snape falls in love with hermione fanfiction

Albus was shocked and went over to her and asked her her name. Minerva said "do you know how to play it" and Hermione nodded and Minerva asked her to play something and nodded. (I am very busy in my life, so this will take m Shes in love, madly in love with the wrong person. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). But things aren't going as planned. This is not a time travel story; the only prior knowledge anyone has is their own fanon, but Hermione will be mostly the same. Stories that are rated R for this pairing will be listed here.The Rules of Engagement by GlindaTrissttWinter Heart by ImhilienA Secret Worth Keeping by Red Writing Hood Survivors by SwissMiss1 reviews Written pre-DH, AU. Severus Snape had been many things in his life. Find out in.. The war had been over four years now, surely they were in Severus locks Hermione in a room in the dungeons when she comes for detention and keeps her there when the death eaters take Hogwarts. , . He knows exactly who has to help him. It's all made worse because Voldemort has taken to treating his followers like his own private harem- Reg was the man's last favourite, which he can't believe has nothing to do with the man's fate, and now Voldemort's interest is turning to him. Hermione stood, crying, as she watched her love walk out the door of Grimmauld Place to the battle that lay on the grounds of Hogwarts. The joys of her life are her work and her books. Hes said it from the beginning. The first part is JK Rowling's writing. One more glance and then I'm done. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. Theodore Nott had been seeing a cute blonde from Ravenclaw for some time. "What about the wizards! The love of his life; gone without a trace. But never before had he been someone's first pick to date. In which a Hermione was born 19 September 1959 to the grandson of Hector Dagworth-Granger. Hermoine placed as head girl, an unknown head boy has not been taken to his duties. She hated lying to Caliban, but felt no inclination to tell him the truth, either. New band One Direction causes Roman DO NOT READ- I'm no longer continuing with this story but I'm doing the same story called the Temptress. Now having to face a future with this woman, and the baby that grew in her womb, he needed to tell her of his world, because there was no doubt their child would be magical. Severus Snape had a plan, but then the plan didn't turn out how he wanted. "Madeline Winchester had horrible luck; if being the magical child of John Winchester was anything to go by. He enjoys himself, as he should, but in the end his loyalty will determine the outcome of the war. She saw Draco looking like a mess and played a few notes on her violin and his appearance was not terrible. The one unwavering constant in her life: her love, Severus Snape. After he rubs the paste on she starts breathing again. Vernon jerked from his desk, and made his way to the door, opening it with a loud thud as he hurried down the hall and stairs. This is a time turner fic and doing the math, Hermione starts off sixteen and will be forced into making a very adult decision as part of Albus plan. A Severitus story, one without magic. She hated lying to Caliban, but felt no inclination to tell him the truth, either. CROSSED WIRES Alumas mentiras so disseminadas, alguns pecados so cometidos em nome da liberdade e as cinzas so as nicas provas da independncia. A boy who's in need of protection. If Hermione let her fingers coast gently over the parchment, she wondered whether her skin would be stained, marked by his words. You should read Wild Love before reading Measured Love. Or does he resort to shunning every one out of his life? Will Ron ever speak to Hermione again? February 1980 - screw canon! - I Severus shook his head in disbelief before trying again. I'll do individual ratings/warnings at the top of each chapter <3 Tags and characters will be added as the oneshots make themselves known *fingerguns*. It is the reason why she is chosen by Madame Maxime to come study under the tutelage of Hogwarts professors during the year of the TriWizard Tournament. Or, at least, that's how it appears. How does Hermione cope after the war? Just give me in character and good writing! Prompt 2020-77: Since the night his parents were killed, Harry Potter has been hidden in a secret chamber in the ruined house at Godrics Hollow, preserved by the Draught of Living Death. To love, to laugh, to marry. Et si le lien qui se formait entre eux ne disparaissait pas mais s'approfondissait avec une exposition rpte ? Will this hate result in anything else??? Hermione uma mulher solteira que viaja sozinha. Are they really just best friends? It should have been easy. - ? But you can only help Five years, it had been five years since the battle for Hogwarts. Everyone gasps and Hermione told them what she told Albus. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. This is a story of how they came together through tough times and tribulations. Not in the slightest. Long live Snamione! Through his memories, it's revealed that he was worried about Harry's future when Lily and James died and that he was afraid of seeing Harry when he's old enough to attend Hogwarts. Traduccin de: Against their will. Dark Severus Snape Alternate Universe - Dark Rope Bondage Voyeurism A dark Severus has to navigate being a spy, a toy, a weapon, anything and everything his masters could require. Thanks to @HermioneGranger30501 for the amazing cover!! Some plans shouldn't be set in stone.. Severus Snape had a plan, but then the plan didn't turn out how he wanted. Severus Snape died, the war took him. And why can't she stop thinking about Professor Snape? Seu estilo de vida incomoda algumas pessoas do vilarejo que est visitando, causando alguns dissabores entre ela e os habitantes. ela perguntou, sua voz trmula. Recommended by Title: Beyond the Silver Rainbow Author: lupinlover Rating: K+ Why did she do so? Notorious amongst her friends for her incredibly high standards, she finds herself in the middle of a sexual drought, with a string of past lovers leaving her wanting. How did she bring him back? tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. A time turner of his creation to get the hell out of whatever predicament he was in. James Potter/Lily Evans Potter/Severus Snape, Past Lucius Malfoy/Severus Snape - Freeform, Minor Bellatrix Black Lestrange/Tom Riddle | Voldemort, There's a whole lot of sexual trauma in this fic, Voldemort treating his followers like his own personal harem no matter what they think about it, The Voldemort/Severus is very much non-consensual, Purebloods are not necessarily objectively good people, James Potter has done bad things and has to live with that, even Light Purebloods are prejudiced to one degree or another, a fic by a writer of navel gazing and characters having long emotionally exhausting conversations, Neville Longbottom/Fred Weasley/George Weasley. Sequel to Severus and Hermione. Harry Potter is sick of it. He also knows that his best friend/brother is a natural sub and yearns for his own family, but is too shy to go looking for a good Dom. Snape / Hermione story Out of a war where children must grow up too fast, Hermione and Severus develop a beautiful friendship and more. - ; , ; , , , ? I am the lover of Tom Marvolo Riddle, the Dark Lord Voldermort. What if it eats or attacks our poor Dudley?" But what will happen when she askes Severus begins to recieve letter from a depressed student. screeched Petunia from the first floor. Hermione Granger finds herself in an entirely different fight, and it could very well change the world as they all know it. During 19th century London, Harry Potter falls down the chimney of the apothecary of one Professor Severus Snape, bringing with him dire inconveniences. *One Shot*. Gonna try keeping up with the March prompt challenge! Or an entity. . Severus Snape was living a peaceful life in Spinner's End until he sees the missing add in the Daily Prophet. Ignoring the warnings of their good family friend, Severus Snape, Harry sets out to find what he believes is the ideal husband for his new friend, Hermione Granger, but nothing goes to plan and Harry has a few harsh . Cold and critical, he knows the day will come when his demons will come back to haunt him, but today is not Not everyone entered into the war choosing either The Boy Who Lived or Voldemort; some of the people who decided to join had their own reasons. Harry has a lot to work through, and Severus is here for it. Will she be able to have time to explain to her friends what was going on when they found her in a puddl ***COMPLETED*** With the help of her two best friends, Hermione is determined to make a deal with Death and bring Hogwarts cranky potions master back to the land of the living. But there are a few things she tends to keep t Severus Snape Fanfic - You were warned. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (50), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Original Spells and Potions (Harry Potter), Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter/Ron Weasley, Harry Potter/Neville Longbottom/Severus Snape, Hermione Granger/Harry Potter/Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger & Draco Malfoy & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley, I don't know what to say whenever I have to write these tags, WTF | Winter Temporary Fandom Kombat 2022, WTF HP Adventurers 2022: M E, Fred Weasley/ Regulus Black/ George Weasley, Gideon Prewett/ Draco Malfoy/Fabian Prewett, Albus Dumbledore/destroying innocent lives, Severus Snape/Neville Longbottom/Nymphadora Tonks, Neville Longbottom & Luna Lovegood & Harry Potter, fandom HP Gerontophilia 2021 (fandom_HP_Gerontophilia), Poppy Pomfrey/Rubeus Hagrid/Pomona Sprout, Harry Potter and the Classification potion. Caught between these two powerful men, the triplets, the Marauders, and their good friends are managing to change key events, keep the horcruxes and hallows away from dangerous and evil hands, and even find some happiness with one another. The parallel is painfully, poignantly lovely. The Mistress of the Healing Arts must return to Hogwarts sooner than she'd planned, and now has to face Lupin and Snape. Begin Again (Severus Snape/Student Love Story) Will she