apollo interview wso

On the other hand, the DCM there team has a great reputation internally and I have seen people moving around and supported. Yes, I would accept this offer and renege later if you get a consulting offer (but probably only if its a consulting offer at MBB harder to justify an offer at a lower-tier firm). This is the exact same as all the people jerking off to the article about blackstone expanding their target school list and getting ready to submit their 3.2 ASU resume to the PE team. When the new bank that is offering the superday asks if youve gotten a return offer, should you just tell them youve signed or not? Should I disclose any info about my full-time offer before interviewing? What did you write about Bank A on your online post? Your information will not be shared. Will declining an offer for a summer internship make it (way) harder to get a FT offer for the following year in that company? Can you expand on what you mean by that, particularly for Hong Kong? . Or you can choose to just stick with (A) and forget B. Ive decided that this is too risky and will stick it out with A. Hey Brian (or anyone who may be able to help). Tbh the too smart for the job kind have an attitude issue that's not worth dealing with. why would a spot open up if some other guy didnt renege? What is the risk associated with going on a super day for a SA role at a Chicago BB given acceptance of a SA role at a NY IBAB. What am I to do? The class was 55% women, 36% minorities, and 9% veterans. Perhaps you can just apply to a selected few firms and be discrete about it. But diversity of skin color does not necessarily translate into diversity of thought. However, a few days later, I got the final round interview from IB, should I proceed with this interview? I agree with you that I should disclose this information, but Im not sure if I should disclose it prior to interview or after an offer is made. I accepted an MBB offer (yes, management consultanting) in a small regional office but was offered another position at a MF credit opportunities (Apollo / BX / Bain Cap / Carlyle) in NYC. If it had been immediately after the fact you might have been able to do more. The interview was a thorough, intense, educational, interesting, friendly and overall a good interview scenario Process of meeting many people and getting a feel for the culture and job requirements. Also, I dont particularly like Chicago but would take the hit for exit opps that BBs offer over non brand-names. The bank role is much more inline with what I want to do for sure but a friend of my grandparents within the company was really lobbying hard for me to get this role and claims that its easy to move around within the company. And while GS obviously has the name/reputation here, its a better idea to renege and accept the MM IB offer in this case since its a lot more relevant. What is the best way to approach this, and is it wise to renege ? 1 month free. I would never renege on a BB offer for another BB offer. or those Ivy League sailing admits? However, since youre talking a paid vs. unpaid role, and a MM vs. a small boutiques, Id say it may not be a bad idea to do so especially given financial reasons. One of them actually worked in a back / mid office role at my earlier roommate's bank. The rest are credit, IR, ops, and admin type roles. There is some risk of reneging on an offer following you around for awhile but most of the potential downside will be in the near-term. No one seems to agree on how to deal with reneging on offers, so I dont think theres a clear answer. I dont want to be left with nothing if the visa screws up, but I will have to renege on the contract a month before the official MM start date. PS. See you on the other side! Im currently still in the process of interviewing with B and C, but A gave me a deadline of earlier last week, and I accepted because it was my only offer on the table. Id probably renege gracefully. I think Management Associate program in other banks / top corporates / buy-side will suit me better. Ive made the decision to renege for a better offer and wanted your input on the best way to do so. Thanks. Win. I have two more days before expiration and I am not sure what I should tell the MM bank. Just dont burn bridges or at least try not to. I think its reasonable to do that because the rankings of the banks have changed since this article was written. I would still probably go with BNP, but if you really do not know what you want to do, yes, DCM could be better. Would it be worth it to just leave Apollo/Oaktree off my employment history to leave all of this behind and avoid any risk? So, this should only be a true concern if senior people (not analysts) got involved? The case study will either be a take-home assignment or an in-person test. If thats the case, then yes, I would definitely recommend reneging if you win an offer at a European BB that offers a decent chance for a full-time return offer. The problem is this, though: at the margin, someone else is always going to be willing to work that extra hour or two to get ahead when the rewards are so great. Is this a situation where reneging makes sense? Or what if they dont give me an offer? People have to understand! Do we think Apollo will ever take ex-consultants? I know you said not to switch between BB banks but these are two different areas. Land More Interviews | Detailed Bullet Edits | Proven Process, Land More Offers | 1,000+ Mentors | Global Team, Map Your Path | 1,000+ Mentors | Global Team, For Employers | Flat Fee or Commission Available, Build Your CV | Earn Free Courses | Join the WSO Team | Remote/Flex. Every single one of Apollo's four summer associates on the flagship PE platform deal team have pre-MBA MF/UMM PE experience. (not to mention they gave me a ridiculously early deadline to decide by and I personally cant afford to graduate unemployed) I have a final round interview however at a middle market bank in sales trading, if