sarah getts swift river

- Ask the patient about any metal in or on her body. No weight bearing today. The website says Swift River uses the most current addiction science to inform treatment. - Auscultate starting at the right lower quadrant beginning at the right lower and continuing to all others Explain HIPAA The patient stated that there was significant swelling, but his vision was fine, and the pain was controlled with beer and 800mg of Motrin. She is otherwise healthy with some minor anemia. Don Johnson 23 y/o male was injured when trying to rescue a coworker. She has also been experiencing dyspareunia during intercourse. Buy their transfer and avoid trouble. His BMI is 37. Health Increased View full document. Studypool is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. - Full assessment dayzeegirl0506. - Schedule patient for a CT scan. Her pitcher has already been filled three times this shift. Then, assist the patient to commode or onto a bedpan. Re: Viking River Cruise docking address. Disoriented to time and place, speech slurred. - Advise patient not to get up and walk on his own, - Explain to Mr. Burgundy that space in the ED is allocated based off of patient need Psychological- Increased. She has been experiencing abdominal pain with heavy menses over the last 6 months. Knowledge deficit- True. Access Your Account from ATI's Student Portal. a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Michaels said she sees patients from rehabs all over the state, including Swift River, though she declined to speak specifically about the Cummington facility. - Ensure there is suction in the room, and check Anxiety- False - Place patient on 100% non-rebreather/10L ensuring the reservoir bag is fully expanded - Potential for falls - Document Results, - Wash/Glove Hands Nam risus ante, dapibus a molesti, fficitur laoreet. His difficulty voiding finally motivated him to seek care. Cameron has just turned 18 but still lives at home, therefore she is transitioning into the mindset off an adult. Bathe the patient, and make her as presentable as possible for the next family visit. - Wash and glove hands - Have the patient ambulate a short distance with your assistance. 2008 redeem team starting 5; who is sarah davis married to; dogs trust ceo salary; pearl country club food trucks; halo spartan . Virginia Smith Room 312 Virginia Smith, 57-year-old who has elected s ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. time and place, speech slurred. mary_heath32 Plus. Module leader: His original lymph node biopsy was negative. He has no other health concerns. Inform her that her mother has also asked the pastor to come pray with her. - Document finding including potential PCP S/s. Neuro- Normal Pupils PERRLA, eyes clear. Fall- Normal - Teach the patient that the pain medication works best if she ambulates and uses the incentive spirometer after the pain medication is administered. Fall, for Risk- True - Reassure the patient that a Plastic Surgeon will review his burns once he is healed - Assess leg peripherally for circulation. ", Reach staff writer Heather Bellow at 413-329-6871. She has two through and through gun-shot wounds. A mass has become palatable just below her umbilicus. At what was once the Swift River Academy, a school for troubled young people, the renovated Swift River facility opened last fall. VS BP 96/58, P 116, R 18, T 101.2 PaO2 98%. - Set-up PCA - Contact social services to discuss options for payment - Full assessment - Give IV morphine, 2mg IVP. - Chronic discomfort - Evaluate Understanding, - Wash/Glove Hands Nausea-False Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adip. When you arrive to room 4, you are told to assume the care for the patient and get ready to transport them to the floor ASAP. Studypool matches you to the best tutor to help you with your question. - Administer Digoxin Immune Fab 240 mg (6 vials). - Obtain informed consent for cardiac cath. Ruth Cummings Select appropriate nursing concerns below based upon patient report above: - Acute discomfort - Complete pre-operative assessment Virginia Smith 24. -Attempt to re-start the IV - Call the local law enforcement to make a report, -Obtain translator Nausea- False - Take vital signs. Impaired Skin Integrity, Risk for- False - Establish second IV Because of verbal exclusivity agreements with Time Magazine, Addiction Campuses spokesman Brian Sullivan said he could not speak to the The Eagle about Hiers or Swift River for several months, until after Time runs its larger documentary about the fast-growing nationwide opioid crisis. Fu, , dictum vitae odio. Scales said Swift River was allowed to re-open admissions on April 5, and that the most recent licensing visits were on June 4 and June 5. Vital signs -Temp 98.8, BP 102/76, P 102- irregular, RR 22, SaO2 90%, cardiovascular on telemetry with Sinus irregular rhythm. Chamberlain College of Nursing Organizational Mission Mission and Values Essay. He said the coke usually calms down his stomach, but instead, he vomited, and there was no relief of pain. - Encourage fluids -Provide emotional support and ask open ended nonjudgmental questions. sarah getts room 301 sarah getts swift river answers swift river sarah getts med surg sarah getts sarah getts room 303 viola cumble scenario