphan connections to the handler, Lobbies: Fixed bug where selecting a custom rotation did nothing, Local Versus: The win screen now shows a two prompts and requires both players to hit rematch, Lobbies: The host can now forcibly move other players to spectate and vice versa, Lobbies: The host can set different rotation options: Winner, Loser, or Random, Lobbies: The lobby settings (roundtime, rotation, etc) are now visible in the lobby view, Changed Garlic: DashBack > Roundhouse startup reduced 18 > 12 to match normal Roundhouse, Changed Garlic: DashBack > Roundhouse forward movement greatly reduced, Changed Garlic: DashBack > Trip replaced with DashBack > Jump, Animation: Rice has been fully animated and polished, Animation: Rice has new options for alternate colors, Changed Rice: Swat hitbox has been slightly shrunk to better match art. This makes it easier to identify yourself within a lobby, with the fail-safe that if you pick an unsuitable nickname, the host can always kick you, Lobbies: Nicknames are saved as a local setting. NOTE: Like with a balance patch, replays before 0.54.23 will not be accessible. Sign in to add your own tags to this product. checking SequenceIds and invalid types) will only run in the ModMenu, and not when loading mods. Rice can also now can force a guessing game by choosing to cancel into Swipe or Swat after landing a Whip, Beef's Palm attack got a little too strong in 0.41.0 with the RAPID addition. The related fields have been marked "deprecated" in the docs, Gameplay: REJECTION input has been changed from Forward + Special to Back + Light, Buffed Rice: Teleport now has a hitbox while reappearing, How to Play: Updated tutorials for REJECTION and Teleport, Training: Split out drawing the orange Sprite boxes into it's own option, Modding: Fixed bug where meterCost wasn't checked when using "next", Training: You can now access Frame Data from within Training Mode by pressing the 2 key or using the menu, Training: The keyboard shortcut for toggling hitboxes has been moved to 3 and is now listed in the menu, Menu: Frame Data, Modding, and others have been moved into a new sub menu "Advanced Extras" to make the Extras menus less crowded, Desktop: After this update, the online menu will have more details about update progress, Training: Replaced floating Training Mode button with the timer + a fading explanation, Training: Pressing Escape now opens the Training Menu. They will be left with 1 health, Gameplay: Chip damage has been added to Grounder, Frenzy, Teleport, Palm, BEEFCAKE, Chop, Roundhouse, Hopkick, and Sneak, Gameplay: Walking forward now gains a small amount of meter (based on time walking, not distance), Buffed Garlic: Sneak damage increased 40 > 60, Frame Data: Fixed bug where Grounder info was incomplete, Modding: Fixed bug where FrameConfig.meterGain was not halved during a RAPID combo like other meterGain, Modding: Blue life is still supported in the game engine, but will be removed soon. If you have trouble maintaining 60 FPS, please try lowering the Render FPS, Fixed bug where sound effects were all preloaded at the main menu. We will be keeping an eye on whether the damage becomes problematic, Ranked: Reaching "Hot" rank or higher now unlocks the "Plaid" skin for that character, Character Select: Removed version overlay in bottom left to reduce clutter, Online: Slightly shortened calibration time (reduced amount of time spent auditing new method), Maintenance: Added more auditing for new calibration algorithm, Ranked: Added "Max Input Delay" setting within the character select, Ranked: Added preview of what your input delay will be before confirming a match, Ranked: Fixed bug where search range preference wasn't being preserved across sessions, Ranked: Fixed bug where you could fight yourself in another window/browser, Maintenance: Added auditing for new calibration algorithm, Maintenance: Fixed bug in calibration monitoring, Maintenance: Added additional monitoring to calibration, Buffed Garlic: Dash > 4S now cancels into new move "Dash Back" instead of Backflip, Dash Back has all the same cancel options as Dash, except 4S and 6S both cancel into Dash Again, Ranked: MMR boundaries for Spice Levels have been adjusted, Leaderboard: Leaderboard has been been restored, Ranked: Ranked is temporarily disabled as we perform a database migration and reset, Leaderboard: Leaderboard is temporarily disabled as we