atlantean gods and goddesses

(See Mackey's Encyclopdia of Freemasonry.) Humanoid According to Atlantean beliefs the Gods draw their powers from the primordial beings of Asha and Jovian. That they came in ships was soon forgotten, for untutored minds considered even boats as supernatural. Written by A. Sutherland AncientPages.comStaff Writer, Copyright AncientPages.comAll rights reserved. The Gods of Atlantis are a accumulation of extra-dimensional and divine beings worshiped by both ancient and modern Atlanteans. Their history dates back at least one hundred thousand years; they can live to great ages (thanks to the crystals they each one carries) that may seem inhuman to outsiders, with the oldest known Atlantean being the former King, Kashekim Nedakh. Its appearance is vague at best, being described in texts as a black or brown manlike creature, even though tin he first text it appears in describes it as white, with wings, no head and two glowing red eyes on its chest. By some miracle, Athens was able to defeat the superior Atlanteans and the conquerors from Atlantis were forced to return home in defeat. Filled with false ambition, the rulers of Atlantis determined to conquer the entire world. Country after country began to fall to the power of the Atlanteans until only one power stood against them Ancient Athens. Although they are always more powerful than humans, they are often . First appearance "In the Mysteries of the Phrygians, "says Julius Firmicus, "which are called those of the MOTHER OF THE GODS, every year a PINE TREE is cut down and in the inside of the tree the image of a YOUTH is tied in! Atys imparted his immortality to the tree beneath which he died, and Cybele took the tree with her when she removed the body. The twin brother of Artemis - or Diana - Apollo has many associations including the sun, music, archery, prophecy and healing. He was renowned for his many translations of ancient texts like the Popol Vuh (an ancient Mayan sacred book) and was known to have gathered a great amount of information on the history of the region. Their names were Ampheres, Evaemon, Mneseus, Autochthon, Elasippus, Mestor, Azaes, and Diaprepes. In the Mysteries of Proserpine a tree cut is put together into the effigy and form of the VIRGIN, and when it has been carried within the city it is MOURNED 40 nights, but the fortieth night it is BURNED!" The City of the Golden Gates--the capital of Atlantis--is the one now preserved among numerous religions as the City of the Gods or the Holy City. With upraised arms, they supported the multilayered sky from their assigned positions at the four cardinal points of the compass and presided over one year of the four-year cycle. The guardians of the gates beg her to be patient while they go to the queen of Hades from whom they secure permission to admit Ishtar, but only in the same manner as all others came to this dreary house. Atlantis was said to be larger than Libya and Asia Minor combined, making it a respectable piece of land to inherit. The Atlantean creation story is way too long to completely write here so this is basically what happens: In Atlantean mythology, in the beginning Xadow was all that was, Xadow was a genderless, limitless, formless and lonely god, and because he was so lonely he decided to make the four secondary deities, Igynath, Lonow, Etath, Idesow. Atlantis is a legendary city described by the Greek philosopher Plato (c. 429 - 347 BCE). (See Atlantis.). According to Sanchoniathon, Ouranos was the son of Autochthon, and, according to Plato, Autochthon was one of the ten kings of Atlantis. May it not have been that these demigods of a fabulous age who, Esdras-like, came out of the sea were Atlantean priests? In the midst of the central island of Atlantis was a lofty mountain which cast a shadow five thousand stadia in extent and whose summit touched the sphere of ther. The myth of the dying god is the key to both universal and individual redemption and regeneration, and those who do not comprehend the true nature of this supreme allegory are not privileged to consider themselves either wise or truly religious. Its location is proposed as being one of many potential sites, including Spain, in the Mediterranean, or possibly even near the poles, hidden under the ice. All the other hundreds of gods are less important and usually a single temple is used to pray to as many as ten and sometimes even a hundred deities at a time. Since she was his wife & goddess of destruction, she was viewed as Archon's thorny hammer. Each became the peculiar deity of his own allotment and established therein temples to himself, ordained a priestcraft, and instituted a system of sacrifice. Before the birth of his ten sons, Poseidon divided the continent and the coastwise sea into concentric zones of land and water, which were as perfect as though turned upon a lathe. It was a truly gigantic group. And if Atlantis was simply an allegory used to convey a message, what information can be taken from the story? The oldest son, Atlas, was given rule over all the island which was also named for him. Their children become less powerful with each . They were known for their efficient bureaucracy and advanced civilization. This is how the Atlantic Ocean received its name. All the other hundreds of gods are less important and usually a single temple is . Note: Not all deities have pages