accept the headmaster's proposal to be a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor?How will she endure the scathing, cold Professor Snape?What secret is she hiding? But in the midst of darkness can love come through? But he knew he was lying to himself; right from having their clothes being unbuttoned, to being a (HGXSS) It all starts with a Detention occupied by Severus Snape himself. You said you were in the library late last night? The 8th year are students who are 18-19 year olds who CHOSE to stay on after their NEWTs f Hermione finds herself longing the company of the one person who'd sent her through a living hell 3 years prior. Lennocelia Kingsleigh has it all. Hermione Snape is diagnosed with a brain tumor, she is dying, but the love that Severus has for his wife of 8 years will never end. May 13, 2022 . Dumbledore was intrigued and asked him to take him to her tomorrow. She was later met with a rather brooding, quiet raven-haired Professor Snape. When she joined the secret society of vigilantes, she thought her biggest concern was the dark forces she'd trained so hard to fight. Work Search: The last time the Virent Rosa was seen, the wizarding world was on the edge of extinction. ""We'll tell them he ran away, or we'll lie and say he was never here. "Throw him out!" A new chapter has begun in Severus and Hermione's life together. Hermione and Severus grow close over the last few years of Hermione's High School career. Books, lots of pining, and (I hope) mushiness. Her knowledge of potions is equal to Snape's, so they attend conferences together and use eachother as a sounding board. She never talks, due to her pureblood wizard fathers abuse. Summary: Hermione Granger and Severus Snape slowly learn from each other as the war escalates and the Final Battle approaches. This story is about Marigold Evans, twin sister to Lily Potter and Aunt to Harry Potter. Hermione finishes her seventh year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. . After all, they're only t Hermione and her friends hate their greasy haired teacher Snape more than anything. Harry packs up her potion equipment and hands her the box and says "Hermione, your running out of polyjuice" and she said "I am" and her brother said "Mia, that batch was made in second year" and the professors gasp said they both roll their eyes. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Voldemort has one request for her to join his army, Is she ready for the task the Dark Lord has given to her? Death Eaters and Domentors return Hermione Granger despises Severus Snape. Please consider turning it on! All rights belong to the writer Joanne Kathleen Rowling (J. K. Rowling). Bad Albus Dumbledore; Bad James Potter; No HEA; Summary. As the title suggests, it's a Snamione HC! Oh, and Ron's unsatisfactory "broomstick". But never before had he been someone's first pick to date. She has always known she was different. and now a war has started Severus want her to be safe she want him to be safe He wanted to fall in love, but was too shy to ask anyone out. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Part 2 of The Love Series Language: English Words: 13,311 Chapters: 5 /? Just like he couldn't stop averting his gaze towards her sleeping figure, bathed in moonlight. Can she save those she loves, can Voldemort be brought down, before it is to late. Now Hermione must learn to live with the ice, for being abandoned and found with little to no choice. Who she is, he does not know. Neville will always make sure Severus is trained and prepped, all ready to be Harrys good boy. Hermione Granger has failed to escape from Malfoy Manor with Harry and Ron and is being held captive by the master of the house, Lucius Malfoy. She goes to Hogwarts as a muggleborn with no last name and no idea of her parentage. Everyone gets tested and classified at the age of seventeen, except Harry Potter. Severus said "do you even kn-" but Harry cut him off by saying "Severus, shut up please" and all the professors are shocked at his outburst. Sequel to Severus and Hermione. Snape meets her for the first time in chapter 27, but they don't start dating until about 10 chapters later. Possessive Severus Snape Emotional/Psychological Abuse Emotional Hurt/Comfort Dubious Consent Had Hermione known her partner within the Circle of the Sphinx was her childhood tormentor, she would have scoffed at the thought that he was her perfect match. Albus Dumbledore, more than unhappy with the way things are going not just at Hogwarts with Dolores Umbridges arrival and taking over his position but also the Ministry, decides to take matters into his own hands once the DA gets discovered. How will she be able to surive this new post-apocalyptic world? The Potions Master and Gryffindor's Princess (A Snamione Tale), Descendant of Merlin Book 2: Darkness and Desire (Severus Snape), To Mend The Broken Heart (Snape/Student Love Story), My Lord, My Friend (Harry Potter fan-fic)(Riddle/Snape), Vandela Nixin Black #A Severus Snape Love Story#, The Deepest Desire of our Hearts (Severus Snape fanfic) (Watty Awards 2012), If I die Young( A Severus Snape One Shot), Nova Snape; A Draco Malfoy-Severus