how to deter porcupines from eating wood

Be careful when mixing up a spray like this and when you are applying it. Porcupines have also been known to enter homes through the dog or cat door in search of food. This type of repellent is similar to lavender and spearmint, making it difficult for porcupines to locate food in the presence of these scents. If you want to catch an animal, you can use a live trap that can fit it comfortably. Monitor porcupine movements out from under the structure. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Identifying and Preventing Porcupine Damage to Trees. To make your fence as effective as possible, bend it at a 65 angle at the top. I grew up in an area of Upstate, NY where dealing with wildlife pests is a common occurrence. If this doesn't work, live trap them or install some Yard Gards. Porcupine eats. Time For the Truth! Animal removal Most plant damage can be stopped by removing the porcupine. Therefore, their diets typically change from season to season. According to theNational Pesticide Information Center, citronella contains three main repellent ingredients: These three babies combine to make both an insect and animal repellent. The future of porcupines, which I promise are an endearing species once you get to know one, depends on us being good stewards of the northern forests on which porcupines absolutely rely. A study reported in theWildlife Society Bulletinfound that hot sauce effectively reduced porcupine foraging by greater than 48%. Critter Ridder is an organic repellent that works for a number of animals, including Porcupines. Remember to read all product labels and follow the application instructions on these labels. A single animal can quickly expose the root system on a tree, leaving it open to insects or disease. Most notably, Porcupines like to destroy trees by eating bark and branches. This site is owned and operated by Pest Pointers LLC | is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to This ensures that the porcupine will need to step on the trigger plate in order to reach the food. Fencing is really expensive and it requires a lot of maintenance, but if you have a lot of problems with animals eating your vegetation, flowers and garden it may be worth spending the money. The very best thing you can do if you come across a North American Porcupine is to keep your distance and respect its personal space. These will attract porcupines. It's difficult to determine exactly what porcupines eat on a species basis but it has been recorded that species in North America such as Erethizon dorsatum have a diet high in potassium and low in sodium from the foliage they choose. If you leave porcupines alone, they will continue on their way and leave you alone. Don't leave standing water in the yard or garden. The six scents that porcupines hate include: Some of these scents work by beingtaste repellents, such as hot sauce, while others are so fragrant that they mask the scent of potential food, encouraging porcupines to look for food elsewhere. As the final prevention measure, youll want to make all your wooden furniture, tools, and structures less appetizing to them. Simply because its natural, cheap, and I dont need to go outside my home to prepare it. The only exceptions are the great plains and southeastern regions of the US. - Here Is All You Need To Know, How to Clean a Disgusting Bathtub in Easy Steps, Is a Piano Considered Furniture? To use lavender to repel porcupines, you have a couple of different options: Using the lavender plant is a great choice if youre looking for an overallpassiveway to deter porcupines. Multiple trees or an entire area can be enclosed in a single fence. Porcupines are excellent climbers, but an overhang will discourage them. The foods that attract porcupines include apples, salt, evergreen needles, tree bark, nuts, berries, flowering herbs, grasses, and roots. Fencing is a great way to protect vulnerable trees and gardens. Putrescent whole egg solids are often used as repellents for deer, but they are also effective against beavers and porcupines. Once inside the house, they often are not able to find their way back out and end up hunkered down in the corner of a dark room. if you need to deal with a porcupine problem. Properly dispose of and store your garbage. They can cough, shriek, whistle like a bird, make funny kazoo noises, chatter their teeth, and grunt. According toMichigan State University, peppermint is a cross between spearmint and winter mint. In addition to that, you can also use raw, untreated wood. Facts You Need To Know, Do You Put Detergent In Before Or After Clothes? Don't feed or interact with the raccoons. This website primarily references personal learning experiences. Facts and Answers! Pull the trigger arm forward to lift the door plate. Avoid using wood preser-vatives that are metal-salt solutions. Mountain lions and fishers have different stratgies for attacking porcupines. How To Get Residue Off Laminate Floors - Complete Guide! - Find Out The Best Way, Should I Cover My Patio Furniture In Summer? Here are a few proven, and most effective ways of keeping porcupines off your property. Porcupine Damage and Repellent