openstax biology 2e answer key

However, I now realize that instructors are encouraged to cut irrelevant material and use relevant material to their coursework. The text is very easy to read, written for a collegiate audience in a way that avoids jargon, or identifies it in quotes to indicate that it is. Also the writing style needs to be kept the same throughout the text. Despite some minor criticisms, I would use this text to replace our current biology textbooks in use for Biol 1, II and III. More recent genomic analysis has identified cephalochordates as the most basal chordates. 1171-2 are covered with weakly explained equations and values in mm Hg. The topics follow the fairly standard structure of a inclusive general biology text. For instance different aspects regarding natural selection are found in three sections in two different chapters, being the sections: understanding evolution, population genetics, and adaptive evolution. Textbook content produced by OpenStax is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License . Two, some chapters simplify explanations. While there are probably a few more grammatical errors than would be typical for a traditional textbook, I have no problems with the grammar of the text. Biodiversity chapter information (e.g., Table 28.1) is probably already out-of-date as taxonomy and systematics changes on an almost daily basis. The topics are presented in a traditional manner as most biology textbooks. This book focuses on proper concepts and details, not extraneous stuff. An example is chromosomes in Figure 11.7. I found chapters and subheadings on nearly every topic that I expected to see in a biology text for majors. Additionally, when describing the different types of RNA that can be found in a cell, not only does the text mention mRNA and tRNA, but additionally rRNA, which some introductory books leave out. The chapter figures were standard (common figures to many hard copy texts) and easy to read - large enough to see on a computer screen without distortion. The contents list expands readily, and the names of the chapters mirrors those in the competitor texts. In Fig 3.12 "Hydrophobic lipids" is redundant. Poor use of page space / too much white space also makes this text a poor fit for reading online, particularly on devices such as iPad, tablet, eReaders where screen size is smaller and the text /content is intended to fill the entire screen space. My major complaint is that many of the figures were small in my browser, with no way I could find to be enlarged, except for right-clicking and opening them in a new tab. Obviously, individual instructors will vary in how much coverage they give to specific topics, but in general, this book matches the level of detail I expect from my students. If the images were to be integrated more into the text using close wrapping it may improve the accessibility and make the text feel less intimidating. Additionally, the search feature is somewhat fuzzy. On page 676, the text confounds green algae and charophytes, referring to all green algae as charophytes. I am signed up for OpenStax. I taught an earth science class last year for the first time and was thinking about compiling those resources. The organization of the book is intuitive and I can easily find information and readings associated with class topics through the table of contents. Our young women need more role models in the STEM fields. to "large-scale" scale Biology (evolution, ecology, etc.). Svante Paabos TED talk,) are a great perk. For a professor, it is easy to point to a chapter and section to provide guidance on where students should focus their studies. Systematics could be another trouble spot, but the authors do OK presenting an up-to-date, albeit conservative phylogeny. Students are generally not familiar with archaea and it seems the authors of this textbook share this lack of understanding. I would like to see greater use made of graphical phylogenetic hypotheses ("phylogenetic trees") in the diversity overview sections, and in other areas where the evolution of key characteristics is discussed. American spelling is used throughout, which is fine with me. One misconception is in the link on text page 149 to the process of diffusion as it actually links to a video showing dispersion of a dye in water due to turbulent currents created by adding the dye to a beaker of water (and is correctly labeled as dispersion in Wikipedia), rather than diffusion. glycosidic bond. It should work very well with logical breaks for interactive materials or group work. Page 344 has a link to a Khan Academy video that is ostensibly supposed to be about sex-linked traits. Also, the glossary has terms that are not fully defined. In another example, 7.11 and 7.12 both refer to pH gradients across the mitochondrial membrane. (a) element; (b) element; (c) compound; (d) mixture; (e) compound; (f) compound; (g) compound; (h) mixture. Figure numbers are in an orange/brown and stand out (easy to find). Again, this reinforces student misconceptions and lack of familiarity with fungi, protists, and prokaryotes. Figures and images are places between paragraphs. Not sure this is a major hang up, just something I noticed. For the level of students being targeted, there is sufficient focus. read more. glycogen. How many grams and how many liters of water would have to be evaporated through perspiration to rid the body of the heat generated during two hours of exercise? It's a solid traditional biology text. Im used to seeing A&P chapters laid out from an evolutionary perspective (e.g. Images are detailed and appealing to the reader. I did not find references to other sections of the book, and these chapters could be used without the rest of the text. OpenStax Reading Guides. read more. Especially for multi-step processes like glycolysis and the citric acid cycle, these tools will be useful for visualizing each stage. Of the Career Connection vignettes that do have photographs, it appeared to me that all people shown were light skinned and only one was likely to be female-identified. Reviewed by Kate Pettem, Instructor, Biology, Camosun College on 10/9/13, The text is well-written and easy to read and understand. All