fourville fallout 4

What the fuck? Hello and welcome to the Fourville Town Hall. Press J to jump to the feed. This role will also comprise several generic characters: Fourville Reisdents, Fourville Guards, Members of Church of the Four, Vault Residents, Vault Scientists, Vault Guards, and a Gun Buyer. Favorited. Please! Thank you. I got your message, your father is furious. Added failure conditions for Mayor to Mayor quest. Mrs Armstrong was the mother of the Armstrong family. I said: it's because of you. He does not believe in his own religion and manipulates his followers into looking after him. 4estGimp - Fens Sheriff's Department Random Patches, Classic Wasteland Bobbleads - Fourville Edition, Optimization and Compatibility for Diamond City Expansion and Femshepping's Diamond City Edit, Optimization and Compatibility for Diamond City Expansion and Femshepping's Diamond City Edit (RU),,,,,,,,,,, Line 02 context: If the player mentions Nelson's rival, Mr. Abominable, then Nelson will get really intense and threaten the player. Ms. McKenzie is all business and has no time for idle chatter. Line 03 context: If the player completes Logan's storyline he can become a romantic partner for them. If you're thinking of auditioning, or have already auditioned, it might be wise to go for one of parts with fewer auditions, or audition for multiple parts. The brotherhood of man. Involves finding and item and using the terminal in Vault 4 next to the . What's going on here? What are you doing here? He dies in agony. I don't feel so good *Pained scream* Help me, Brother. I feel like I'm burning up! Set Lorraine's murder weapon to a quest object to prevent it being autolooted by mods. Was Darwin crazy? Come closer, I cant see you properly. He gets his name from the fact that he always has his ear to the ground looking for gossip, and the fact he has very large ears. All rights reserved. Line 03 context: Vince moans if the player tells him they didn't find treasure. Maybe I misjudged you. First, whole new set of bobbleheads. He moved to DC when we graduated? If the player is in a disguise, then the security officer will speak to them. I've used no-clip (TCL) to enter the secret room, which triggers a hidden quest ("The Secret of Vault 4"), but makes it partially done, so, don't want that. Yes. Am I dead? Line 03 context: If Dr. Huxley tells Lorraine he loves her to convince her to return to Fourville, she will admit his love for him too. Line 02 context: If Ms. McKenzie wins the election, this line is spoken. You have no idea who you're dealing with, you get me? (I did that by no-clipping through the Overseer's Quarters door, opening his safe, and pressing the button, and advancing to the secret terminal.). Line 03 context: Dorothy's last words to her son as she dies. Line 01 context: Chuck welcomes the player and Mayor Sanders to vault 4. He is tough and firm with them. Line 03 context: The player persuades Wicked to admit that he doesn't really care about Duke. It's not great but I'm sure I can make something out of it! Fascinating Jack Shilcock is the identical twin brother of John Shilcock. There are approximately 116 generic resident lines. No, everything isn't alright. Ms. Hasenbuhler is a resident of Vault 4 who is madly, and inexplicably, in love with Fourvilles bartender, Rusty. She is nervous, constantly on edge as though she has a dangerous secret which she feels is about to catch up with her. He is always angry and can barely go a single sentence without inserting some kind of profanity. The Guard has approximately 29 lines. Third, vault passwords. He sends the player out to find a copy of his sonnets so that they may be preserved for all of time. He then asks if the player is Lou, another super mutant. Mr. Turner is dying and tries to persuade Rory to go on without him, but Rory won't listen. In exchange for a small fee, he will provide them with information about the other residents in the town. David has approximately 45 lines. They were going to use the update to spread a virus that would cripple our nation's security infrastructure. Now, when she is on her deathbed, he finally returns to share her final moments with her. Ms. McKenzie is essentially the opposite of Sanders. Android: Designation Campbell-R-494-2077. The Diamond City Security officer walks in on the player robbing the strongroom. Fallout 4's Missions are executed in a non-linear order and may be approached from many angles at will. (49) Cool little community you've got here. This small home serves as a Gunners forward recon base for the raid of the nearby HalluciGen, Inc. building. On the day of the nuclear war he was holding detention for a problem student, Rory. Child 01 has approximately 27 lines. The player first discovers Quinn when another vault resident, Constantine Campbell, tells the player that the entire vault is a simulation and Quinns room contains the control room. Not knowing what you're doing has never stopped my people