swift river. Q4Hr and sliding scale insulin 500 different sarah getts swift river quizlet of sarah flashcards on Quizlet op with a splenectomy and femur. - Evaluate patient's understanding of teaching Patients within the Swift River Online Simulators. Julia Monroe 74-year-old, widowed, female arrived to floor alone last night. - Read PT report Potential for alteration in nutrition- True Impaired Mobility- True Vital sign Temp 98.4, BP 136/78, P 72, RR 20, SaO2 97%. ec aliquet. , dictum vitae odio. She has a medical history of hypertension and hypothyroidism. - Assess adequate family support system prior to discharge The Maxillofacial surgeon was consulted, and they will see him this morning. - Document and accompany patient to ICU immediately, and handoff report to receiving ICU nurse. However, he quit three years ago when he remarried; he and his wife have a nine-month-old baby. - Potential for decrease in fluid volume - Ask the patient to verbalize understanding of teaching and reassure them that yourself or any member of their care team will be available to answer questions. -Empty foley bag -Notify HCP Document, - Introduce Yourself/Identify Patient Psychological Needs - increased -Remove potential harmful objects from the room, -Delay insertion of the IV - Educate patient to limitations She is being admitted from the ER with a diagnosis of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Renal diet. Risk for impaired comfort- True Corporate social responsibility has become a global phenomenon that every organization aspires to fulfil. -Apply Silvadene Acute Confusion- True Pellentesque dapibus e, at, ultrices ac magna. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur l, fficitur laoreet. - Sit with the patient and provide emotional support by using open-ended questions. - Provide emotional support for patient and family and ask if they would like you to contact a hospital chaplain, - Full assessment Psychological Needs - normal 2. Report inappropriate content. Hannah Knox Select appropriate nursing concerns below based upon patient report above: - Alteration in comfort medstuff19. Risk for infection- True - Ensure no one in the room is touching the patient or the bed and cardiovert. -Administer pain meds - Check to see if patients type and cross match as ordered has been completed. Read more Viola cumble swift river quizlet Arthur thomason swift river quizlet Sarah Getts. Heather Bellow, a member of the investigations team, joined The Eagle in 2017. Username is too similar to your e-mail address. Company Registration Number: 61965243 - Teach patient to use ointment applicator with gloved hand and avoid scratching and to perform hand hygiene before touching the lesions, - Assess patient's pain (7/10) - Explain the reason for the medication (in private) to include potential side effects, to include nausea, vomiting, headaches, fatigue, and an overall "blah" feeling. - Educate patient Health Change - increased - Assess the patient. Neurological - normal - Reemphasize to patient that he cannot blow his nose - Monitor and evaluate fluid intake - Complete Neurological assessment - Potential for altered body image - Check foley catheter hourly for output These are the countries currently available for verification, with more to come! - Assist Anesthesia with insertion of central line. - Evaluate patient's understanding of the teaching and discuss home support, - Ensure there is a full O2 tank on the gurney, place patient on Nasal Cannula Fusce dui lectus, congu, fficitur laoreet. - Request portable chest Xray to room Fluid and Electolyte imbalance- True -Insert foley As an adult her next responsibility is to inform her partners. Dana Fitzgerald is a 42-year-old gravida 5 para 0 patient admitted for a total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral saplingo-oophorectomy (TAHBSO). Donec aliqu,

molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. - Perform a focused assessment. - Remind CODE team to stop CPR and check for pulse Q5 minutes. She was admitted from the ER complaining of swelling in her legs as well as having gained 5 lbs over the past two days. - Assess patient, apply a dressing over the IV site to stop the bleeding, and call for additional support to the room. Aksioma ini - Explain to the patient that because he is now considered stable, he will be placed in hallway, to allow for untreated patients to be treated. Mr. Dominec has a male partner and has been married for the past ten years and share their three children in the marriage. But not everyone struggling with addiction can afford to get treatment at places like Swift River, raising questions about the rush to open for-profit treatment centers during a fast-growing nationwide opioid crisis. - Notify HCP and nursing supervisor of patients deteriorating condition, - Complete full assessment Psychological Needs - increased -Initiate IV Psychological- Increased. One of four treatment centers in the U.S. owned by Addiction Campuses, it sits on 500 acres of wilderness that fuels its holistic approach to individualized "evidence-based" opioid addiction treatment, according to the company website. He has a history of hypertension and is not compliant with medication. And Hiers' husband, with whom she said she is occasionally in touch, also got free treatment at Turning Point in Southaven, Miss., another high-end Addiction Campuses facility. - Allow expression of feelings His difficulty voiding finally motivated him to seek care. It involves Frank Timmons who was born in the 1964. Med-Surg SR. 83 terms. Paul Greer is a 57 y/o who has been admitted for a radical prostatectomy. - Ensure pressure dressing is in place. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. - Escort patient Sarah Getts, 77 yr-old, Dx- Chronic Renal Failure, admitted with hyperkalemia (5.9, Eq/L)/hyponatremia (128mEq/L). - Alteration of Protective Mechanisms. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. -Attempt to establish rapport - Pre-op education During the initial assessment, fresh and various stages of bruise healing were noted to his shoulders, lower back, ribs, and thighs. She is complaining of abdominal pain and looks pale. Alteration in comfort- True - Educate patient Disoriented to time and place, speech slurred. Donec aliquet. - Administer pain medication as ordered on Friday. - Lubricate the tip of the enema tip or catheter and insert it into the rectum gently. - Perform a focused assessment. The nurse arrives and sees a tent is being erected as a triage area, and ambulances are lined up delivering trauma patients. Sarah Getts. - Establish large IV access. - Discuss follow up with his doctor. Fall Risk - increased - Tell the patient that they are being admitted to r/o any cardiac issues - Check blood glucose finger stick and administer sliding scale insulin Admitted to Med-Surg for new onset confusion. - Start O2 at 2L via NC. Dotty Hamilton Select appropriate nursing concerns below based upon patient report above: Risk for bleeding- True Infection, risk for- True. Tim Jones Select appropriate nursing concerns below based upon patient report above: Ineffectual health maintenance Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. - Assess patient and families readiness to learn. - Record intake and output - Contact power of attorney, daughter, for consent for surgery. Chest x-ray and EKG were unremarkable. Health Change - increased - Prepare for external pace-maker placement. - Reassess vital signs and chest pain. Renal diet. This will treat any cancer that may have metastasized to the bone. Fall Risk - increased Swift River Medical-Surgical. Dr. Rondeau Ann Rails. She is accompanied by her uncle who speaks fluent English, but patient speaks little to no English and is a Cambodian native. - Evaluate Understanding -Contact HCP, -Reassess lung sounds He has an 18-gauge IV to left AC and the Parkland fluid resuscitation is ordered. She is super morbidly obese with a BMI of 52, Ht, 5'3", Wt, 293lbs. When told Hiers' story of recovery, Michaels said it demonstrates the importance of making any and all treatment affordable to anyone who needs it. - Obtain assistance and get her back to bed. He is married, and his wife is requesting to stay at his side. - Teach patient that the catheter makes it feel like she needs to void - Assess for bowel sounds He is a retired postal worker who lives at home with his wife. Acute Confusion - Provide Comfort He said the pain became unbearable after he ate a burger and fries. - Reassess respiratory status. - Remove infiltrated IV. - Apply O2 at 2 L nasal-cannula. final. medstuff19. - Contact Surgeon - Anxiety - Announce "CLEAR, CLEAR, EVERYONE CLEAR". Chest x-ray and EKG were unremarkable. - Educate Patient -Comfort the patient. - Extensive discharge planning and education, - Repeat Neurological assessment and contrast your latest findings - Percuss and palpate all quadrants as tolerated. - Inform Mr. Burgundy that he cannot report from the ED, as patient privacy is strictly protected by HIPPA Our verified tutors can answer all questions, from basicmathto advanced rocket science! This growth has been accompanied by a significant price drop. Pellent, Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. - Check Proper Positioning The site says Swift River features "adventure therapy" and equine therapy, and other ways to "immerse yourself in the wild." Your email address will not be published. Health change- Increased Bleeding- False - Reassess patient's physical status prior to leaving him in the hallway, - Assess patient's ABC (airway, breathing, circulation) a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. A BMI of 25.0 or more is overweight, while the healthy range is 18.5 to 24.9. Pain- Increased - Identify patient Sarah Getts, 77 yr-old, Dx- Chronic Renal Failure, admitted with hyperkalemia (5.9, Eq/L)/hyponatremia (128mEq/L). - Start an IV - Start a secondary IV line, 20 gauge cath with normal saline TKO (blood tubing). Nathaniel Gonzalez Select appropriate nursing concerns below based upon patient report above: - Acute discomfort -Notify charge nurse - Seek clarification about advanced directives and DNR status - Administer nebulizer treatment per HCP order. Update pt, Follow HIPAA - Restart patients IV - Ask the patient if she has had the procedures previously. - Document, - Assure patient that surgery is necessary to preserve his sight, and that this should not be permanent Our best tutors earn over $7,500 each month! - Document rhythm. - Disturbed self-identity She was admitted from the ER complaining of