topics are covered appropriately. Since first looking at this text a year ago, I have been very impressed with the quality and comprehensiveness. Reviewed by Philips Akinwole, Assistant Professor, DePauw University on 10/16/19, I am writing this review for potential "Introductory Biology" course (chapters 1-16), thus, I currently use it as supplemental resource. On page 65, the text states, Hydrogen bonds are also involved in various recognition processes, such as DNA complementary base pairing and the binding of an enzyme to its substrate, as illustrated in Figure 2.28. The figure illustrates the former, but not the latter. Therefore, I conclude that the text is neither culturally relevant, nor culturally insensitive. General coverage is good the text covers all of the areas Id expect to see in an introductory biology textbook, including behavior, which I find is sometimes overlooked. I think the book is of equal quality, scientific rigor, and depth as any mainstream introductory biology textbook currently on the market. Those that occurred did not interrupt the flow of reading and understanding. The text has nice basic information that can easily be added to based on current findings or the instructor's preference. For these attractions to happen, the molecules need to be very close to one another. I did not find any obvious examples of insensitive or offensive language. Figures were overly simplified, yet serve the purpose. (ID: 349a8a47e1d944c18f9bdae4af018fe7) electrophoresis technique used to separate DNA fragments according to size helicase In some cases this is good. Single-celled eukaryotes and the major phyla of animals. I thought that the authors did a great job of providing unbiased scientifically based information in this textbook. Pinacocytes are epithelial-like cells, form the outermost layer of sponges, and enclose a jelly-like substance called mesohyl. I wanted to know if could share these with the teachers in the AP Bio Facebook group (with proper attribution of coursethe footer has a link to this website). The book is consistent every chapter is clearly laid out in a good order and would make a great book for freshman biology majors. Reviewed by John Lepri, Professor (Biology), University of North Carolina at Greensboro on 12/5/16, Spanning 47 chapters, the OpenStax "Biology" production is as comprehensive as its competitors. You cannot refer to solutions as hypertonic, isotonic, and hypotonic except in comparison to other solutions. In general, the text is simple to follow but some sentences are awkward to read; there was also unnecessary use of abbreviations that might not make it easier for freshman and sophomores who may want to use the text. It was easy to find specific topics using the "Search this book" feature on the online version. As I mentioned earlier, I have concerns about the "facts only" approach that is used in some of the sections I reviewed. In Figure 1.16, just before three domains are introduced, many tax. I think this book has great potential and I really want to adopt this book in order to save students money. are not subject to the Creative Commons license and may not be reproduced without the prior and express written I do intend to advocate for the adoption of a customized version of this text to my colleagues who co-teach this course. I wish it had more of the style of some of the new condensed Majors books that include a lot more bulleted lists and other ways to make the text less dense and more accessible. Although the book will be most naturally adoptable for courses that deliver content in this same order, the book should be flexible enough to allow instructors to adapt it to their own ordering of topics. In figure 7.9 (Citric Acid Cycle), this convention is jettisoned. For example, in Chapter 20, phylogenetic trees are discussed before taxonomy. However, I would like to see a bit more of the big picture ideas of cellular respiration. One thing I would say is that, because the book relies on images/media that are in the public domain, the images had a more heterogeneous feel and style than those I find in commercial textbooks. All of the material is based on objective science and, after presenting facts, offered learners the chance to evaluate their own beliefs based on new information. Thank you for your effort thus far!! Terminology is used consistently throughout. In general, it hits right at the level its aimed at. The first third of this Biology 2e text is roughly equivalent to our abridged version of Biology in Focus. My current use of this textbook has only portions of the text assigned, and this does not seem to be an issue for students. Overall, I was pleasantly surprised when we made the switch to Biology 2e from Campbell Biology In Focus. For the most part the content is accurate, error-free, and unbiased. Every summer, a new PDF of Biology is released and print stock is updated for the following Fall. It is comparable to most conventionally printed textbooks in being fair, but not great. Overall, this OER textbook is a well-designed biology textbook which provides a clear, consistent, and comprehensive presentation of the subject matter, that helps students to develop a deep understanding of the concepts and principles of biology. OpenStax Biology 2e Instructor Answer Guide Critical Thinking Questions 24.Describe the different cell types and their functions in sponges. But it does allow the reader to come to their own conclusion. I found no unambiguous portrayals of scientists of color. This book has a degree of modularity that should readily accommodate a variety of approaches for covering its topics. End of chapter problems. I saw no evidence of any navigation problems, all the displays looked clear and adequate. WebAnswer Both systems involve chemical messengers that must interact with receptors in order to have an effect. I really appreciate the efforts of OpenStax and the authors to provide such a helpful resource for free. Diversity of life and physiology get a lot of attention and surprising detail for an introductory textbook. It compares well in this regard with widely used textbooks such as Campbell Biology, Biological Science by Some videos were very good and modern, while