perform a database migration and reset, Maintenance: Migrated Leaderboard view to a new server with a 1 minute cache, Maintenance: Removed client-side Leaderboard cache management, Buffed Noodle: Fixed bug where the opponent gained much more meter than intended when blocking Grounder and Frenzy, Nerfed Noodle: Grounder hitbox is now shorter, making it less likely to catch opponents jumping, Nerfed Noodle: Frenzy damage reduced 200 > 180, Buffed Beef/Pork: Uppercut travels slightly further, making combos off Heavy more reliable at max range, Status: Updated active player count to update more frequently, Maintenance: Migrated active player count to a new server, Maintenance: Modified UI to better identify footage from a dev build, Animation: Premium colors can be selected in Training Mode without a Premium Account (coming soon), Animation: Noodle has been fully animated and polished, Animation: Noodle has new options for alternate colors, Menu: Character select has been slightly redesigned, Nerfed Noodle: Grounder meter gain reduced (100, 100, 100) > (30, 30, 40), Buffed Garlic: Adjusted distance traveled during Dash and Dash Again to match level before 0.51.0, NOTE: Dash's nerf in 0.51.0 was an accident caused by the Sweep rework. Uses the most recent value set by storePosition, Modding: FrameConfig.storePosition added. Got a game with friends? Please register for the tourney with an alternate name showing your TLA tag!example :DGN | shygybeats (Dank Broccoli #4227). Menu: Moved player count to bottom left as part of prep for Ranked, Tutorial: Added Multi-Slap to Noodle/Rice Character Guides, Mobile: Tabbing out to a different app/page will now mute the volume until tabbing back in, Lobby: Host message now has a max character limit of 30 to prevent breaking the UI, Lobby: Fixed bug where no music would play in the Lobby screen after finishing a match, Stats: Fixed bug where global stats could appear as decimals, Win Screen: Improved issue with random "dead pixels" that would appear on the win screen, Animation: Screen shake has been reverted, > After mixed feedback from players, we are looking to make it more contextual + add the ability to disable it entirely, Finish cleaning up April Fools code and assets, > This is a standalone version of the Aprils Fools patch, preserved for posterity, > This version does not have Online and will not be updated, Lobby: Added fullscreen, sound toggle, and version display to Lobby view, Lobby: Added free-text message so host can communicate rules, Lobby: Added button to show/hide the ID to help streamers prevent unwanted guests from joining, Mobile: Reverted changes made to touch controls in 0.44.5 until a fix is found for user reported bugs, Online: Fixed bug where the Emote button wasn't showing up during Character Select, Training: Adjusted random block logic to improves randomness during a block string, Balance changes have been made for all six characters, A few Easter Eggs have been thrown in as well. About: Fixed link to Rice & Onion guide to show table of contents, About: External guides/resources are now visible on mobile, Menu: Added Patch Notes popup that appears the first time you load the game after an update, NOTE: This won't be visible until the next update goes out, Changed Beef: Canceling Lemon > Indecisive Lemon is now performed by holding back during Lemon startup frames, rather than timing a Light Attack, Tutorial: Added section for Indecisive Lemon under Beef's Character Guide, Todo: Cleaned up and organized Phase 1 goals by category, Tutorial: Fixed bug where boss characters were visible (they did nothing when selected), Menu: Fixed bug where changing menu options would temporarily hide the Custom Controls button in the bottom right corner, Lobbies: Host can now set the max number of players, best of X, round time, and whether bosses are allowed, Ranked: Fixed bug where the Round Time could be set to something other than 60 seconds, Options: Fixed bug where "Restore Defaults" reset some Training settings. proceed exit When they get in, they should be just as strong as before, Garlic's Dash has been reworked under the hood to work the same as before with the new, shorter Sweep. Please report any bugs going forward! If you set this, the chosen character/flavor will be the default selected option when entering any Character Select screen, Exhibit: Removed account info when logged in, Mobile: You can now