Snape story (Completed and Edited), Welcome to My World (A Severus Snape Fanfic), Destroying his Facade (Severus Snape love story), i hate you, you hate me, but we cant live without each other(snape love story). The war with Voldemort is having a more direct impact on the wizarding world, and Dumbledore is growing bolder and more disgusting in his manipulations. Go back in time, restore his soul and avoid to make the same mistakes again. ******************************** Hypothesis by @samiibrigid ( Thank you golly Severus Snape was living a peaceful life in Spinner's End until he sees the missing add in the Daily Prophet. CROSSED WIRES Severus is only a few days away from gaining his mastery in Potions - he isn't a Death Eater, yet because the rules of the Potions Guild and the Potions Master he had studied under, forbids being bound to another Master at the same time. Why does the wind whisper a different name to her? But is he ready for what lies ahead? Apresar de lo que todos piensan Narcissa Malfoy anteriormente Black no es mi madre, mi progenitora, o como prefieran llamarle, ella solo es una tapadera de mi padre, aquella que usaba frente a la sociedad, la elite. It's been two years since the war ended. Please note this story is rated mature use of violence, smut and bad language. If he discovered she preferred spending her evenings being tutored by her Potions professor, she didnt know whether hed praise her for being so studious or question her growing interest in the subject. He loved Snape. Today that question is answered with never before seen interviews with the survivors! What happens when she falls in love with a boy who's parents tried to kill her? Harry runs in the room and goes over to Hermione and checks how bad the cracks are and says "damn it" and the professors jump out of fright and Harry tells Poppy to give Hermione a pain potion. And anyone who set his/her eyes on his mate will regret it bitterly. Hermione actually starts having feelings for him. Quando Hermione capturada por Comensais da Morte, Severus sabe que s h uma maneira de salv-la. He does discover he has a mate, though. Hermione was laying down in a peaceful sleep when the professors hear cracking and look at Hermione. It's Harry's fourth year at Hogwarts and with rumors of the Dark Lord on the rise as well as the return of the Triwizard tournament, the students are in for an eventful year. How will she be able to surive this new post-apocalyptic world? Snow White personified, waiting for a prince's kiss to wake him up. "What do you want me to do?" Emilia Rosier was called upon by Headmaster Albus Dumbledore to teach in Hogwarts. 341 pages November 3, 2020 Hello. After thr Harry, Ron and herself find themselves in another year of Hogwarts. He is spiteful and damaged but deserves to be cherished anyways. Dumbledore takes no time to think about and accepts the young witch's help. Nova Snape, Severus Snape's niece, is about to find out. When Severus was walking by and saw her produce a force field around herself and he saw the music notes strengthen the barrier. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (16), Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (Movies) (1), Severus Snape/Original Female Character(s) (8), Severus Snape & Original Female Character(s) (5), Inspired by Hades and Persephone (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), References to Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, Persephone Goes Willingly With Hades (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Lucius Malfoy/Harry Potter/Tom Riddle/Severus Snape, Luna Lovegood/Fred Weasley/George Weasley, Alternate Universe - Harry Potter Setting, Severus Loves Harry and Harry Doesn't Love Harry and They Work It Out, The Invisibility Cloak is Harrys Security Blanket, except for i don't think the books pay enough attention to how horrid the durselys were, Possible trigger warning because there is discussion of possibly disordered eating habits, Harry Potter is the Heir to the House of Black, Severus thinks he has everything under control, He does not have everything under control, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, But He Sort of Redeems Himself as a Friend, Inspired by Orpheus and Eurydice (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Alternate Universe - Sleeping Beauty Fusion, Severus Snape/Original Female Character(s), Severus Snape & Original Female Character(s), Book 3: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, The Ministry of Magic (Harry Potter) is Terrible, Blood Ties and Betrayal: The Story of Cassie Black, Book 4: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Dean Winchester & Original Female Character(s), Sam Winchester & Original Female Character(s), Sirius Black & Original Female Character(s). I have no self-control it would seem. But when her father becomes the new D.A.D.A teacher, secrets of her past unravel and her affection for The Potions Master become clear. Don't let the number of chapters back you down, this will be worth your time, I promise. But he's only a boy. Severus grabbed her violin case and picked up Hermione carrying her to the hospital wing. Or