before! There are approximately 116 generic resident lines. Big Ears is a homeless resident of Fourville. Don't mind Constantine, he's a bit odd; but he's harmless. Frank Howard was an employee at Real Patriot Games Studios. You need to find 3 hitmen: one is usally near the guards. Marlborough house is an unmarked location in the Esplanade neighborhood of Boston in 2287. Sanders is the daughter of Mayor Wayne Sanders. And my name is William! Where is it? Line 01 context: DC Security comes into the strongroom to find the player in disguise. Greetings, brother. On the day of the Great War they were supposed to travel to a National Guard bunker together, each family members was given a fraction of the access code. You have no idea how much this means to me. When the player first encounters him, Dr. Stennett is telling him off for destroying an experiment. Fine, fuck you too, pal. He considers himself to be a witty and charming salesman, but much of his tone is cheeky and bordering on rude. Don't tell him I said that! Line 01 context: Betty is introducing her shop, but she is also dropping in a code phrase, "do you have a Geiger counter", to check if the player is part of "The Railroad", a secret organisation whose help she needs. Oh hey there. There are approximately 116 generic resident lines. As a human, he should sound normal. Norman Norm Marshal is the Security Chief for Vault 4. Mr. Armstrong has 16 lines. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Although it is an AI, it should have a human-sounding voice rather than a synthesised one. He was the best-known, and one of the only, comb players in jazz history.McKenzie played the comb by placing tissue paper over the tines and blowing on it, which produced Fixed an area where the void was visible in David Tilley's room. Did you find out what happened? You're staying here and that's that. You shut your mouth right now. You must be joking? We've got a bit of a situation here and I'm going to need to ask you a few questions. Line 03 context: (for the generic characters) A Vault scientist ponders the outside world. Mary replies in panic. Dr. Huxley, known to everyone as Hux, is a super mutant doctor living in Fourville. Page has approximately 39 lines. Almost naively happy and optimistic, Wayne Sanders won the mayoralty of Fourville four years ago by promising to do everything he could to find a way to open the vault. Fallout 4 > > . Please, stranger, leave us to mourn. I'm not about to let my opponent get an advantage over me, no matter how small. He sends the player on a series of quests where they must find treasure in a random location. This is the Butcher of the Commonwealth, they call him Meat Hook. How about a sweet roll, on the house since you're a new customer? Line 01 context: Norm stops the player from entering the vault, forcing them to answer some questions. Twitter: Subscribe a like if you enjoyed and comment, thanks for watching and support! by Seddon4494 Dr. Stennett is Vault 4s only physician. He is also incredibly selfish and greedy. Stop by Chef Page's when you get the chance, his omelettes are divine! He is initially friendly, just wanting to ask a few questions. Line 02 context: Laura complains that she's not allowed to work with Workshop Willie, the vault's handyman. Mr. Turner has 38 lines. Several . 2 . She is naturally inquisitive and tends to question what her teachers tell her in school. "Four" is the common thread in this particular quest mod which adds an entirely new town to the Commonwealth. This is the first time Mrs. Armstrong has confronted her violent husband. Set all generic dialogue to "player activate only". Have fun. Log in to view your list of favourite games. Line 02 context: A Fourville Labourer dismisses the player's attempts to talk to them. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Increased spawns of military folders. Child 02 has approximately 28 lines. That's why Mike left, that's why Kate didn't come. Logan has approximately 362 lines. Line 02 context: Big Ears initially pretends that there's something sinister going on in Fourville. Norm just had a little word with me, is all. Line 01 context: Excited and curious to meet the player, Line 02 context: The player refuses to help her search for the tapes. What the hell is this, Mike? Line 03 context: (for the generic characters) A Fourville resident shouts out his support for Sanders during the election debate. On the day of the nuclear war he had a place in Vault 4 and travelled there with his son and infant grandson. Forgive me, everything seems so new to me. Line 02 context: Stennett tells off her lab assistant who has ruined an experiment. Spoiler. So you want the talk? I thought I'd be glad he's gone, but now I just feel empty. All right, let's break up this little love-fest. So this is your settlement? Look at this, brother: we have a guest in Vault 4! Lore. Just be sure to save before the robot talks to you, if you want to try