swelling in her legs as well as having gained 5 lbs over the past two days. "I have yet to cure anyone of the disease of addiction," she said. - Evaluate patient learning and feedback - Give NS liter bolus Jose Martinez Scenario 1 Assess pain level Obtain VS Initial assessment Educate Place med in patient inventory Scenario 2 Assess injury Obtain assistance Take VS Skin assessment Notify provider Scenario 3 Administer med Address skin tear BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) A Romanian court on Monday upheld a third 30-day detention for the divisive influencer and former professional kickboxer Andrew Tate, who is held on suspicion of organized crime and human trafficking, an official said. She is with her physician. - Reinforce provider teaching that fibroid uterine masses are rarely cancerous. Like the agency, the company cited privacy concerns as a reason for not elaborating on the incident, and in a statement also sent to The Gazette in January said Swift River "has met all state and accompanying guidelines, including those of The Joint Commission (health care accreditation and certification company) for its residential treatment and detox facilities and is fully operational.". 83 terms. - Explain the treatment plan for the patient. - Take patient's family to a quiet room -Initiate continuous observation and document every 15 minutes, - Initiate contact isolation - Perform hand hygiene and don gloves. Knowledge deficit- True - Draw digoxin/ CMP labs as ordered. -Nausea - Assess the patient's sputum Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. - Evaluate patient understanding. Contact social services - Set-up for stat portable chest x-ray, - Explain procedure to the patient - Alteration in mobility - Offer to the family to contact any clergy member or other family members Until the recent diagnosis of cancer, the patient had only seen a physician once in the last ten years. As long as treatments are evidence-based, "no one treatment is better than another," Michaels said. quizbowl religion. They applied some ice to his face, and he decided to go to the post game keg party instead of coming to the ER. User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's. Deficient Fluid Volume- False Your Swift River Virtual Clinicals account has been linked to your ATI Student account. - Use therapeutic communication, and offer ice chips, mouth care We're available through e-mail, live chat and Facebook. -Potential for post trauma syndrome - Place patient on 100% O2 - Apply oxygen - Potential for alteration in electrolyte balance - Discuss his understanding about the plan of care. He was recently diagnosed with stage III prostate cancer. Potential for infection- True warren central student killed 2022 . - Call for Rapid Response/CODE-blue. swift river new pt 1. - Notify HCP of fall, complete incident report, - Ask the patient if it is okay to discuss his care in front of his children. Donec aliquet. Infection risk - False - Contact respiratory therapy to see the patient ASAP, - Obtain doppler pulse - Tell the patient that she must drink plenty of fluid To be hydrated for ambulation. Stuck on a homework question? She stated that her legs were hurting most of the night. - Assist Mr. Jones back to bed. - Full Assessment The company website presents other payment options. - Explain to the patient the importance of the incentive spirometer q15 minutes. Sensorium - normal, Educational - increased She said the company had a six month provisional license to operate when it opened, and can get an additional provisional license or a full license which expires in two years. - Administer antibiotics and start Morphine PCA with a basal rate of 4mg/hour, and demonstrate to patient how to administer Pain- Normal Questions are posted anonymously and can be made 100% private. 20 ga. Hep-Lock in right forearm, skin warm and dry, generalized weakness with recent weight loss. Falls- Increased The Addiction Campuses website says if all else fails, it offers financing, from $1,000 to $100,000, at "fair interest rates," depending on one's credit score, with "funds wired within 24 hours" and no "loan origination or prepayment penalties.". But last September, officials from Addiction Campuses, which also runs rehabs in Texas, Mississippi and Tennessee, told the Daily Hampshire Gazette that upon opening, the center could treat 46 people, but would eventually apply for licensing to treat 120. Neurological- Increased She described what can be a dark and challenging maze a patient steps into after leaving rehab. Sarah Kathryn Horton 25 -year old graduate student was brought to the emergency room via ambulance after being shot on the local college campus. Ramona Stukes Select appropriate nursing concerns below based upon patient report above: - Alteration in mobility Psychological Needs - normal, Educational Needs - increased -Ask the patient about any metal in or on her body. She is otherwise healthy with some minor anemia. - Evaluate patient understanding. - Explain to Mr. Dominec your concern for this opportunistic infection and usual treatment. - Reassess patients vital signs in 3-5 minutes: BP: 85/44, P: 52, R:16 (patient intubated, and ventilated by Respiratory Therapy). - Assure the patient that the young lady is being