I were to receive this do you think this would be a case where the positives far out weight the negatives? I think it is always great to expand your hiring criteria and encourage diversity hiring, and getting diversity of thought is absolutely important, particularly for funds which are extremely homogenous in their make-up, Apollo being a prime example. Is reneging the EB for the BB too risky? I really like the people in the firm I intern with though. But in this case you do have another option: instead of reneging on the offer, just push for a deferred offer instead. By the way (not sure of you covered this topic already, my apologies if you already have), any chance of an article on how to decline offers (SA and/or FT)? If NY is calling you, do so, but try to do renege the offer politely and professionally without burning bridges. Accepted an offer at think Apollo/Oaktree for an internship but recently got extended an offer to join GS/MS IB. I did not inform the asset manager that I have already accepted another offer. There are whole bunch of female MD/Partner and VP/Principals in HC side across the spectrum that are well qualified. The result: they slowly stop getting staffed on any relevant or important work until they are basically working on a handful of pitches for clients that don't really matter. I wouldnt bother because there are too many unknowns, and you would be spending a lot of time and effort to get a marginally better offer (yes, higher compensation, but advancement is harder, and no one cares about prestige in real life). However, Company B does not come to campus. I think you're all missing the point that Apollo is HIRING in general and is expecting to GROW. I noticed I have similar question with GL and AA. Thanks. Also I should mention that I accepted the MM offer back in Dec and just got the offer from BB, so if I renege it would be late in the game and it would be in late March.. What do you think Brian? If you want to ask a question about yourself, say that its about yourself and not a friend (Why even bother when youre anonymous anyway? Ive heard very mixed opinions about my chances at lateraling to a BB from my current FT, which is why I really want to give this rare-ish opportunity a shot. Full database access + industry reports: IB, PE, HF, Consulting, 25k Interviews, 39k Salaries, 11k Reviews, IB, PE, HF Data by Firm (+ more industries). Its a good sign but banks can do whatever they want so dont assume it will actually go through quite yet. Yes I may do so. Im going for FT positions. Do Bankers weigh relevant skills more than a better brand name internship? Personally, I would only state this if the offer is for another IB role at a very similar bank. But if its something like an IB role at a MM or boutique bank, I would not renege for one of those, as youll end up having to move around afterward anyway. Also I havent told the elite boutique about accepting the other offer. (I am currently in an Asian city and the finance world is pretty small here). Two guys started a consulting startup a year ago and they offered me on wednesday, I called the bank that i was interviewing with but they didnt answer, so on thursday i acceptd the startup. If you really dont want to do S&T and you win an IB offer at this other bank, I would just renege on the S&T offer. Not sexist at all - I'm a guy and at age 27 I don't want to be grinding til 2am on a regular basis either. My question is, do you think that recruiter would try to tell the BB? ), I am currently at a Big4 accounting firm following my attendance at a small non-target liberal arts school and was looking to get into IB. Recusandae aut sed qui ullam. Really need help making a right decision here. Do you think its likely they will ask which firm I am switching to? Yesterday had a second interview with a MM Investment Bank, and they asked me to let them know an expiration date of my offer. All of my communication has been with HR. HR says they are giving me a verbal offer and need my verbal answer to process the necessary paperwork but theres a procedural meeting with the Head of IB prior to issuing written offer. Im a sophomore at a non-target and received an offer for a Tech internship at a BB a few months ago in NY. Sit omnis cum autem vitae soluta. Tough position. Fund consultants (those who put a rating on the fund for institutional investors) rate each funds (not each company) on diversity rating. This is true - which is why quotas and % of females is really stupid. Its not so much about what you should or shouldnt do, but rather what may happen regardless of the ethics of it. What would be your take on moving from elite boutique to BB for full time after interning at that elite boutique for the summer? Will I be involved in any legal issue? It is not too niche. This website and our partners set cookies on your computer to improve our site and the ads you see. I have a passion for CRE I recently applied through my school for this company in CA who offers a rotational program. The advantage is that it is a BB and that the rotation to LevFin is already during the internship, at the other bank it will be during the graduate program but their turnover rate is very high. Now I got an internship offer in a completely different industry (Consulting) which could potentially turn into an offer. if before they would only hire a GS/MS banking and UMM/MF PE guy for the MBA intern they will now hire someone who did CS IBD / MM PE. My real concern is, how do I prevent the BANK from knowing this or calling him? All you can really do is ask the off-cycle one for a later start date. The interviewers were not informed that I had accepted an offer elsewhere as I felt it wasnt relevant (if I were to be extended an offer the banking contract allows me to cancel with one month notice). Is it worth to renege? http://ap.dealogic.com/, Also enjoyed the IBAB classification, and the fact that you couldnt classify Macquarie. They might ask themselves