different things. Added a Creator's Chapel and Father Benjamin, plus associated questline, to Vault 4. Abraham Ominable, known by his nickname Mr. Abominable, is a drug cooker who lives alone in a cave. Freapers. Line 01 context: Duke reacts with surprise when the player unexpectedly turns up at the factory. She asks the player if they will be willing to find the tapes for her. He is insistent that he shares memories with the other residents. I'm so sorry, I thought you were someone else. 4 Slashed the number of military folders needed for Malcolm from 50 to 20. Look at what youve done! Date Posted: Jul 15, 2020 @ 2:05pm. He is very intense and insistent that the player believe him. This particular Follower has taken a bribe from an unknown ghoul to spread lies about the incumbent mayor, Wayne Sanders, to sabotage his re-election campaign. "So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, so long lives this, and this gives life to thee", "Why man, he doth bestride the narrow world like a colossus, and we petty men walk under his huge legs, and peep about to find ourselves dishonorable graves!". What's weird is there are a few video playthroughs on it on YouTube, but they all involve quick cuts which imply cheating (console commands). Line 01 context: Mike introduces himself to the player. Hidden an area where the void could be seen in Fourville. The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. It's weird because, through my own cheating, I've discovered the story's big secret, though like I said, I kind of called it in advance. We are all good US patriots here. Award. Line 02 context: The player tries to get the Follower to reveal the source of his gossip, and he accidentally does so. This is the happiest day of my life, my boy has come back to me. I should be able to accommodate you, but youre going to have to pay since you dont pay taxes here. It will have a monotonous, synthesised voice. I'm really sorry, ma'am. Awww. Wicked has approximately 46 lines. This whole deal with Eddie is wicked shiesty. Fixed an issue with Abomination where the quest could not be turned in if killing Mr. Abominable before speaking to Nelson. I'm Nelson, pleased to meet you. Although he had a bad temper, he genuinely cared about his students and wanted to help them as best he could. Mary is a scavenger whose friend has become infected with the Forced Evolutionary Virus. This role will comprise several generic characters: Fourville Reisdents, Fourville Guards, Members of Church of the Four, Vault Residents, Vault Scientists, Vault Guards, and a Gun Buyer. She believes that Logan was killed in a fire in their home when he was eighteen. Mary has 6 lines. The teacher has just returned from finding out the source of the explosion which trapped them. Hidden an area where the void could be seen in the Bunkhouse. There's something sinister going on in this town, and you're the only one who can help! The pain is getting worse! Referred to as The Four, the cult believes that Vault 4 is a divine entity which watches over them and will one day open again to let them all inside. Don't cause any trouble while you're down here. There are approximately 116 generic resident lines. So you're the one everyone is talking about: the one from outside the vault. I don't think you need any more drugs. For returning saves type into the console: CQF Vlt04MQ00SetupQuest ExtraLists, Rebuilt script on There and Back Again to prevent values falling below 0, Changed He Ain't Heavy Behemoth type and blocked it from spawning in Swan's Pond. It's best to assume that Chuck is always angry. Well, that was a royal cock-up, wasnt it? I've been looking for a place to settle down, do a little trading; do you think I could set up shop here? Designation: Campbell-R-494-2077. You must be one of those Fourville folks? Line 01 context: The android is activated for the first time. The Follower has approximately 32 lines. Together, the brothers are the teachers at the vault school. She never has a bad word to say about anyone. Mr. Washington is surely the most obvious suspect. The army are preparing some something big with China. You're from the outside, from the erm Commonwealth? Line 03 context: When the player asks Campbell how he knows where they're from. Line 03 context: Palming off a difficult question onto his brother. Not so fast. Fourville is a large mod for Fallout 4. Youre back! I live at a desk in a shitty wooden hall in a dark cave. Frank Howard has 5 lines. Hahaha! Am I a ghost? Lorraine has gone missing and the player was the last person to see her before they disappeared. Press J to jump to the feed. I didn't even realise this was on here. I take you through both endings when Wayne Sanders was elected as mayor keeping the Vault 4 Open and Closing the Vault 4 and as a result Ms. McKenzie ultimately Winning The Election. Patreon! See the list of quests below to get started. There are approximately 116 generic resident lines. I can't wait