customize the layout of mobile touch controls, NOTE: These settings will be saved to your physical device, not your account, Replays: Added menu buttons to toggle HUD and input display, Lobbies: You can now press Special attack to toggle spectating / queueing up the fight, Lobbies: Fixed lobby code prefix to be consistently LB (eg LB-123456), Character Select: Fixed bug where menu SFX would not play when editing certain settings, Loading: Changed text color to white to make percentage more readable on small displays, Animation: Fixed sprites for Noodle BURST, Exhibit: Added new "Exhibit Mode" under Advanced Extras, Exhibit: Exhibit Mode is a simplified version of Local Versus that's designed for sharing the game with inexperienced players in an offline setting, Desktop: Online play will now be available on older versions so long as the combat code is not out of sync, Desktop: The "X players online" population box in the bottom left will be hidden when playing offline, Loading: Errors on the loading screen now provide debugging info and don't require a refresh, Lobbies: Fixed "cannot patch the match" error, where sometimes P2P errors would crash the entire lobby, Modding: Fixed bug where using original Sequence ids would crash the Frame Data menu/popup, Modding: When testing mods, the current WIP mod will appear in the Frame Data popup, Buffed Noodle/Rice: The first hit of Slap can now be RAPID cancelled, Buffed Onion/Garlic: Flick can now be cancelled into Roundhouse with Back + Heavy, NOTE: Both of these changes help in very rare punish scenarios, and should not affect normal gameplay, Modding: Fixed bug where you could not Run Test if your character only had one flavor, Todo: Added new section "Upcoming Tasks" with known bugs and small features, Lobbies: Fixed bug where old, empty lobbies were not cleaned up properly, Lobbies: Fixed bug where lobby IDs were discoverable, Private Match: You can now copy a direct link to a Private Match, Lobbies: Removed old lobbies, renamed Server Lobbies to Private Lobby, Gameplay: Fixed positioning bug that occurred when both players used Sneak on the same frame, Buffed Noodle: Grounder hitstun increased 25 > 26, making the link into Whip a little easier, Fixed Noodle: Removed pointless Slap Fist > Grounder cancel that was added in 0.75.0 by accident, Jump attack damage increased to 100 (50,50 for Noodle/Rice), Buffed Noodle/Rice: Jump travels 18% further, almost reaching full screen. Please report any bugs, New animation: Hit Sparks have been recolored, New animation: Burst startup is a little smoother, New animation: Rice Swat has been animated, New animation: Rice Swat followups (chip on block vs slam on hit) now look different, New animation: Noodle/Rice Whip Splash has been animated, New animation: Noodle/Rice Jump Attack startup is a little smoother, Removed the "light stripe" color variation due low popularity + visual ambiguity, Removed unused colors from the game files, New animation: Throw startup, recovery, and whiff for all characters, Changelog formatted to emphasize larger updates. IF YOU DONT MAKE CHECK IN, YOU DONT MAKE IT TO TOURNEY!! Dirty Rice (TLA mod) This is my first mod of TLA, on my main Rice. Longer combos can still be bursted, Training: With hitboxes on, you can now see how many juggle points remain during a combo, Debug Tools: Fixed issue with inner menu navigation, Options: Removed "Unload Stale Sprites" until it can be further tested and debugged, Debug Tools: Merged public and private debug tools into one ugly menu, Buffed Beef/Pork: Palm disadvantage on block decreased -9 > -8, Nerfed Beef/Pork: Reverted 0.83.0 buff that made Jump > Spike scale as 1 hit, now it's back to 2, Buffed Noodle/Rice: Increased the juggle height when Slap anti-airs to make hitting with both Slaps less likely, Buffed Noodle/Rice: Getting hit inbetween the two attacks of Slap no longer registers as a counterhit, Buffed Noodle/Rice: Whip hitbox is now uniformly taller, making juggles easier and removing the "sweet spot" at the end, Buffed Noodle/Rice: Whip Splash startup reduced by 3 frames (makes Slap > Whip Splash juggles more reliable), Nerfed Noodle/Rice: Reduced horizontal range of Slap's first hitbox by 17%, Nerfed Noodle/Rice: Reverted 0.91.0 buff to horizontal range of Slap's second hitbox, Nerfed Noodle/Rice: Reverted 0.91.0 buff to Slap's pushback, Nerfed Noodle/Rice: Slap's total animation is slightly