in the wiki. In the Maergzjiran tradition, the Spider Queen is the . Wife and sister of Zeus, Hera ruled as queen of Mount Olympus and patron saint of women, marriages, wives and childbirth. From Cartari's Imagini degli Dei degli Antichi. Hera, queen of the gods and goddess of childbirth and women. From a consideration of all these ancient and secret rituals it becomes evident that the mystery of the dying god was universal among the illumined and venerated colleges of the sacred teaching. The legend of Atlantis has been one of the most intriguing and inspirational tales that continues to captivate modern society. Please note that "Active" may be subjective to roleplayers who are considered somewhat active, when in reality the characters may not be roleplayed actively as of the . They circumscribed each of the land zones with a wall, the outer wall being covered with brass, the middle with tin, and the inner, which encompassed the citadel, with orichalch. Elpis - (a.k.a. Unfortunately, however, his credibility in the academic community when he claimed that the Maya had descended from the Toltecs a surviving race who he theorized had descended from the racially superior civilization of Atlantis. In his lecture M. Termier presents geologic, geographic, and zoologic data in substantiation of the Atlantis theory. According to another suggestion, the Bacabs - usually represented as old men or jaguars - may have been four representations of a single deity. She was a patron of needlework, women, the fate of women, childbirth, earth, water, and fertility. The Atlanteans instigated the first war; and it has been said that all subsequent wars were fought in a fruitless effort to justify the first one and right the wrong which it caused. The Guardian (Dark-Hunter, #20; Dream-Hunter, #5; Were-Hunter, #6; Hellchaser, #3) by. The offspring of the Titans became known as the Firstborn Gods. Both the sinking of Atlantis and the Biblical story of the "fall of man" signify spiritual involution--a prerequisite to conscious evolution. From the Olympian goddesses right down to the many minor goddesses. It is thought that upwards of 40,000 people died in only a few hours and it is thought that tsunami waves at least 40 feet in height were generated. She is a fierce protector said to possess the Utchat, the all-seeing eye of Horus. And that is the reason why the sea in those parts is impassable and impenetrable, because there is such a quantity of shallow mud in the way; and this was caused by the subsidence of the island. It seemed as though the future of Atlantis was incredibly bright and prosperous. Another Mystery ritual among the Babylonians and Assyrians was that of Merodach and the Dragon. In support of this viewpoint they describe the "gardens of Adonis, " which were small baskets of earth in which seeds were planted and nurtured for a period of eight days. If Atlantis be considered as the archetypal sphere, then its immersion signifies the descent of rational, organized consciousness into the illusionary, impermanent realm of irrational, mortal ignorance. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Dionysidorus, however, identifies Aschieros with Demeter, Achiochersus with Pluto, Achiochersa with Persephone, and Cashmala with Hermes. Thus cured of the infirmities inflicted on her, she retraces her way upward through the seven gates, at each of which she is reinvested with the article of apparel which the guardians had removed. Others believe the Cabiri to be the seven sacred wanderers, later called the planets. Atlantean sun worship has been perpetuated in the ritualism and ceremonialism of both Christianity and pagandom. Ishtar thereupon descends through the seven gates which lead downward into the depths of the underworld. Atlantean is the term generally . While enjoying the abundance natural to their semitropic location, the Atlanteans employed themselves also in the erection of palaces, temples, and docks. Atlantis, a likely mythical island nation mentioned in Plato's dialogues "Timaeus" and "Critias," has been an object of fascination among western philosophers and historians . The title of "winged" or "plumed" snake was applied to Quetzalcoatl, or Kukulcan, the Central American initiate. Creators Every food grew in their soil and the animals were plentiful enough for all who lived there. 1 of 5 stars 2 of 5 stars 3 of 5 stars 4 of 5 stars 5 of 5 stars. The Atlanteans had a very complex mythology with a lot of gods, demigods and demons - but there are, as in most mythologies, a few more important than the other ones, namely: Xadow, the creator of everything; Igynath, goddess of life; Lonow, god of death; Etath, goddess of destruction; Idesow, god of creation. Despite this, their foothold in ancient society was destroyed, likely because of the events that followed the explosion. The latter theory had a lot of popularity due to the fact that the tale of Atlantis, as told by Plato, makes it very clear that the island was lost over the course of one day and one night. Because of this, he sent a series of earthquakes so great that Atlantis was sunk into the sea over the course of one day and one night. With Themis, he is the father of the Greek three Fates. The Argonautic expedition, listening to the advice of Orpheus, stopped at the island of Samothrace for the purpose of having its members initiated into the Cabiric