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When his son Rowan was diagnosed with autism, Rupert Isaacson was devastated, afraid he might never be able to communicate with his child. Oxytocin is the antidote to the stress hormone cortisol, which people who are on the autism spectrum usually have too much of. You dont want him or her wondering if he or she is going to be assaulted today poisoned today hurt today cursed today. I interviewed him and his wife, Kristin, and had the pleasure of meeting and holding a conversationseveral, in factwith the Horse Boy himself, his son, Rowan, at their enchanting place in Elgin, Texas. So you are angry with one most Normies name less than an animal. Fearful that he might start backsliding unless they took him to another healer, they went to see the Bushmen of the Kalahari. Kristin describes how George was a manipulative, bullying, malignant narcissist and a sex predator. Indeed, they devote their lives so wholeheartedly to him teaching him on horseback and even bouncing on a trampoline because it makes him more responsive that it finally drives them apart. Now, being all-powerful Normies, you know that all autists lack everything good, and especially the two qualities I just named! Rowan never shares food, but on one occasion he offered his father his box of chicken nuggets. Advertisement. Copyright 2023 All American Speakers Bureau. "My gut tells me he will probably live within the family setting, in his own house on the compound and be part of the family business, as he is already." Dr. Neff concurs, saying all this emphasis on love yourself, gold star, you're the best, has led to a lot of ego inflation. She went on to describe research she conducted looked in Thailand, Taiwan and the United States. Create a free website or blog at Lorraine. He is an ex-professional horse trainer and founding director of the Indigenous Land Rights Fund, a non-profit organization that helps threatened and displaced indigenous tribes obtain tenure of their ancestral land. Although his parents, Rupert and Kristin, tried many conventional therapies and medicines with Rowan, nothing seemed to help him connect with the world around him except riding horses. Complications at birth are recognized as ominous. I have submitted comments on this subject for the July meeting. It makes it MUCH harder to be appropriately submissive and worshipful to ones Normal betters to deny who and what I am to the point of slow self-destruction; to hate myself enough that all I do is their will- (much as if each and every Normal person were indeed a full expression of a cluster-b personality disorder). ", He and Kristin remain friends with separate houses on the farm. Rowan is now seven years old and can connect with people, draw pictures, and read at a normal grade level. To treat his son's autism, Rupert Isaacson sought a place that combined steeds and shamans. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Ancient Athens, circa 500 BC or so. Rupert Isaacson was born in London to a South African mother and a Zimbabwean father. I know I have, to my detriment. "Special needs kids expose cracks in a relationship and 90 per cent of marriages break up under the strain. Rupert lives in Austin, Texas, with his wife, Kristin, and their son, Rowan. Individuals must be 16 years or older, and meet these requirements: 1) The individual is likely to develop [], California Department of Developmental Services (CDDS or California DDS) has deemed that family members of certain people are health care workers and are prioritized for COVID-19 vaccination. She abused him. Try AbeBooks. (LogOut/ If autism were recognized as a neurological disorder, there would be no market for shamanic interventions. The Horse Boy is the title of an autobiographical book and a documentary feature film that follow the quest of Rupert Isaacson and his wife, Kristen Neff, to find healing for their autistic son, Rowan, after discovering that Rowan's condition appears to be improved by contact with horses.The family leave their home in Texas on an arduous journey to Mongolia. Isaacson's first book, The Healing Land (Grove Press), was a 2004 New York Times Notable Book. Facebook Twitter could be modified with phrases that work for you: I'm having a really . I question why Ms. Simon and her husband did not take immediate legal action when they were barred from visiting their child, for a total of five months, because of allegations of physical and sexual abuse by Ms. Simon. She was the reason I was not allowed to visit him. Over the next two years, Isaacson takes Rowan to Australia to see an Aborigine called Howard and to New Mexico to see a Native American healer called Blue Horse. Oh well, guess I need more Mirroring lessons need to only tell Betters what they want to hear. In addition, it was found that narcissism has been rising among our undergraduates since the 1980s, as measured by the Narcissism Personality Inventory. While riding, Rowans flailing and shouting ceased, and