treated, but you cannot give any details on the patient's condition Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Prevent resits and get higher grades by finding the best notes & resources available, written by your fellow students at Swift River. - Explain the treatment plan for the patient. - Reassure Mr. Jones that he will be safe during his hospital stay. So you are looking at some 150 US dollars extra. What is unclear, however, is what qualifies one needy person over another. - Administer prescribed anxiolytic medication prior to transfer to CT area. Tim Jones 82 -year old male patient of Dr. Diggs just arrived this morning from the local nursing home. - Ask the charge nurse for help locating a PCA from another floor. Pain - normal - Knowledge deficit - Charge the monitor to 200 J biphasic. Academic Year 2019-20 - Notify family - Provide education regarding heart failure. Richard Dominec A 47-year-old married father of three children has been admitted for an emergent appendectomy in the evening as soon as there is space available in the OR. - Draw a repeat CBC per HCP order to determine current Hemoglobin status. Ineffective Renal Perfusion, Risk for- True - Provide a diversional activity to pass the time while waiting on the HCP and inform wife that the HCP will be coming soon - Offer assistance in providing more information about treatment options for newly diagnosed AIDS patients. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. -Contact HCP and explain patient's response to inserting the IV; request that HCP give a PRN order to manage psychosis Fall Risk - increased - Contact funeral home She praised Berkshire Medical Center's Clinical Stabilization Service that pairs with the The Brien Center, and said there has lately been more funding available to cover 28-day rehab stays. Berkshire Medical Center, Michaels said, does accept MassHealth for 28-day stays, with some exceptions. -Sit at an eye level with the patient using nonjudgmental therapeutic communication Access to over 100 million course-specific study resources, 24/7 help from Expert Tutors on 140+ subjects, Full access to over 1 million Textbook Solutions. Vital signs are BP: 168/92, P: 90, R: 24, T: 98.6. Sarah Getts, 77 yr-old, Dx- Chronic Renal Failure, admitted with hyperkalemia (5.9, Eq/L)/hyponatremia (128mEq/L). Chanthavy Chhet- Select appropriate nursing concerns below based upon patient report above: Cameron Daniels Select appropriate nursing concerns below based upon patient report above: Acute Pain- True Sarah was admitted to Med-Surg at 2am. - Perform secondary assessment related to patient's anxiety level while using therapeutic communication to decrease patients' stress. Potential for infection. psychological- Normal. - Administer medication for pain. - Notify lead nurse The patients weighs 90 KG. Neurological- Increased Potential for alteration in skin integrity Sarah Getts Select appropriate nursing concerns below based upon patient report above: Acute Pain- False Not in the world of Girls Just Want To Have Fun, though. - Educate patient Vital signs are BP: 140/82, P: 92, R: 24, T: 99.2 F, 37.3 C, PaO2: 98%, Donald Lyles 52-year old male, was admitted yesterday evening for stabilization of his uncontrolled type II diabetes. - Tell the husband and patient you have notified the HCP and are doing further assessments. Pain - increased Don Johnson Select appropriate nursing concerns below based upon patient report above: Acute pain- True - Anxiety - Potential for alteration in tissue integrity Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. - Approach Resident again, and explain that you feel his condition is worsening - Obtain labs/blood cultures prior to the fluid bolus or administration of antibiotics - Explain the necessary procedure. Julia Monroe 74-year-old, widowed, female arrived to floor alone last night. - Assess patient and vital signs Q5 for first 15 minutes, and be prepared to stop blood immediately if patient experiences increased temp, hematuria, or anxiety. - Inform the charge nurse to call a code Gray (Security) - Inform the patient that the pain medication worsens her constipation, and the fleets' enema has been ordered. - Order a new clear liquid diet Missouri Baptist University Most Significant Aspect is Love English Essay. Neuro- Normal - Initiate IV bolus Linda Pittmon 25. - Use therapeutic communication. - Take vital signs and position patient 30 degrees upright Vital signs -Temp 98.8, BP 102/76, P 102- irregular, RR 22, SaO2 90%, cardiovascular on telemetry with Sinus irregular rhythm. SR Meds surrrrgggg. Health Change - increased He is C/O severe left upper quadrant abdominal pain 10/10 radiating to his back with nausea and vomiting. Carlos Mancia. Sarah Getts. Vital signs -Temp 98.8, BP 102/76, P 102- irregular, RR 22, SaO2 90%, cardiovascular on telemetry with Sinus irregular rhythm. Locating sarah getts swift river PCA from another floor to left ac and the Parkland resuscitation... Failure, admitted with hyperkalemia ( 5.9, Eq/L ) /hyponatremia ( 128mEq/L ) normal... Tip or catheter and insert it into the rectum gently family - Provide comfort he the. Your latest findings - Percuss and palpate all quadrants as tolerated q4hr and sliding scale 500! 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