rites. Plato concludes his description by declaring that it was this great empire which attacked the Hellenic states. She was probably identical with Ashterorh, Astarte, and Aphrodite. When alien beings came to Earth to guide the people of Atlantis, they were seen as gods. The maiden was very beautiful, and after the sudden death of her parents she was wooed by Poseidon, who begat by her five pairs of male children. Additionally, Poseidon himself had made a stream of hot water and a stream of cold water that ran through the island to ensure that all the needs of the people were taken care of. A Complete List of Greek Goddesses, Their Names & Their Realms of Influence. Leahs pure love caused the plants to spring back to life and Asha smiled upon her. The very first beings were the primordial deities Jovian and Asha. Okeanus flattered Gaea and convinced her that they could populate the world with beauty and life if only they mated. Some other notable gods and godesses are; Eda who is the godess of Earth, Thnita the godess of mortality, Fegkia the godess of splendor, Zenobi the godess of the North Atlantean wind, Misos the god war and death, Epithymia the godess of desire, Asteros the god of heavenly light, stars, fireand comets, Ilios the god of the sun, Nyktos the god of the moon, Issoro the god of moderation and temperance, Basi the godess of lust and excess, Archon the god of order and creation, father of the fates and ruler of the Atlantean Pantheon and Apollimi the godess of life, death and wisdom and destroyer of the Atlantean Pantheon. Pan was a composite creature, the upper part--with the exception of his horns--being human, and the lower part in the form of a goat. Not to be confused with the similarly aquatic race, merpeople, the modern Atlanteans are descended from both ancient human and homo magi ancestors who sank below the ocean along with the fabled continent and evolved to survive their new environment. Ishtar demands that the keepers open the gates, declaring that if they do not she will shatter the doorposts and strike the hinges and raise up dead devourers of the living. This civilization, the Atlanteans, like every other civilization in Age of Mythology, has major differences which make it unique. (See Sod, the Mysteries of Adoni. Atalanta was a huntress and a favorite of the goddess Artemis. The message is clear. The majority of researchers who dedicate their time to the mystery of Atlantis come to conclude that the kings and masters of Atlantis were the later gods of antiquity in Egypt, Greece, America and northern Europe. However, these opinions are somewhat controversial considering that the Atlanteans would have had to attacked from the south if they came from these islands not from the west like the stories clearly state. The main god and goddesses in Roman culture were Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva. Thus the allegory of the Self murdered by the not-self is perpetuated through the religious mysticism of all peoples. All Atlantean gods in Age of Mythology: The Titans go here. Poseidon was given the island of Atlantis which was actually the size of a continent. Such deities may correspond to earthly and celestial phenomena or to human values, pastimes, and institutions, including love, marriage, hunting, war, and the arts. Clement of Alexandria writes: "The token of the Sabazian Mysteries to the initiated is 'the deity gliding over the breast.'" One of the most well informed scholars of his era Brasseur de Bourbourg was known to have traveled South America extensively in order to pursue the Mayan-Atlantean connection. Was Atlantis really inspired by a world that was stolen away by the ocean? The Intergalactic Council set up the Atlantean experiment to see if humans could maintain a human body and have free will while still being connected to the God head. Atlantean Gods and Godesses. . The numbers 1 to 10 rule every creature, and the numbers, in turn, are under the control of the Monad, or 1--the Eldest among them. Gods, Goddesses and Deities Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. The rites of Sabazius were very similar to those of Bacchus and it is generally believed that the two deities are identical. At alternate intervals of five and six years a pilgrimage was made to this temple that equal honor might be conferred upon both the odd and the even numbers. He carved the mountain where she lived into a great palace and placed three moats around it each moat larger than the last. The Samothracian rites were particularly concerned with navigation, the Dioscuri--Castor and Pollux, or the gods of navigation--being among those propitiated by members of that cult. Preview Full Series. While there, he supposedly came across the Egyptian records of Atlantis and translated them. Action Comics #18(November, 1939). The Gulf of Laconia is often pointed to as a likely location for the settlement of Atlantis because of its close relation to an ancient geographical location the Pillars of Heracles. Is the both Christianity and pagandom 347 BCE ) American initiate thus the allegory of the most and! The events that followed the explosion associations including the sun, music, archery, prophecy and healing Alexandria... Ashterorh, Astarte, and Cybele took the tree with her when she removed the body Lifestyle Community,,! 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