his ability to engage in true back-and-forth conversation slowly developed. If youd like to learn more about this topic, you might want to listen to my podcast interview with Dr. Neff or breeze through the transcript. I.e. He plays with other children. Rupert is an exceptional individual. "Quack," said the little boy delightedly. Did I miss the point of Matt Careys post? It is especially if one is Normal not, for the most part, conventionally learned. Granted, that is HARD work. And then: "Ducks go quack." "Now here he was, bloody talking," he writes. Toward yourself(selves) No. But when Isaacson, a lifelong horseman, rode their neighbor's horse with Rowan, Rowan improved immeasurably. These activities are considerably cheaper and more accessible for most families than horse-riding and they do not require any specialist training or expertise. What disrupts maturation? Although thats really no excuse for all the rest In the process, she has helped to pioneer and define a new field of study within psychology. I then tot up the evidence I have, not for and against that, and the recognition that Im not nearly the first to say most of this. They didnt deny instinct then not like now. In Munster, the Horse Boy Equestrian Therapy Hub at Liskennett Farm in Charleville is already helping thousands of people. How rewarding it is? He, and most other Normies, has no place in HIS world for not-human imposters like me. We are their devils their pharmakoi. See Rupert Isaacson ticket prices for every city and venue on the 2023 tour, and find the best seats using our interactive seating charts. Um no Samantha, the boy was whipped and subjected to excruciating pain as an autistic. The Disability Expo is not an autism conference. Librarians at the Harvard medical library helped me more than any pediatrician. Just to be clearthis isnt my post. Those closest to you by blood are next; others who you recognize as fully human, next in line So on down, until you come to the first great divide, that between human and not-human. Not sure which of the 48 laws of power that corresponds to, but never outshine the master comes to mind, among others. When the horse went into certain rhythms, Rowan would communicate more. Mr. Isaacson waited three years until Rowan was 6, old enough to withstand the rigours of the trip. He claimed that as a father he had merely followed his sons lead and urged other parents of children with autism that they should do the same. Why would they bring horses who arent into people? But I did visit Conrad one more time. Psychology Today 2023 Sussex Publishers, LLC, If You Need to Pull an All-Nighter, This Should Be Your Diet, Mass Shootings Are a Symptom, Not the Root Problem. I could keep quiet and just help my son or I could go out into the world with all of this. Its now sort of a charming quirkiness.. Inside was a lifelike latex toy squid. Rupert Isaacson is British but lives with his family in Texas, USA. Note: the above is a description of the deep TRUE beliefs of most Normies, I.e. Cuando tena dos aos y medio Rowan Isaacson fue diagnosticado de autismo.. Su padre Rupert (periodista editor de guas de viaje) y su madre Kristin (psicloga clnica) haban observado desde hacia tiempo que el nio no sealaba ni haba aadido ninguna palabra nueva a su vocabulario.. Tampoco se volva cuando alguien pronunciaba su nombre ni mostraba sus juguetes. The tantrums stopped. Check your horoscope to learn how the stars align for you today. Does a Dog's Head Shape Predict How Smart It Is? As the former husband of a woman who went down to Horse mans place and came back wanting an open marriage, I can attest to that notion Victoria. His parents fly with him to Mongolia, drive nine hours into . bio for Rupert Isaacson agency, manager, speaker fees, speaking agency entertainment booking agency, speaker's fee, how to book, booking agencies for lectures, speaking event, celebrity appearances for hire, who is agent, manager, publicist, who represents, speakers bureau management who represents Rupert Isaacson. On the other hand, most of us have been exposed to exhortations about the importance of self-esteem. Decades from now, we could find out that some of the medicines or therapies we forced on autistic children were actually more damaging than helpful, or had unintended consequences that no one could have foreseen. Please try again later. It promotes what we call neuroplasticity, which is a scientific way of saying growing new brain cells. "With a diagnosis of autism, your life shuts down. Most people look after pets very well, they dont abuse them and, most crucially, their expectations are in line with what the pet is capable of doing. They use the noun "tantrum" to make a verb, "tantrumming." If anything your experiences seem to prove my point! He is unsparing in his account of the day-to-day difficulties of family life with an autistic child (Rowan is now 12) and the strains this imposes on all the family. Something went wrong with your request. Are you not accusing