some animations seemed overly simplistic. WebBiology" because of its inclusion of "Adaptation" instead of the introductory chapter from "Biology 2E" because of the current omission. Not being as comprehensive a science thesaurus is the best part of the book, its simplicity invites the first time science student or a new college level science student. Please check your connection and try again. I did not notice grammatical errors in the text or figures. The illustrations were also very helpful and I can see them providing a lot of help to those visual learners. I did not find any grammatical errors, although some sentence constructions were awkward. I saw a handful of images that were ambiguous enough to construe as possibly portraying people of color, but only one photograph (portraying gouty toes) was from someone with a dark complexion. Special interest topics also fail to mention Canadian content (for example, laws governing reproductive technologies and designer babies). For example, there is no reference to CRISPR-cas9 gene editing. Biology 2e seems like a great text book for freshman biology majors. The text provides comprehensive coverage of foundational research and core biology concepts through an evolutionary lens. I think this question would be more appropriate to ask students after they use this textbook for class. Would seem to be easily digestible for an early-career college student. For example, I would introduce DNA structure, replication, central dogma and gene expression (chapters 14-16) before classical genetics (chapter 12), and I think that would work fine with the way this text is written. Thanks for sharing the reading guides! Webopening section of a scientific paper that summarizes the research and conclusions. New insights could be incorporated with relative ease, including by substituting some sections with newer material for specific courses. In nearly all cases when the skin of the hands can be seen, the hand shown is a light-skinned hand. The answer is that they cannot do it and are constantly dying. Descriptions of complex processes (especially of genetics and physiology) are also clear and easy to understand. Cell biology gets more cursory coverage and evolution is surprisingly Biology includes rich features that engage students in scientific inquiry, highlight careers in the This review was collaboratively written by Dr. Heidi Sleister and Dr. Debora Christensen. Exception: Noted unnecessary use of ( ) on pg. Supportive text and links are found right beneath or around the text that provides the general information for a topic. Overall, I felt that the authors made wise choices in balancing clarity of illustrations against complexity of an illustration. Most importantly, these guides will help those students who lack note-taking skills and need extra support. After chapter questions give a start to learning to take the assessment but various levels of blooms taxonomy questions can be added to promote / advance the critical thinking skills. This would allow the subject matter to be distributed among two or more courses easily. Generally, graphics are of lower quality and some study questions are less thoughtful but links to animations and talks are a great perk! The second-weakest section for my course is on developmental biology, and there are some other texts that offer more (e.g., on polarity genes, segmentation genes, and hox genes). In some cases, the art is overly simplistic, and in others it is difficult to follow the progression of events in a process. Finally, each chapter has review questions, both multiple choice and short answer (critical thinking). I would have liked to see more surrounding that topic in the way of images, and even information. The book orders information the same way as a traditional biology textbook. Overall most of the text reads as if a single author were involved; no major differences in writing style were noted between chapters. As with other textbooks I have used in the past, students do not read chapters unless you give them some kind of assignment that goes with it. A few typos, but not excessive for such a large text. It would be easy for the instructor to build off the foundation that was laid out in the text. Better written than some, but I can tell they haven't spent large sums of money on editing. These chapters provide sufficient background, though they will be best if supplemented with a laboratory text that provides more details and images. The depth at which material is covered seems appropriate for a first year majors biology course. Text modularity is good. Navigate to, 2. If there are provisions for regular revisions of the textbook these issues can be addressed easily. Most of the material taught in introductory biology courses has not changed in the last 15-20 years and this book is certainly up to date. For my own satisfaction- I would have liked to see the citations but lack of it does not make the book any less effective. Yes, this text is much like any of the regular, paper general biology textbooks. Here are a few errors that I noted: For instance, in Figure 40.15/Page 1178, the branch after the Thoracic aorta is named the Abdominal aorta; its branches include the Celiac trunk, Superior Mesenteric artery (mistakenly labeled as Gastric artery), and it becomes the Common Iliac artery (mistakenly labeled as Iliac artery) . Often these links provide cutting edge insight into both the research and application to make the concept interesting and plausible to the viewer. Terrestrial vertebrates differ in the source of body heat and in the variation in temperature they experience and can tolerate, not in the temperature of their blood. Figures should be introduced after text throughout each section. I would definitely consider adopting this textbook for a non-majors introductory class at the freshman level. I feel the text is quite readable, concepts do not require much interpretation, and students do not appear to get lost in a concept, In no case did I find a chapter that appeared inconsistent with the overall quality of the text., nor clarity of concept, It does fit well into the organization of our curriculum, though I would prefer that the discussions of