Research In The Interior Pacific Northwest. Install a fence on your property. Start by building a fence around trees, gardens, and where damage has been most prevalent. ft. You can either use repellent alongside a live trap, or use repellent as an alternative to trapping. While we attempt to provide guidance about state and federal regulations pertaining to specific species and control techniques, we do not provide information about local jurisdictions (city, town, county, etc.) Do porcupines eat metal? . Apply the Critter Ridder repellent where you have noticed Porcupine damage especially around wooden structures that have been damaged, around trees, and where Porcupine activity has been most prevalent. That being said, peppermint is still quite effective at deterring porcupines. ft. You can either use repellent alongside a live trap, or use repellent as an alternative to trapping. High poultry wire that is at least 60 cm high is used to enclose the area. Kuhns, M. R., Dettenmaier, M., & Tegt, J. listed in over 500 cites and towns, who can properly help you with keeping away porcupines. Unlike other rodents that also remain active all winter, porcupines do not collect and store food in . For them to satisfy this need you got it they chew on wood. Completely enclose small trees with wire baskets or wrap the trunks of valuable larger trees with 30-inch bands of aluminum flashing at the base. They are the second largest rodent in North America. Porcupines have an excellent sense of smell which they use to find food and understand their environment. The top of the fence may be bent outwards at an angle of about 65 degrees so that the porcupines cannot clamber over. Porcupines are notorious garden pests that damage fruits, small grains, and ground vegetation leading to sizable losses. Avoid wooden fences, as porcupines like to gnaw on wood. Do you want to know how to keep porcupines from eating wood? We also provide professional service in over 600 locations. Who doesnt? Start by building a fence around trees, gardens, and where damage has been most prevalent. Along with wooden buildings, porkies also enjoy the salt in fence posts coated in creosote, on car tires and radiator hoses, and from objects covered in human sweat (tool handles, clothes, and leather). So, spray either of these substances on your car's wires to drive rodents away from your vehicle's engine bay. Luckily for me, Vito isnt the biggest pest in my life. You could try to deter porcupines by sprinkling cayenne pepper on the wood, or painting the wood with a pepper-water solution. Since harming a Porcupine is discouraged, controlling an invading Porcupine will involve either live trapping with Solutions Humane Live Trap or deterring the rodent from your property with a repellent such as Critter Ridder. You can purchase them in pet stores, but personally, I prefer using my homemade porcupine repellent. Will deer eat raspberry plants? Wildlife Animal Control is an educational resource for nuisance animal issues. This means looking for twigs that have been eaten, their tracks (especially during the winter when they are active), and barkless trees that have been stripped by their gnawing. They are a slow-moving animal and have long, powerful teeth that they use to eat wood. Porcupines are strong climbers, spending much of their time in trees either sleeping, resting, or eating. Fencing trees and gardens is the most effective way to prevent porcupine damage. Place a bait near the repellent and turn it on. How can you use citronella to repel porcupines? Porcupine hunting is something I do every year. If youre part of the category of house owners who do not want to spend time looking for repellents, then heres a homemade solution I have for you! 4. . These spines provide protection from predators, but they also make the porcupine a unique animal to study. (They should probably lay off the salt.). Start by building a fence around trees, gardens, and where damage has been most prevalent. The time of year may dictate how heavily porcupines feed on certain food types. If you use fencing to protect a tree, make sure to leave enough room for the tree to grow, especially if it is young. The following day, stir it again, then use a funnel to decant it . You can go with a white picket fence or even a wire mesh fence, but whichever one you go with, make sure that it goes at least a foot above and below ground. Using both these baits will bring better results. However, during winter, you will find them eating the inner bark of trees. When porcupines arent girdling trees, they are nipping twigs and eating newly-formed buds, causing stunted growth and twisted trunks. I mean, what is there to love about wood? If you have used a lethal trap, porcupine quills are still a threat to you. Bait the trap with a salted material, cloth sponge, or any other salted material. Bait the trap with a yummy snack like peanut butter and sunflower seeds and wait it out. Here is what he said: Porcupines chew on all kinds of things either to sharpen their teeth or because of some attraction in the glue, paint, sweat or whatever is on what they decide to chew on. The damage from rodents chewing through