why I applied for an internship in the first place. Lol, good old diversity pandering. Why would they want to stay in touch with me? It depends a bit on your previous work experience. I have received offers from two firms (Firm A and Firm B), Firm A is for a Front Office role, however this offer is a SA position which runs from June Aug 2018. Try to be as genuine as possible and see! They would also point out that the upside when reneging is usually much less than you expect. Apollo is looking to double assets in five years, and it will need more people - as well as additional funds from investors - to get there. Evercore > Carlyle > HBS is definitely low quality. They might casually ask other employees and see if anyone knows where youre moving, but thats about it. Most get the message and leave before the VP promotion cycle. But Id say there isnt a ton of risk here since one role is middle office, so if youre not confident of your chances at Firm A, go for it. Maiores tempore saepe rerum eum alias ut illo. Thanks! Ok, you left that part out earlier. Make sure you get the contract on hand (run it by a lawyer preferably and compare the 2) from the other firm before you do anything. I wouldnt be worried but Id be discrete about it, because if someone on campus/your career centre finds out you may risk losing two roles. If you really want IBD, then yes perhaps the IBD role maybe the best route for you. 1. poor whites) don't have access to - squash, golf, skiing, tennis, anyone? Now (a few weeks later), I received an offer from my dream job with this Telecomms job. Would you think its worth it to re-recruit full time to try to get Goldman/MS? They wont believe that youre doing this just to delay your graduation, but you can go with that story if you want. The DAX role may give you some exposure to bankers if you were to work with them on deals, though it can still be challenging to move externally to a bank. First of all thanks for all the info youve posted on this website, I cant stress how much it has helped me in the recruiting process! I would much rather be in NYC. 101 Investment Banking Interview Questions, Certified Investment Advisor Professional - Partner, Certified Hedge Fund Professional - Research Analyst, Certified Private Equity Professional - 2nd Year Associate, Certified Venture Capital Professional - Director, Certified Private Equity Professional - Vice President, Certified Private Equity Professional - 3rd+ Year Associate, Certified Investment Banking Professional - 2nd Year Analyst, Certified Private Equity Professional - 1st Year Associate, Certified Investment Banking Professional - 1st Year Associate, Private Equity Interview Questions To Ask, Certified Investment Banking Professional - 1st Year Analyst, Financial Modeling & Valuation 2-Day Bootcamp OPEN NOW - Only 15 Seats, Venture Capital 4-Hour Bootcamp - Sat April 1st - Only 15 Seats, Excel Master 4-Hour Bootcamp OPEN NOW - Only 15 Seats, Venture Capital 4-Hour Bootcamp - Sat May 20th - Only 15 Seats. I dont think this is a big problem unless it is a standard program and they need you to stay till end of August. Reneging would make sense in that situation (if you receive a superior offer at another BB at a higher rate). Ive already signed the contract, so how do you propose I go about this (or should I just decline the offer?). Would you recommend interviewing for the Chicago BB (Id be forthcoming about having signed and mention Ill interview only if theyre okay with proceeding despite that), or just going with the FT offer I have now, and trying to lateral to a BB later on? I am a recent graduate of a MS in Accountancy program. Difficult situation. I mean for gods sake, its such a huge upgrade (especially given my familys poor financial situation). I currently am in a similar situation: Im considering reneging an offer I got a month ago for ops internship for a front office position at a major asset management firm. (I ultimately want to work in IB. Interview Questions. But most aren't 4.0, triple major types who lurk here and have taught themselves to LBO model by the middle of freshman year of college. Thanks so much for your advice, thats basically what I was thinking as well. Yes youll probably burn the bridge since youve already signed the document, but I assume thats a risk youre willing to take. Don't tell anyone, but my mother's cousin's sister's ex-husband's last name was Garcia. I dont think the big 4 would figure out, though if you do renege on the offer be prepared youd probably burn a bridge because the big 4 firm has bend over backwards to extend the contract for you I dont think its the end of the world if you renege in that situation. Currently have 2 job offers for internship one at a BB Wealth management doing some data inputs for financial planning stuff, and another one at a specialized company doing market research. Just say that you received a FT return offer, but are still interviewing for other roles because you want to do IB. This is subjective. I have received a SA return offer for research at a middle market firm that expires in a week, but 100% want to pursue IB next summer. I dont think it will even matter since theyll easily find out anyway. They wouldnt necessarily disclose damaging information about you or otherwise try to make your other offer fall apart, but they wouldnt help your case much either. If you do, then yes, it might be fine to take this asset management role over the IB role. Also, how should I tell the MM if I decide to renege? I made the decision far too late and there were no IB FT Analyst Positions available for the upcoming summer. Sure Id be willing to be interviewed; contact me by email. Just contact recruiters and friends at other places and explain your situation and say that youre very interested but need to find out quickly. Actually worked in a completely different industry ( Consulting ) which could potentially turn an! 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