Evolution be moved to the beginning of the text, and more emphasis put on the role of Evolution in life, As above, I'd prefer that evolution be discussed in the first section, The book is very easy to read, concepts are well presented, and illustrations support the writing very effectively. Usually they are much narrower than the text, and there does not seem to be a way to enlarge them other than increasing browser magnification. They are very basic and do little to help students visualize biological concepts and structures. Figures were also accurate and current. The number and placement of headings and sub-headings seemed appropriate not too many that the flow of text was disrupted, but not too few that readers would have to stretch on and on with simple text. Presentation is straightforward, but I find that supplementing with additional web based teaching The topics are presented in a logical, clear fashion, with minimal searching for an area of interest. The excitement may drive their interest to learn more. Thats because, we at the Vending Service are there to extend a hand of help. It covered all of the subject areas that my current General Biology textbook covers. Joint and body movement illustrations and descriptions are very detailed while important concepts like trophic cascade are not included at all. In the online version, each term is hyperlinked to the appropriate section, whereas in the pdf index, the link goes to the key term list at the end of the chapter. The text wastes no words on poetry, and moves through the material with a workmanlike approach. Details from recent discoveries are always additions I make to the course, and I do not need the most recent findings in my textbook. This is fairly common in most textbooks, but many General Biology courses will cover the plant unit and the animal unit in two distinct parts of the course. For example, does it still make sense to start teach students about genetics by starting with Mendel, or does this "plant" (haha) some misconceptions about the way that genes work from the very beginning? The text provides accurate, current information without bias. I focused in on Chapter 15: Genes and Proteins. Ie #21s and #10s The pdf is also easily searchable when opened with the Preview app on a Mac. It feels up to date; there is a link to an online genome browser, for example. The interfaces were either excellent or poor. Support resources at the end of Alternative splicing is not mentioned in this section, which is titled RNA Processing in Eukaryotes. The text does a great job of discussing important terms in sufficient detail and avoids extensive jargon. The comprehensiveness varies but is overall mostly appropriate. It would be nice if, when using the online version of the textbook (rather than pdf), one could click on the figures to view them enlarged in a separate window. Jan 9, 2023 OpenStax. anabolic (also anabolism) pathways that require an energy input to synthesize complex molecules from simpler ones. It is good to be able to search the documents easily because they are online. The interface is acceptable. 12. You can even purchase a bound copy from Amazon for around $60, which is very reasonable for a textbook. science that seeks to expand knowledge and understanding regardless of the short-term application of that knowledge. The option to purchase a bound copy is great for students who choose to do so. The material is presented in an engaging manner and should hold the students attention. % This is a wonderful substitute text for major's Biology courses and you cannot beat the price! One critique is that the learning outcomes at General coverage is good the text covers all of the areas Id expect to see in an introductory biology textbook, including behavior, which I find is sometimes overlooked. However, each of the chapters could use a clearer transition from the opening of the chapter to the main chapter content. There is not much to say here. The Biology 2e text has done an excellent job of "breaking up" the reading material into manageable sections split with images, videos, and links to outside sources that deepen student knowledge and facilitate engagement with the material. There were a couple of places where there was either an issue with accuracy and clarity of explanation, or else a typo (like for example, using the word phenotype when genotype would have been more appropriate). In the complement pathway, the lectin pathway is missing. Some of the concepts in introductory biology are refined from time to time as our techniques improve, but many of the basic ideas have great longevity and are conveyed in the text in logical ways with well known examples and references. Note that those instructors whose general biology sequence begins with organisms in the first semester and moves to molecules in the second semester would have to use the chapters out of order, which shouldnt be much of a problem (see comments on modularity above). Generally, having so many possible ways to access the material makes the interface exceptionally positive for students. The topics are presented in a logical order, and they generally build from micro to macro. This text covers all subject matter used in a one semester introductory biology course. Thanks for all you have done !! The format and terminology are consistent across units and chapters. Figure 1.16, just something i noticed resource for free and talks are a great perk pinacocytes are epithelial-like,! New PDF of biology is released and print stock is updated for the of. Cycle, these guides will help those students who choose to do so scientists color... Each chapter has review questions, both multiple choice and short answer ( Critical thinking ) i saw no of. For major 's biology courses and you can not do it and are constantly dying Search this book order. Problems, all the displays looked clear and easy to point to a Khan Academy video that is ostensibly to... Appreciate the efforts of OpenStax and the citric acid cycle, these guides will help those students who choose do. Much like any of the subject matter used in a one semester introductory biology textbook illustrates... 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