water pipes can be substantial and can occur either over time, or as one big "flood." When damage is slow, a small amount of water will continuously seep in spaces within the walls, causing buildup of toxic mold and rotting of wooden beams. Stretch this mesh wire over posts that have been set at least 6 to 9 inches apart. They are omnivorous, focused mainly on milkweed, but will also eat eggs and small caterpillars. Hence, this strategy requires upkeep and regular sprinkling (at least once a week). According to theUniversity of Maryland, North American porcupines can be found throughout most of North America. Step 3 Use wood preservatives on your deck and wooden outdoor structures. Porcupines won't shoot them at you but if you do come into contact with them, they can be quite painful.". Hot peppers! Hierarchical habitat selection by North American porcupines in southern boreal forest. Most porcupine species eat foods that can be easily found on the ground or across low-lying branches. Stop them from taking over milkweed by dropping them into a bucket of soapy water. These strange-looking animals can significantly damage trees, gardens, and buildings if left unchecked. The most effective form of prevention is achieved with electric fences. We also provide professional service in over 600 locations. The information presented on this site about Star Wars CCG, both literal and graphical, is copyrighted by Lucasfilm Ltd & Decipher, Inc. Wood barks and other wooden structures contain significant levels of salt. Left: Niptwigs on the forest floor, tossed from atop a hemlock. Dropping twigs and fruit to the forest floor benefits other wildlife down below. is part of the Blue Ant Media Canada network 2023 Blue Ant Media. While most people rarely see porcupines, it is usually not difficult to tell if they are in an area. todd heyn. Unlike other rodents that also remain active all winter, porcupines do not collect and store food in caches, instead gorging themselves on nuts, fruits, and greens in the summer and fall to such an extent that by winter about 60% of their body mass is fat. Create a cayenne pepper spray. They are actually very docile animals that will not attack passersby, but rather lumber away slowly to a comfortable distance then resume whatever it was they were doing. ft. You could try to deter porcupines by sprinkling cayenne pepper on the wood, or painting the wood with a pepper-water solution. Find solutions by species, Find a licensed wildlife control professional, How to live trap and remove a problem porcupine, How to keep porcupines from damaging my vehicles, How to get porcupines out from under my shed or deck, What to do with an animal that is behaving strangely or aggressively, Northeast Wildlife Damage Management Cooperative, Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, signing up for notification when your state is added. Its safe to say that it would be wise not to touch them. 15 Scents That Rats Hate (and How to Use Them), 8 Things to Do If You See Spiders in Your House, Why Peppermint Oil Can Repel Mice (And How To Use It), 13 Easy Tips To Keep Raccoons Out Of Your Swimming Pool, 10 Different Ways That Snakes Entered Your Home. 2. New Hampshire To treat specific sites such as garbage bags, ornamental plants, trees or shrubs, spot treat ground around the area to be protected, or if possible apply granules to ground as a border around entire area to be protected. WHERE TO USE IT: Spray PEST-RID thoroughly in all areas where animal pests bask, feed, are seen or there is evidence of their presence such as droppings, claw marks or chewed plants. Another way is to use rubber or . We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Amazon and other companies linked to on this site. The first is to spray PEST RID over the area where you see the marks. Alaska Wildlife News is an online magazine published by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game Dump any standing water daily so they will not come into the area for water. Email us at - Animal Education - Wildlife Control in Over 600 Locations, Dead Animal Control Education and Services, Click here to hire us in your town and check prices. Step 4 This is . Its these two ingredients that help repel porcupines. Spearmint and peppermint whats the difference? Once the porcupine has been acquired, it will be relocated into an area away from humans. Place the mixture in a spray bottle and spray outside in problem areas around the garden, on tree trunks, on wooden tool handles, and anywhere else those pesky porcupines are invading. Coyotes and wolves do occasionally kill a porcupine by seizing it by the nose and flipping it over and attacking its unprotected belly. This guy right next to me? Consultyourlocal and state guidelines to see if Porcupines are a protected species in your location before applying controland proceed with caution when applying control as Porcupines can be dangerous. Nests of porcupines eat tree bark and are drawn to wood structures in general. Tree protectors are a great way to keep porcupines from stripping the bark to reach the inner cambium and phloem of the tree, which is their favorite part! Is there a substitute for septic systems? How To Put Up Led Lights Without Ruining The Paint? Firearms. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to deter them! You'd need to reapply this every time it rained, though. Fencing trees and gardens is the most effective way to prevent porcupine damage. Porcupines are no different and need to chew to keep their teeth from growing too large. I am in Its sometimes referred to as cornmint or simply as Mint. There are many ways to get rid of porcupines, unfortunately, some of the most common solutions can also keep deer away as well. Cayenne peppers and other hot peppers developed a capsaicin defense against herbivores. However, despite this fact, the largest porcupine populations live in the western United States and in Canada. It must be renewed occasionally to remain effective. If they happen to catch their reflection in a jar of water, it may be enough to scare them off because they will think another porcupine is around. Peppermint oil and Pine-Sol provide strong scents that deter rodents from entering your car, won't make your vehicle smell bad, don't taste good, and won't damage any wires. Theyre these cute, ferret-like-looking animals that are closely related to the ferrets, ermines, polecats, and minks! You may withdraw your consent at any time. Their appearance can also attract predators like mountain lions and bears. (And despite common rumor, a porcupine cannot shoot its quills at a person. It turns its back, displays the black line running down the middle of its tail, edged with white quills visible in the dark. Now, porcupines are small critters, and they are skilled enough to force their bodies even though small, tight holes. where regulations may be more restrictive, especially as it applies to discharge of firearms, transport of animals or use of trapping equipment. Never worry about porcupines jeopardizing the condition of your wooden furniture any longer! Drop by drop, the damage can accumulate over weeks into a problem that can cost thousands of dollars to fix. I've been told that adding cayenne pepper to bird seed is a good way to to keep squirrels and other rodents from eating it. To use, simply bait the trap with something to attract the Porcupine, place it in a stategic area where they have been active and then set the trap by pushing on the door lock and lifting the door plate then pulling the trigger arm forward until the trigger arm's hook catches the door. The smell eases stress and relaxes the mind. After performing heavy research, asking neighbors, and consulting experts and veterinarians, I found a few, proven, and effective ways of keeping porcupines from gnawing or munching on wood. Wildlife Society Bulletin (1973-2006),28(1), 76-83. Click here to Misidentification may lead to using the wrong treatment products which could be a waste of time nand money. One way to prevent furniture from sliding on wood floors is to put felt pads on the bottom of the legs. This is not the cheapest route to take however. - I have a new homemade wood deer stand and i have a porcupine eating the wood. How to Move Furniture Without Scratching Floor? Keeping and restricting porcupines from your property is one thing; repelling them from chewing on the wooden structures and tools you have is another. These nocturnal animals tend to keep to themselves, but can become a nuisance in certain situations. However, when an unwanted person gets too close to it, even if it is simply by curiosity, it will react strongly by raising its quills and lashing its tail in order to dissuade whoever approaches it. If you are unable to do so, which is likely with many How do you keep porcupines from eating wood? Chances are that these pests may knock over the trap to reach the food inside. While porcupines can forage on other tree species during the winter months, nobody really knows how much of an impact the woolly adelgid beetle and loss of hemlock stands will have on the species. The best way to prevent Porcupine intruders is to modify your property to make it unappealing to Porcupines. If you didnt know these creatures were rodents, you probably didnt know they have over thirty thousand needles that cover their bodies, that their quills can be used for fishing, or that they are considered an edible animal. A piece of wood is also an excellent bait for trapping. Being rodents, there is a certain frequency they consider unfathomable and thats another thing you can do to repel them from gnawing or chewing through wood. Method 1 Trapping Groundhogs Humanely Download Article 1 Do your research. Information about how to catch a porcupine - remove one stuck in the house. Porcupines are known to eat a lot, so they can scavenge all of the crops in the area. Rotten eggs work to repel porcupines because the odor is so strong that it overwhelms a porcupines sense of smell. One of the worlds largest rodents, porcupines are a far cry from the gerbils we have running nowhere fast in little plastic wheels inside our childrens bedrooms. Bend the top few inches outward at a 65-degree angle and run a smooth electrified wire 1 inches above the poultry wire. To control Porcupine invaders, we recommend using a combination of the Solutions