to hold my little Rusty in my arms! Line 01 context: Surprised. The child in Vault 4 attends school. Sanders has approximately 54 lines. June has approximately 75 lines. Line 03 context: (As a human) When Paul is first cured his is disoriented and struggles to remember the player. Copyright 2023 Black Tree Gaming Ltd. All rights reserved. But you died, so long ago, how can it be you? I can't leave the vault. I saw you come in. Do you have a stuck quest where the mayor is meeting the overseer for the first time? Feel free to audition for as many roles as you like! Line 02 context: Triumphant! I've used no-clip (TCL) to enter the secret room, which triggers a hidden quest ("The Secret of Vault . This training yard was used by the 101st Field Artillery Regiment, 1st Battalion. Betty's secret is that she is an escaped synth who is being pursued by her creators. I'm not sure yet. Line 02 context: A,mazed. It's not supposed to be a holiday camp, it's meant for criminals to sit and think about what they've done! I dont know if this patched plugin would help but its worth trying. It's located on a table. However, characters who have an expectationally large number of lines, or who I felt needed a greater emotional range, have a small payment attached. If you can hear those howls, then your time is almost up: the creature has spotted you! It's important to note he's not shouting here, but he is noticeably angry. There are approximately 116 generic resident lines. Thank you bc I thought that was just a silly radiant thing haha. Line 01 context: Pretneding to be friendly, but not managing to mask a sinister undertone, Nelson introduces himself to the player. Line 03 context: Although Big Ears is normally friendly and light-hearted, if the player repeatedly refuses to buy a tip from him he will snap and get angry with them. :\. Shut it, Chuck. Some of the people round here are crazy, expecting the vault to suddenly open after more than two-hundred years. Line 01 context: The AI arrives at the meeting between the Overseer, the player, and Mayor Sanders. You look like the kind of low-class person she'd work with. The Father has approximately 97 lines. Kate has 2 lines. Rory only appears in holotape recordings. Logan, you're a lucky guy to have a friend like this. The individuality and atmosphere of Fourville are qualities that Fallout 5's settlements must-have. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Line 03 context: Realising he was daydreaming. Hi, everyone. Always nice to meet a new customer. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. All rights reserved. Judith has 20 lines. There are approximately 116 generic resident lines. Depending on the players actions he can be cured, or die. I won't lie to you: it's difficult. The faith our ancestors had when they put their trust in The Four, and the faith we have that The Four will open once again. I think most people would agree with me. Line 03 context: The Father delivers a sermon to his church. You're the guy from the outside! Line 02 context: The Tent Guard begins to tell the player about the history of the town. I found evidence that there is a Chinese spy in the company. No one fucking crosses me, you get that? Can I erm get you a drink, or something? Line 02 context: When the player discovers where Lorraine has been hiding, after faking her death to escape debts, she accidentally shoots them. What's it like out there? Line 01 context: A Fourville resident expresses their support for Ms. McKenzie in the mayoral election. I want to fix stuff like you! The mod boasts 8-10 hours of total gameplay time, which is definitely far beyond the average. If you start anything the whole town will be on you in a shot. Line 02 context: Outraged when the player rubbishes school. They don't know that none of this is real. Fallout 4. Steve is one of Fourvilles labourers. Bad news? If not, he attacks straight away. Line 03 context: Roscoe describes the moment the massacre began, when he killed women and children. This only ends one way: come Digits, let's get 'em. Why is the strongroom door open? Chuck Moon is one of Fourvilles labourers. He is reliving a traumatic and shameful moment. I'm Dr. Stennett, the Vault's doctor. Depending on how you decide to build the teleporter in The Molecular Level, the following quests will be made available: Xbox Game Pass Is Having its Best Stretch Ever, The Nuclear Option (Brotherhood of Steel), Wanted: Dead - 11 Things You Need to Know. A new patient. Norm might look tough, but he's just a big softie really. Excuse me, Sir? His name's Duke. Line 03 context: If the player is rude to Chuck he will get firm with them, but not angry. Line 02 context: Mary cries out in sorrow when her friend dies. She is almost disgusted that the player would try and talk to her. I've decided to spend the end of the world at the bar; certainly seems better than spending it with dad. Line 03 context: Becomes quiet and introspective when she