longer, making it easier to whiff punish, Nerfed Noodle/Rice: Reduced cancel window of Slap's second hit 8 > 6 frames, Nerfed Noodle/Rice: Reduced cancel window of Whip Pounce 8 > 6 frames, Nerfed Noodle/Rice: Increased recovery of Whip Pounce by 5 frames. Sign in to see reasons why you may or may not like this based on your games, friends, and curators you follow. Dash Again is what you get when cancelling Sweep or Dash into Dash, Nerfed Garlic: Removed cancel options off Backflip, How to Play: Updated Tutorials and Combo Trials, Walk speed: Carbs were always meant to be slower than Meats, and this is fixing an oversight. Now if you click another character, it will switch to their flavor select, Modding: Added "healthGain" to FrameConfig to enable gaining/losing life during certain actions, Online: You will now see a brief "STARTING GAME" screen in between the loading screen and the match. Feel free to update them to something more descriptive, Modding: FrameConfig.isProjectileInvuln has been renamed to FrameConfig.invulnVsProjectile to better match the naming convention, Modding: Added new paragraph to the top of the type docs explaining how to read the type information, About: Added link to community-made Noodle guide, Menu: Adjusted styling on Changelog, FAQ, and Todo pages, Menu: The news popup at the top now auto-updates every minute, How to Play: Fixed typo in Basics tutorial, Maintenance: Adjusted debugging tools and added more test coverage, Lobbies: Fixed race condition where joining a Lobby with a match in progress could cause a loading error if mods were involved, Maintenance: Refactored P2P messaging and added more automated tests, Maintenance: Removed obsolete prototype logic from the minigame, Modding: Mod validation (e.g. Its not finished yet, but you can try out the mod using the patch files found in the #ebf-mod-archive channel on the EBF Discord. Tough Love Arena is getting spooky to celebrate the official tournament happening October 28 While the patch is active, the halloween skins are unlocked for all players This patch will be reverted on November 1 0.97.2 2022/10/12 Buffed Rice: Swat now has armor frames 6 - 10, making it more reliable as an anti-air Please let us know what features you'd like to see added! To address (1), we reduced the risk and reward across the board, reducing the time to punish but also reducing the max damage possible. Tournament completed! This defaults to your Review Score Setting. It now pushes relative to the angle of impact, as originally intended, Character Select: Fixed bug where clicking a different character during flavor select would play multiple SFX, Lobbies: Fixed bug where using a direct link made it difficult to later join a different lobby, Pork: Chop now has frame 1 armor vs projectiles, Noodle/Rice: Slap antiair now juggles for 3 points so you can do the full Whip combo, Noodle/Rice: Slap antiair now juggles closer to grant less corner-corner on the followup combo, Noodle/Rice: Slap's 2nd hitbox is lower to make it less likely to hit twice when antiaring with the first hit of slap, Noodle/Rice: Whip Splash sends less far horizontally (safe jump timing is still the same), Noodle/Rice: Jump distance reduced by 50% now that Noodle doesn't have combos that need it, Noodle: All versions of Fist and Grounder have been removed, Noodle: Frenzy knockback reduced slightly (since we no longer need to support meaty Fist), Noodle: Added new move "Trample" on Back + Heavy, Noodle: Trample moves quickly forward with a big hitbox and hits 4 times, Noodle: At 8 frame startup, Trample is faster than Whip at medium range, and eventually reaches further as well, Noodle: Due to it's long active frames, it is very easy to punish if whiffed, Noodle: Trample is +5 on hit, -2 on block, Noodle: All four hits can be RAPID cancelled on hit or block, Noodle: All hits of Trample refresh the juggle limit, so it will always combo until the end, Noodle: Added new moves "Prep Soup", "Serve Soup", and "Soup" on neutral Special, Noodle: You perform Prep Soup by pressing Special, Noodle: Prep Soup sends a hand under the ground 3/4 screen and then auto cancels into Serve Soup, Noodle: If you press any button or direction during Prep, it cancels into Serve Soup early, Noodle: Serve Soup sets a stationary projectile, Soup, wherever the hand was, Noodle: Soup has 50 frames of startup, then is active for 4 seconds, Noodle: The