Humane Live Trap and Nature's Defense repellent. When releasing, don't be too afraid of the quills. How to protect my trees and shrubs from porcupines. The quills are very sharp and needle-like and have barbs on them which make it difficult to pull out once pricked by them. Porcupines from surrounding areas will usually You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. While theyre known to chew on creosote fence posts, they wont go for the copper-chromated arsenic salts used in pressure-treated lumber (thats the green stuff employed most often for docks and decks). Spearmint is an herb in the mint family. One thing that many rodents have in common is the fact that their front teeth grow continually throughout their lives. Your email address will not be published. There are plenty of repellents on the market for deer, squirrels, insects, and mice, but what about porcupines? Once the porcupine has been acquired, it will be relocated into an area away from humans. They dont wander very far from their dens or foraging areas to defecate, so places they frequent are easily identified by massive accumulations of peanut-shaped scat. If all else fails, or you do not want to deal with the hassle of getting rid of the porcupines yourself, CALL A PROFESSIONAL. Information about porcupine trapping - analysis and methods for how to trap. I always cook every porcupine I shoot and make them into a delicious meal because I believe they are more tha. One of the most effective ways to keep porcupines out of your yard is to build a fence to keep them out. Ah, lovely lavender. They are taken and basically made to rot and then placed in repellents to protect plants. Like beavers, porcupines prefer to eat the nutritious inner tree bark or phloem. Method #1: Apply Porcupine Repellent Sprays on Your Wooden Structures The first method is to drench your wooden furniture and structures with porcupine repellent. Youd need to reapply this every time it rained, though. Most porcupines' diet changes depending on the season. Do not handle the animal without heavy gloves. The oil can be used to relieve headaches and help with colds. Information about porcupine repellent - analysis of types and effectiveness. Fencing is a basic way to protect your property. Here are some alternate ways to keep ticks away from your property: Keep your grass short Clean up lawn clippings Create a barrier of mulch around your yard Weed and trim any tall weeds or plants Use professional outdoor pest control services, like Mosquito Joe, to protect your yard How to Avoid Tick Bites How do you stop porcupines from eating plywood buildings?Craig Loucao. Read more on my detailed how to trap a porcupine page. They are a medium-sized, pigeon-toed animal with short legs, long claws, and a high-arching back. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. Both spearmint and peppermint are part of the mint family. The repellent you'll use can range from over-the-counter repellents, as well as homemade ones. Interestingly, porcupines subsist almost entirely on bark and twigs throughout the winter, a diet offering about as much nutritional value as plywood, which I find fascinating because almost every northern woodland resident knows porcupines LOVE eating plywood! Porcupines can grow to be about a foot long and can walk on their four paws. Mix cayenne pepper and petroleum jelly. Right: The upper and lower jaws of a porcupine. Fig. Canadian Journal of Zoology,83(10), 1333-1342. The fence should be at least 1 to 1.5 feet deep underground to discourage digging, and about 2 feet high. Commonly used to repel snakes and lizards, Pest Rid uses nothing but all natural ingredients to repel nuisance animals and insects. Canadian Journal of Forest Research,33(10), 1983-1989. A tree with a porcupine in it can become a hotspot for wildlife activity within a frozen landscape that otherwise appears void of mammalian life. Copyright 2020 by Wildlife Animal Control. If the threat continues, the porcupine will turn its back, raise its quills and lash with its tail. HOW TO STOP PORCUPINES FROM EATING WOOD ^ The sides of buildings, sheds, large wooden furniture and other large objects not easy to move can be treated with PEST RID SPRAY. To get rid of a porcupine in your tree, place a steel cage trap at the base of the tree, baited with some salted meat. When you have found mice,, Read More Why Peppermint Oil Can Repel Mice (And How To Use It)Continue, Its always scary to see a bunch of raccoons hanging near your home but its arguably even worse when you see a bunch of, Read More 13 Easy Tips To Keep Raccoons Out Of Your Swimming PoolContinue, Snakes may be the least welcome house guests, regardless of how they get in! Tracks will look like small shoe tracks (like a sole, with a heel portion and front portion) they will also show a drag marking of their tail between the paws. This site provides many porcupine control articles and strategies, if The most effective form of prevention is achieved with electric fences. Apparently it effects animals because they have salivary glands, but not birds (which don't). Porcupines are rodents that need to sharpen their teeth, so they may chew on wood in your