a thing. Now, Severus is cursed with a failing heart unless he can love a woman, and she can love him in return. They must stick together along with their dearest friends. he growled as two hazel and green eyes looked up at him. Et si le lien qui se formait entre eux ne disparaissait pas mais s'approfondissait avec une exposition rpte ? In world where magic has been suppressed, Severus, wounded and dying, is saved by a boy who appears wrapped in magic and light. When Harry turns up embarrassingly aroused when he's supposed to be out with Draco, Severus is determined to find out what happened. Hermione Granger returns to Hogwarts to repeat her 7th year alone. What happens when a young girl is tortured to the point where she is scarred forever? After Hermione spills a potion she is forced to serve detention. and he almost dying wasn't working so now s A change in career brings two people as close together as they always wanted to be but is it too close? He does discover he has a mate, though. Actually, she couldnt fully determine whether he was a man. Good luck sorting that out. Gonna try keeping up with the March prompt challenge! To know that everything that happens from this second on is only what I desire. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Il dcide d'offrir la fille en cadeau son plus vieil ami. But did he even want to be saved? Seu estilo de vida incomoda algumas pessoas do vilarejo que est visitando, causando alguns dissabores entre ela e os habitantes. she screeched again. "Vernon!" With the power of nature at his fingertips Neville can change or destroy the world. snape falls in love with hermione fanfiction lemonspicy mostaccioli recipe. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts A different take on the Marriage Law prompt. Please consider turning it on! Blossom: Mature or develop in a promising way Why does the wind whisper a different name to her? A story of sacrifices, promises and compromises.A little warning,it will be a long story! But it is pretty self-indulgent and there is a happy ending, so like, have fun! Il doit passer l'attaque. Severuse Snapea s Voldemortem? Severus Snape's soul remains as black as the poisonous mark on his forearm. Harry becomes a world famous Auror, along with Ron, who she has left after the great war. I have no self-control it would seem. Advertencias; Contiene escenas extremadamente crueles y que pueden herir la sensibilidad del lector.Anacronismo Social. The Second War is over and Voldemort has won. All of it. Please note this story is rated mature use of violence, smut and bad language. Find out in. Rated M for later chapters. But what happens when her feelings start to change? NO wont give her what she wants. Hermione was by the lake, when she decided to play the violin. It all happened in a second, leaving Hermione's soul to travel back to before the war in order to change the course of time. Work Search: Hermione is caught by death eaters after the quidditch World Cup and discovers a shocking trueth will she stay with her old friends or join her family hermioneriddle deatheaters voldemortsdaughter +5 more # 8 following the darkness / dm by sydneyflowerss 132K 2.8K 66 The central plot of Snape losing his memories is woven together with Hermione's parents permanently losing their memories. My Hearts Delight How to Win the Love of a Shy Sub! But what if instead of falling in love with Ginny and Ron Weasley respectively, Harry and Hermione fell. What happens when Hermione takes remedial Potions alone with Snape? If he discovered she preferred spending her evenings being tutored by her Potions professor, she didnt know whether hed praise her for being so studious or question her growing interest in the subject. All rights to JK Rowling. Traduccin de: Against their will. They heard aloud boom and Hermione went outside and saw Voldemort and she placed a spell on the castle. Will he ever recover completely? Eerin Beaumont is not your average teacher she has powers seen only every million years. Darkness looms over Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. SSHG combustion lente, complet (11/11), ~ 20k mots. tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos. We can stop.or we can take this slower we don't have to do this right now. While the Slytherins wants Voldemort to set up with the young Potions Prodigy! Wrong, Join us while we tell the story of how Harry finally finds his bonded and gains family along the way. Updated fairly regularly by fan fiction standards. Severus paid no mind to his mum's ramblings. She is in love with Severus Snape. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Severus Snape knew he was destined to die. When Hermione takes remedial Potions alone with Snape la sensibilidad del lector.Anacronismo Social Harry finally finds his and... Your average teacher she has left after the great war si le qui... Extremadamente crueles y que pueden herir la sensibilidad del lector.Anacronismo Social on she starts breathing again abandoned! Gently over the parchment, she wondered whether her skin would be stained, marked by his words a field. ( J. K. 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