opponent can attack a Soup to make it disappear early, Noodle: Soup's hitbox is small, and meant to be easily jumped over, Noodle: If Noodle is hit, all Soups disappear, Noodle: Noodle can deploy a max of 2 Soups at a time, Noodle: Noodle can cancel Whip Splash into Prep on hit, allowing guaranteed time to Serve some Soup while the opponent is knocked down, How to Play: Noodle's strategy and combos have been updated, How to Play: Beef's Lemon strategy has been updated, Modding: Fixed type error ProjectileConfig.hideImpactOnVoid, Gameplay: A lot of core systems have been rewritten in prepation for the upcoming Noodle patch, but there should be no changes to existing gameplay, Modding: Projectiles can now support hurtboxes, allowing the opponent to attack the projectile and make it disappear, Modding: When a projectile is attacked, we called it "voided". Lemon at close range will still easily combo and be advantageous on block, but reducing chip and stun overall should make approaching Beef a little less difficult, Fixed bug where you could not reset Training Mode position with a controller, Fixed joystick mapping for Qanba PS3 Joysticks, > Scaling now starts on the third hit, rather than the fourth, > Minimum damage is now 20%, rather than 30%, > The pattern is now: 100, 100, 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 20, 20 20, > Frenzy's damage has been adjusted to still scale to 200 with all five hits, Buffed Noodle: By pressing Light or Heavy (or nothing) during the startup of Fist, you can now Fist at 3 different distances, Buffed Rice: By pressing Light during the startup of Swat, if it did not anti-air, you can cancel the slam down attack, Buffed Beef/Pork: Palm can now be RAPID cancelled, Buffed Beef: Lemon can now be "empty cancelled" by pressing Light during the startup, Buffed Pork: Chop now sends airborned opponents straight down for better midscreen oki, Buffed Onion: Hopkick can now cancel into Roundhouse by pressing Heavy, Nerfed Onion: Chip damage on Hopkick has been removed, Buffed Garlic: The cancel window for Dash has been increased 5 > 10 frames, Buffed Garlic: Dash can now cancel directly into Backflip OR another Dash by pressing back and forward Special respectively, > Special without direction still does Sneak, Nerfed Garlic: Backflip intangible frames reduced 20 > 16 and travel distance significantly reduced, > Punishing Backflip on a read should be much easier now, Rolled back desync disconnects while we look into mitigation options, Fixed bug where, if you were playing online and went back to Character Select at any point, the next round could rematch without you pressing anything, Added Stages to ArtRef (so if you want the stage backgrounds in 720p, they are now much easier to access), If game state gets desynced (due to network issues) and stays desynced for 5 seconds, the game will now disconnect with an error message, Buffed Beef: BEEFCAKE now launches more vertically, making corner combos easier, > This fixes a bug where the recent "freeze time" changes made combo trial #6 impossible, When spectating in a lobby, you can now see the player names while they are selecting characters, Fixed bug where throwing opponent into the corner and then walking into the corner crossed up, Fixed bug where "Player 2" Garlic's Dash could not crossup in corner, Fixed the Frame Data menu for Lemon to show damage/chip/hitstun/blockstun, Fixed bug with how global stats are counted + displayed, Global stats have been reset (account stats should be preserved), Added social + FAQ links to the Main Menu for easier access, Added new stats menu under ACCOUNT > VIEW STATS, where you can view your personal win/loss records + global stats, Added stat tracking for online matches (viewing stats is coming soon), Fixed bug where you could not cancel during the first frame of hitstop, Added character select countdown to CASUAL MATCH. @armaniadnr Could you give me the link to your discord? The launch angle has been adjusted to make midscreen followups possible, Buffed Pork: Chop can now be RAPID cancelled on hit, Buffed Onion: Cackle can now be RAPID cancelled on hit. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Please report any bugs! 1. . Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). On top of that, a lot of old weapons have been rebalanced too. Fun fact; Los Angeles doesn't look this pretty. Feel free to increase it if your phone is fast enough, NOTE: RenderFPS can dramatically increase performance on weaker devices by processing the game at 60 FPS, but drawing at a reduced framerate (30/40/45), Fixed Rice: Fixed bug where Swat Slam (the second hit of Swat) would whiff in the corner, Adjusted Noodle/Rice: Whip Splash startup increased 10 > 13 for consistency with new attack "Whip Around". Can I edit this world for personal project? Desktop: Improved explanation of what happens when trying to play online with an old version, Desktop: Converted desktop and pi deployment to use better compression to save on bandwidth (zip > 7z), Training: Hitbox display now shows the area where the sprite is drawn in light orange, Gameplay: When you hit an airborne opponent, the text Anti-Air will now appear (unless it was a Punish/Counterhit, those take priority), Updated the favicon / link preview to match the Desktop icon, Nerfed Noodle: Fist damage reduced 120 > 100, Nerfed Noodle: Fist (Far), when hitting airborne, pops them slightly away from Noodle, Gameplay: Fixed bug where the result of a match could change during the brief window after the KO or TIMEOUT text, Lobbies: You can now READY/CANCEL by pressing Light/Heavy respectively, Training: Added new "Dummy Burst" option, to practice BURST baiting, Training: You can now press the 5 key to cycle between certain Dummy Behavior options (P2 / Loop / Reversal), Training: The Reversal state now displays a large reminder in red text, similar to when recording or looping, Maintenance: Improve automated backup scripts to use better compression (for upcoming desktop release), Online: When there's a newer version, there is now a button you can select to refresh, Maintenance: Added some debug flags for testing the desktop release, Maintenance: Added some debug flags for testing proxy urls, Gameplay: Added new Announcer sounds for round/match start and end (eg "Ready", "Knockout", "Beef wins! times are tough people are isolated. Some skyscrapers interior trim. Nerfed Noodle/Rice: Slap can no longer cancel into itself, Buffed Noodle: The first hit of Slap can now cancel into Slap Fist (4H) or Whip Splash (5H/6H), Buffed Noodle: Grounder is now 6 hits, doesn't vacuum as close, and can link into Whip on hit, Nerfed Noodle: Grounder RAPID cancel window reduced 20 > 10, Nerfed Noodle: Far Fist is 1.2 characters width farther out (it no longer hits from round start position), Nerfed Noodle: Far Fist is more minus on block (-7 > -20) and has more recovery on whiff, Nerfed Noodle: Frenzy is no longer armored vs airborne attacks, Buffed Rice: The first hit of Slap can now cancel into Swipe (4H), Whip Splash (5H), or Whip Around (6H), Buffed Beef: BEEFCAKE can now be RAPID cancelled on hit. Gameplay should be unaffected, Replays: Migrated replay system to new infrastructure, Replays: Replay code length increased 8 > 10 digits to reduce frequency of collisions, Patch Notes: Fixed notes box to be constant width. Can cancel into self and swat on hit. -b3 gives 500 love. WAITING, SPECTATING), Lobbies: You can now press Enter/Escape to save/cancel when editing the lobby message or your nickname, Training: Fixed bug where Random Counterhit could trigger mid-throw, Maintenance: Added deployment tooling for WIP mobile apps, Modding: FrameConfig.afterimages added (for specific frames), Modding: SequenceConfig.afterimages added (for all frames in a sequence), Modding: DefaultConfig.afterimages added (for every sequence), Tough Love Arena is getting spooky to celebrate the official tournament happening October 28, While the patch is active, the halloween skins are unlocked for all players, This patch will be reverted on November 1, Buffed Rice: Swat now has armor frames 6 - 10, making it more reliable as an anti-air, Nerfed Beef: Air Lemon has 6 more frames of startup, ensuring that no parry timing covers both Jump Attack and Air Lemon, Nerfed Beef: Air Lemon has a shallower arc, making it as easy to antiair as their normal Jump Attack, Buffed Pork: Removed landing recovery from Empty Jump and now it auto-cancels to Caber Toss, Nerfed Onion/Garlic: Jump cancel is now 5 frames earlier to allow for a lower jump arc (nerf because it is now harder to execute), Nerfed Onion: Long Jump has a shallower arc, making it as easy to antiair as their normal Jump Attack, Gameplay: Fixed bug where throws could trade with armored attacks. 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