backyard. To use peppermint to repel porcupines, you can use the essential oil combined with water to create a spray. Follow this guide and use the recommended products and we guarantee 100% control of Porcupines. The best way to prevent Porcupine intruders is to modify your property to make it unappealing to Porcupines. The porcupine is not an aggressive animal and will only attack if it is threatened. To use hot sauce to deter porcupines, create a mixture of water and 10-15 drops of hot sauce. Typically two by three-inch fencing, galvanized or plastic-coated for resistance to the weather, will exclude woodchucks, raccoons and opossums, but not small rodents. Because of this, its important to know the entry points so, Read More 10 Different Ways That Snakes Entered Your HomeContinue, Your email address will not be published. Step 2 Encourage trees to grow leafy closed canopies by cutting back on tree trimming and by watering and fertilizing the trees in your yard. They eat just about any plant matter they can find, including bark, and are particularly fond of eating hemlock buds and branches. The idea of porcupines munching on wood always baffled me. To complete the subscription process, please click the link in the email we just sent you. You can place a salt block out to encourage the porcupine to eat that instead of your shed or house. How to Deter Porcupines From the Area. You just need to make sure that you clean the utensils youll use because they can tamper with your meals when you use them again for cooking. Product was successfully added to your shopping cart. 3. The scent of rotten eggs is offensive to people and animals, and for a good reason! Specifically, it is the ingredientcapsaicin. What animal would strip the bark off a tree? Bio Explorer explores the insight into the different porcupine species' diets, how porcupines hunt if they do, when they eat, how often they eat, what they eat porcupines and their role in the . You can get traps at most hardware or garden stores and some animal control officers will either let you rent one or will come out and set the traps themselves. I know it. Porcupines are not overtly aggressive, but they still have teeth if their quills dont get your first. Here are some identifying traits so you know what Porcupines look like for proper identification: Use the image and description above to properly identify a Porcupine on your property. Moreover, understanding what porcupines want out of your wood can help you establish a better and more effective plan to keep them away. Com-mon wood preservatives may repel porcupines when applied to exterior plywoods. "If you have captured a Porcupine in the Solutions Humane Live Trap and want to relocate it yourself, make sure to choose a protected area that has a plentiful supply of natural food options. Or interact with the raccoons the first is to modify your property to make it difficult tell! Second largest rodent in North America repellents to protect vulnerable trees and gardens is the most effective to. Spearmint and peppermint are part of the fence may be bent outwards at an angle of about 65 so... Or disease raise its quills and lash with its tail and twisted.... Satisfy this need you got it they chew on wood in your browser to utilize the functionality this. Eat just about any plant matter they can cough, shriek, whistle like a,. Combination of the Blue Ant Media Canada network 2023 Blue Ant Media the porcupines be. 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Glands, but they still have teeth if their quills dont Get your first and despite common rumor a. Around trees, gardens, and for a good reason a spray basically! A problem that can cost thousands of dollars to fix once the porcupine has been,! To trap a porcupine by seizing it by the nose and flipping it over and its... Amazon Associate, we recommend using a combination of the fence should be at least 1 1.5. The second largest rodent in North America trigger arm forward to lift the door plate effective as possible, it... By sprinkling cayenne pepper on the season birds ( which don & # x27 ; t,. And 10-15 drops of hot sauce porcupines out of your shed or house up Led Lights Ruining. Once pricked by them RID uses nothing but all natural ingredients to repel porcupines applied! Fencing is a great way to prevent porcupine damage, make funny kazoo noises, chatter their teeth so... Animals tend to keep to themselves, but will also eat eggs small... For me, Vito isnt the biggest pest in my life will turn back... Around trees, gardens, and for a number of animals or repellent. 1 ), 1983-1989 because its natural, cheap, and ground vegetation leading to losses. Provide protection from predators, but not birds ( which don & # x27 ; ll use can from. On your deck and wooden outdoor structures idea of porcupines munching on.! The nose and flipping it over and attacking its unprotected belly sauce effectively reduced porcupine foraging by greater 48. It would be wise not to touch them, bend it at a.! To touch them 1973-2006 ),28 ( 1 ), 1333-1342 it will be into! Bottom of the fence should be at least 6 to 9 inches apart feet deep to.

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