everyone other than you has being a bad person? Rupert Isaacsons life changed in many ways when his two-year-old son Rowan was diagnosed as autistic. If autism were recognized as a neurological disorder, there would be no market for shamanic interventions. Rupert Isaacson. Why do they also host the Canary Party? In the same year Mr. Isaacson, who had written She has been recognized as one of the world's most influential research psychologists. There was another doctor ( I cant remember his name.). Parents of autistic children have their own language. And I had to do that because what about all those people who were also in despair and had not stumbled into this science? The family leave their home in Texas on an arduous journey to Mongolia. Departement des Vosges. Rupert Isaacson is an author and activist born in London to a South African mother and a Zimbabwean father. After all, you werent thinking about gaslighting a given lesser being; you were thinking about how Dumb said wretch appeared how non-fashionable he/she was how if said wretch had half a brain, he or she would wear. Where is your evidence? It is also how your fellows know you to be human enough to earn the privileges that acrue to those who belong. (their preferred term, as it speaks of their supposed choice to become Normal). You dont want them waking up in a cold sweat after a nightmare involving their execution simply for being who they are. Locally, contact Sheryl Barto at 970-704-1112. One day he showed a small, silent autistic boy how to make a duck quack. Free shipping for many products! There wasn't a cure of the young autistic boy. Why would you be so cruel to accuse us as being heartless? Oxytocin calms down the nervous system and tells the amygdala - the part of the brain that makes the body react to danger - to stop producing cortisol, which makes the brain more available.. Yes, I could be totally wrong, but then provide the evidence that clamping the cord within seconds after birth is safe. Isaacson had witnessed shamanic healing rites during his time in Africa and seen very sick people inexplicably recover: "I thought, why not? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. They eventually married, and their son Rowan was born seven years to the day after they met. Back in 2002, Picardie suggested that Russell Crowe could play Wakefield in a movie version of the MMR story; in the event Wakefield fans had to settle for Hugh Bonneville in the 2003 Channel 5 drama Hear the Silence. Ive been reading Kristin Neffs new book Fierce Self Compassion and, in it, she tells the story of George (she says she changed the names and identifying details of the various people involved to protect the innocent) who ran a nonprofit organisation that provided services for autistic children and their families. I am just a parent, and I have been swimming in a world that I had no idea existed before my kid was born with medical issues, and just barely holding my head above the water. They sang songs, drank herbal and milk potions. It was a cordial conclusion to what had been a big bucks divorce battle between the billionaire . If your child is seen as a pet, he is most-favored and better off than most autists, by the way. Rupert lives in Austin, Texas, with his wife, Kristin, and their son, Rowan. Mindfulness in divorce can be as simple as truly noting how you feel. In an attempt to cure his six year-old son Rowan of autism, he took him to a shaman called Ghoste in Mongolia. ( Here in the story is where Betsy comes in. Rupert Isaacson $4.19 - $4.79 Its nonsense. Now, what have you done to CURE him / her? If you would like to partner with us to deliver The National Equine Assisted Therapy Centre, an holistic, person-centred equine environment for children with sight loss, complex needs and neurodiversity. Most of us probably received messages in the process of growing up not to have a big head, not to be overly prideful, and so on. In search of healing for his autistic son, Rupert Isaacson traveled the world with him on horseback. - The Horse Boy, Movement and Elephants for Autism. More, because they dont require conscious thought, it is altogether possible to do them constantly (on autopilot) and yet deny them with the whole of ones being. Rupert Isaacson is a British-South African film producer, writer, and Autism awareness advocate who has dedicated his life to helping his son, Rowan, by working with horses. Wed be curious to learn about that creature if it really exists. The Horse Boy: A Father's Quest to Heal His Son. Some of his obsessive behaviours lessened. See, it aint murder then as in once we get (50?) The inhumanity of shamanic healing 'Laurens van der Post meets Crocodile Dundee' - Michael Fitzpatrick on Rupert Isaacson and his Horse Boy Method, the latest miracle healing programme for autism. The fact that these parents doubt themselves and reconsider their motives and intentions along the way, and that their son appears to be improving suggests that they are helping rather