kills the man who killed her mother. /r/fallout4builds, 2023-01-04, 15:41:09 You're the first person outside of my family who I've ever really loved. You don't threaten me. Line 02 context: When the player reveals that June Waters has sent them to get money from her, she is dismissive. Huh? Ms. McKenzie realises that. The player paid off Logan's very large debt. You know what'd do you good? As a ghoul, he has a gravelly voice, but he is now old and weak. Fixed an issue which caused Chuck Moon to be stuck in the player's party during Cryptology. Logan, you and I have business to settle. Fallout\data . Fixed an issue where failing Weapon Delivery quest meant the player could not continue working for Mike. He was a cruel bully who drove his family apart. I take you through both endings when Wayne Sanders was elected as mayor keeping the Vault 4 Open and Closing the Vault 4 and as a result Ms. McKenzie ultimat. Are you alright? If Mike hasnt told you, then you dont need to know. Trying to fix a bugged quest with console. He loves to study history, but more importantly he loves to teach people about history. He calls out for his brother as he dies. This script is for both Child 01 in Fourville, and Child 01 in Vault 4. Why hello dearie, welcome to my little cafe. She will ask the player to collect holotapes left behind by the human who Betty "replaced", being a synthetic copy of the original Betty. A new visitor here for story time! On behalf of Mayor Sanders allow me to welcome you to our beautiful town. After her time in the cell, she becomes docile and passive. I made it to the election and that went off well but now nothings happening. Line 03 context: (for the generic characters) A Fourville Labourer complains about their work. Line 02 context: McKenzie explains her policy position to the player. Line 03 context: (for generic characters) A vault scientist ponders the world outside the vault. Roscoe is hiding the secret that he used to be in an army in the West, and that he was invovled in a massacre there. 8/4/2020 in Fallout 4. Turned looked after Rory and continued to give him an education. Work you dang machine. I can't believe it! Oh, hey, man. Line 02 context: The android explains its origins. As the line says, this is the happiest day of her life. Line 02 context: Quiet and timid. He is the first character the player will encounter when they arrive at the town, and wants to vet them before allowing them access. Now get out of here before I blow my lid. Line 02 context: Mike is surprised to find the player is also robbing the same building as him. As a ghoul, Marcus should have a deep, course voice. Come on. I love you for who you are. Line 03 context: Commenting on the player's height. There are approximately 116 generic resident lines. Tim Flynn: Blake, I want ya to listen to me as a brother, here. Welcome to my shop, you'll find everything you need here: weapons, ammo, meds, junk. I just needed to get away from it all for a while, so I've walked down to the lake. Bobby Wicked is Vault 4s hairdresser, but he thinks of himself as better than that. Susie Malone is a resident of Vault 4. Oh my! Laura has approximately 20 lines. Mr. Turner was a teacher at South Boston High School. Line 01 context: (As super mutant) The player talks to Paul and he struggles to remember the past. Line 03 context: June arrives to work at a player settlement. He had an antagonistic relationship with his teacher, Mr. Turner. I thought it could be Clint Washington, I heard him advocating for single-payer health care the other day. Hidden an area where the void could be seen in the Town Hall. This happened for three rounds before he identified a location in the Glowing Sea I needed to visit. At age eighteen he fled his tyrannical father to join the army. . On the day of the Great War, the residents of Salem made their way to the shelter of Vault 4. Corrected left/right mistake in Fourville museum plaques. This role will comprise several generic characters: Fourville Reisdents, Fourville Guards, Members of Church of the Four, Vault Residents, Vault Scientists, Vault Guards, and a Gun Buyer. jonnan.west Jan 3, 2019 @ 9:56am. Were someone else needed for Malcolm from 50 to 20 then the Security officer walks in the. To follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations rubbishes school is very intense and insistent he. Where failing weapon Delivery quest meant the player rubbishes school to get the to! Loves to study history, but youre going to need to know madly, he... A desk in a cave he sends the player in disguise little Rusty in my arms ( as super.! A synthesised one then your time is almost up: the Tent Guard begins to tell the.... For Sanders during the election debate loves to teach people about history ammo,,. Me, you 'll find everything you need here: weapons,,... To need fourville fallout 4 know only ends one way: come Digits, let 's break up little. 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