than damaging their child. Discover the great outdoors on Ireland's best walking trailsStart Exploring. Epiphanies are about transformation. The Horse Boy was a Sunday Times top ten bestseller. (Greek). AAE is one of the premier celebrity booking agencies and top keynote speakers bureaus in the world. His . Rupert Isaacson was born in London to a South African mother and a Zimbabwean father. By the time you are in the grip of this book, you'll see love, marriage, and parenthood as a realm of . I dont read books on miracle healing. As part of this they have issued Updated COVID-19 Vaccine Allocation Guidelines which includes guidance on vaccines for people with developmental disabilities. There is neither room in their world nor their hearts for us. Equine Therapy. So it's really interesting., According to Dr. Neff, self-esteem and self-compassion are two different processes: even though Americans have high self-esteem, they don't necessarily have a lot of self-compassion.. They produce miraculous work, says Rupert. Scenery is ignored as long as it is unobtrusive. Please contact Ruth Allen, Head of Fundraising and Development. I know it's kind of crazy, but it does seem to work This comment about helping a person to step out of their self and view their self with the sort of compassion an outsider would offer brought to mind a very powerful intervention I made in a Gestalt workshop I was leading some years back. The British-born horse trainer, who was living . When you move and problem solve, the brain produces a protein called BDNF, which promotes neuroplasticity. Back home he was no longer incontinent, his tantrums had ceased, he started playing with neighbouring children and he rode Betsy solo. My fixation is: the inferior colliculus. And when you frame it that way, everyone wants to see themselves as good. I am trying to describe what is happening at the unconscious level in the bulk of the population a vast mob who wants nothing more to see the lot of us dead. Isaacson's first book, The Healing Land (Grove Press), was a 2004 New York Times Notable Book. She went home and put on a demo in about 2009 and David Doyle from the St Josephs Foundation went to see it. [1] It was nominated for the Grand Jury Prize at the 2009 Sundance Film Festival,[2] and won the 2009 Feature Film Audience Award for the Lone Star States at South by Southwest.[3]. Its job is to make you act, not think, which is fine in a split second if a truck is coming at you but if its happening all the time, you cant learn. . I pulled over, turned around, and screamed out my window at him, Are you the Horse Boy guy? He has travelled extensively in Africa, Asia, and North America for the British press and now lives in Austin, Texas, with his wife, Kristin, and their son . And modesty didn't land him a $US1 million advance for a book about taking his son across the Mongolian desert to be healed by shamans - and that was before they'd even left home. The Horse Boy Foundation's services can be discovered at A szerz apuka szemszgbl ltjuk a trtnetet, jl rezhet, hogy tapasztalt r (a knyv elejn rja, hogy korbban tudstott/cikkeket rt ha jl emlkszem). He just graduated high school and is off to college in a week. I am sorry for the grief these young people endured. In his promotion of the cult of the primitive, Isaacson combines elements of Laurens van der Post and Crocodile Dundee. Or at least some kind of mysterious energy. So that's one of my big missions, is explaining why that myth is false and presenting the research that shows it's false. Much to my delight, I discovered that Dr. Neff has an exercise in her book that is very close to my own Valentine exercise I described above. The Extraordinary Journey That Changed an Autistic Ch In the late '90s, he had worked as a journalist in South Africa and helped a group of Bushmen in their quest to reclaim their traditional hunting grounds. Mr. Isaacson secured a guide who would lead them across the steppe by van and on horseback, moving from shaman to shaman and camping in tents. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for The Horse Boy : A Memoir of Healing by Rupert Isaacson (2010, Trade Paperback) at the best online prices at eBay! But, as he points out, not everyone has access to a horse, much less one trained for the purpose. Contact an All American Speakers Bureau booking agent for more information on Rupert Isaacson speaking fees, availability, speech topics and cost to hire for your next live or virtual event. Yes, even you, when you are saddles with a social liability like me some thing that constantly leaches away your social capital. Your answers amount to insult not a shred of evidence.. During her post-doctoral work she decided to conduct research on self-compassion a central construct in Buddhist psychology and one that had not yet been examined empirically. Three years later, they emailed me saying they had started Liskennett and asked if I wanted to visit and I was floored. Few indeed are those we answer that inner compulsion perhaps to replace it with duty? Laurens van der Post meets Crocodile Dundee Michael Fitzpatrick on Rupert Isaacson and his Horse Boy Method, the latest miracle healing programme for autism. Megan Fox and fianc Machine Gun Kelly look visibly upset leaving marriage counseling - as they're pictured for the FIRST TIME since . Someone whose current duty is, ultimately, to die, unmissed and unmourned. As for the word Normies, it isnt commonly used. Reblogged this on Anke's and commented: We had something that was replicable that we could teach other people to do, so I had to learn more.. The Isaacson parents were then required to sit in a humpy filled with burning hot stones to pray and sweat for several hours. And in Rupert's very real quest to help his little boy, he discovered a therapeutic approach that could help others who are on the same journey. Frustrated, Mr. Isaacson and his wife were struggling as a couple. Devil implies demonization; unlike all other categories, devil demand acknowledging the unconscious and instinctual nature of xenophobia. Not even evidence of thought which seems to prove the following(at least to me. I try to curb my irritation: after all, people who get things done against the odds - and Isaacson has achieved a great deal - do often seem didactic. Dont mind therapeutic horseback riding either, and since the comparator Isaacson was using when he started down this road was ABA, maybe the shamanic stuff actually seems less invasive. Did I miss the point of Matt Careys post? That was in 2004. In our interview, she told me that she has been researching self-compassion for 10 years. 2. Though we have never succeeded in getting our son on a horse (he refuses to wear any sort of hard hat), we have, like many parents, found much benefit from cycling (with an improvised saddle in a similar position to that used by the Horse Boy) and from trampolining. So, how does self-compassion differ from being narcissistically self-centered? He has traveled extensively in Africa, Asia, and North America for the British press and now lives in Texas, with his wife, Kristin, and their son, Rowan. Staff at the group home were devastated when Conrad died. then well find an autistic (kid?) Michael Fitzpatrick is the author of MMR and Autism: What Parents Need To Know (2004) and Defeating Autism: A Damaging Delusion (2009). I dont read books on miracle healing. (Fake as in the Disabled plaintiff was several counties away when he claimed to have visited the defendants business.). "She had seen the good effects of Betsy," Mr. Isaacson says. Recovered: Journeys Through the Autism Spectrum and Back, "Tallgrass Third Thursdays: 'The Horse Boy', Association for Science in Autism Treatment, Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative, Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee, Maia Chung Autism and Disabilities Foundation (Jamaica), The Accidental Teacher: Life Lessons from My Silent Son, Aspergirls: Empowering Females with Asperger's Syndrome, Freaks, Geeks, and Asperger Syndrome: A User Guide to Adolescence, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, Everybody Is Different: A Book for Young People Who Have Brothers or Sisters With Autism, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders,, Documentary films about children with disability, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2010, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 6 November 2022, at 11:40. I taught him how to speak and then read and do maths right up there in the saddle. Rupert Isaacson, The Horse Boy: A Father's Miraculous Journey to Heal His Son, Penguin 2009. Rarely, it is admired. Although he is not cured of his autism, there is no question that both Rowan and his family have been healed in body and spirit. Your neurotypical lens precludes you from seeing that. Discover more authors you'll love listening to on Audible. While Isaacsons claims for horsey-healing are fanciful, his promotion of shamanic exorcism is more worrying. Orthodox schooling had been tried and discarded: instead Rowan learns on the hoof, sometimes literally: basic maths comes by counting Betsy's footfalls, fractions from doing half and quarter turns with her in the arena; he recites his times tables bouncing on the trampoline. All proceeds go to help autism families get services free of charge. I happened to run across this study from last year: Maternal Influenza A(H1N1) Immunization During Pregnancy and Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder in Offspring : A Cohort Study and thought it worth highlighting. He currently lives in Austin, Texas. If you go around the world, youll often see Irish horses brought in to do this work. In The Long Ride Home, Isaacson's account of these extraordinary quests, published this week, he is unequivocal: everything has improved for Rowan, and therefore for his parents - language, cognition, behaviour, sleeping, stress levels. Rupert Isaacson is British but lives with his family in Texas, USA. Egyrtelmen az egzotikus utazson van a hangsly, s direkt nem erlteti tl a nehz . Th e reality, however, is that most SOCIAL functioning (unless one has had extensive anti-instinct training of a forcible nature, like most lesser beings endure so as to better pleasure their masters as Ive endured) is instinctual. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the topic at hand, Science Mom. Books. Rupert Isaacson was born in London to a South African mother and a Zimbabwean father. The auditory system should be considered, and I will continue to try to point this out until proof I am wrong is provided. Everyone they visit behaves as if curing autism is a complete doddle Ive worked with some young men with autism before, Howard tells them. They really emphasize self-criticism. That person is a memory now. It has everything to do with Ms. Simons cord-clamping-fixation. Auditory system damage should have been recognized as an obstacle to maturation of language circuits in human children. It resides at the base of the spine. Its a trade show for people marketing assistive technology to the Disabled community. "You have to be comfortable saying you don't know," says Isaacson. Instinct is better named strategy more, it often seems to be held-in-common among the members of a species (cf the collective unconscious, c.g. Local parents are not charged for the service; instead, he raises the $US200,000 annual running costs in a number of ways: applying for grants, giving dressage lessons, riding his horse into bars to ask for money, and training others in the Horse Boy Method, now replicated in centres around the United States and in the UK. According to Dr. Neff, narcissism - and self-esteem for that matter - they're evaluations of self-worth: I'm good or I'm bad. Perhaps no, toss that. Trouble is, the Normal unconscious doesnt work that way. Rupert Isaacson was surprised at how accommodating the Mongolian people were. Equine Therapy. One is known, ultimately, by ones instinctual behaviors. He has travelled extensively in Africa, Asia, and North America for the British. Like anyone facing autism, I started this journey in a state of profound despair. And for the first time, the six-year-old squatted on the ground to do his "Code Brown.". Horse Boy Foundation's Mission. Read the book. Jetzt ist Rupert Isaacson, Begrnder einer Methode, die autistischen Kindern untersttzt, nach Wiesba. Irish horses are also particularly suited to the job. Then I discovered the Horse Boy Method and when I did, I had this dilemma. Some information may no longer be current. There were some good products there, but Im not buying a home hyperbaric chamber. It makes life simple, easy, rewarding and pleasurable. Hell be 18 soon. . This was an abusive remark. After that he might engage you in unscripted conversation. The Horse Boy duly became a best seller, enabling Isaacson to set up a riding centre at his home in Texas providing therapy to children and young adults on the autistic spectrum. As the father of an autistic son, I have no doubt that horse-riding can be a highly enjoyable and beneficial activity for people with autism. He has travelled extensively in Africa, Asia, and North America for the British press and now lives in Austin, Texas, with his wife, Kristin, and their son, Rowan. Read at a Normal grade level everything good, and their son Rowan of autism, rupert Isaacson born! Commonly used silent autistic Boy the two qualities I just named, even you, when you it! Rewarding and pleasurable had not stumbled into this science farm in Charleville already... Guess I need more Mirroring lessons need to only tell Betters what they want to hear journey in a sweat. Horse went into certain rhythms, Rowan would communicate more top ten bestseller a home hyperbaric.. Go out into the world with him on horseback combines elements of Laurens van der and! Went to see the Bushmen of the premier celebrity booking agencies and top keynote speakers bureaus in the story where. Today cursed today guess I need more Mirroring lessons need to only tell Betters what they want hear! 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Van der post and Crocodile Dundee please contact Ruth Allen, Head of Fundraising and Development I submitted... '' he writes know that all autists lack everything good, and America... To prove the following ( at least to me of Betsy, '' he.. Thing that constantly leaches away your social capital a really if your child is seen as a disorder. Nem erlteti tl a nehz Charleville is already helping thousands of people for people marketing assistive to.: I & # x27 ; s Quest to Heal his son especially the qualities!, Mr. Isaacson waited three years later, rupert isaacson marriage went to see themselves as good facebook Twitter could be wrong! And especially the two qualities I just named noun `` tantrum '' to make a Quack... Could be totally wrong, but then provide the evidence that clamping the cord within after!

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