can a 38 special kill a mountain lion

Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If one only goes out when and where a mild breeze at most is at their back on a sunny day.. Well you get my drift. I almost needed a new clean pair of drawers. I had a face off not far from lake Iliamna with that combo and would not have traded it for the world. I always heard all you need is a .25 auto. You dont need a laboratory test to confirm that it was behaving strangely. Do you have a question about mountain lions? Just aim above the front tire, through the fender taking out the engine block. Lets get my own choices out of the way first. Option to use 45 colt 454 cas and 460 mag. and the 45 colts are equal if used in modern stout pistols. Teardrop-shaped toes. Yet I acknowledge the semi-automatic pistol and its place in certain shooting applications. To recap quickly, Phil and his husband and wife fishing clients were walking through some thick brush to approach the stream they wanted to fish, when they heard a deep woof and realized they had a bear close and angry. I asked what type of Rifle he carried. I like the S&W 460 as well. Hunters must contact a CPW office within 48 hours of a lion . On a personal note I dont like in bullet weight and energy. The local police department and/or county sheriffs office can also respond to mountain lion-public safety calls to a 911 operator. My point is I would have given $1,000 for any back up gun 38 or bigger. The lion ignored the adults in the group and went right for the children. Mountain Lions have been known to take out horses, cattle, sheep . Magnum Research 45-70 isnt bad either ! DRT. Wolfe played for the Broncos from 2012-19 and the Ravens in 2020. Id wager that Ive walked within feet of bear and cougar many times without realizing that they were there. That was my initial question as well. Just no big name in the periodicals. Texas Teens Getting Carry Licenses! Answer (1 of 12): There's a lot of variables in play with this question and a 9mm pistol round is NOT a good round to take down a large predator with. The Smith & Wesson 329 PD is by far the best handgun choice for self-defense against bears and boars while out and about in the woods. I have had very good luck with both the 45 colt and 454 with 335gr. I would have no reservation about using it on a mountain lion. The most restrictive, California State Proposition 117, passed in 1990, prohibits the killing of any mountain lion except in the case of an animal that poses a direct threat to people, pets, or . Your bear protection gun is never going to be your regular carry gun, no long afternoons firing box after box it is a single purpose tool. If you carry anything less than a S&W 500 Magnum 4 inch for self protection in this state while in the outdoors you are playing with fire. Cork Grahams rig. If you did, you wouldnt be even considering spray or a souped up .32 pistol round as your primary weapon of bear defense Cripes, just go to zoo and imagine the zoo born and/or raised sleeping pile of fur your looking at, being really pissed off at you, or just curious, and has a closing velocity of over 30 mph. This account from the Camp Verde Bugle, also says there were two shots. They have been most noted in the mountains of California but had, at one time, been found across North and South America. A 38 special? In the early hours of 25 November 2016, the day after . 6+1 capacity, and will group within 3 inches at 25 yds. I was hunting in Alaska well before most of your parents even drew a breath. Published on February 15, 2019 02:47 PM. Methinks your anti-Judge/Governor bias is showing. At least .40 caliber, 300 grains and 1,000 fps. Florida State Lawmakers Introduce 'Constitutional Carry', The Staccato CS Brings Real Performance to the Concealed, Meet ROSE: SIG SAUER's Complete Concealed Carry Solution for, Honolulu Issues First Concealed Carry License. Bobcat tracks will be much smallerless than 2 inches wide . He has 158 grain, cast SWC and SJSP flat point, +P ammuntion that are showing 890 FPS muzzle velocity on the boxes. One guy, a native of Alaska (Marty) carried a .22 Magnum revolver. According to CPW, Colorado is home to between 3,000 and 7,000 mountain lions. a Ruger Blackhawk, chambered in .45 Colt, stainless finish with a 7 -inch barrel. DRT. As a retired, longtime USMC colonel buddy of mine reminded me a few weeks ago, you should be carrying, always.. 7 tours of duty (Coast Guard) and 11 years of volunteer EMT3 doing Bush & Mountain rescue all over Alaska, 10 years as AK Hunter Safety instructor and professional brown bear photographer + successful hunter and competition shooter, and trapper. with my S&W 500 magnum. I found it on the Internet in a read only document. I took my Colt .45 with a 7 barrel over, to do what needed to be done. Its jackass. Jim Farmer .38 Special is great . Its much harder to retrieve spent brass fired from a semi-auto Full power 10mm anyone? Black bears and mountain lions can be killed if they cause death or injury to other people. Not only does it take time to shoot, but it's also not enough to stop a cougar from coming at you. Between travel & the country this gun was never more than arms reach away all that time!! A moose attacked me on my property when I first moved here, but it was because I was trying to get close enough for a good picture really DUMB! It doesnt kick as much as my .44 Rem Mag in a JP Sauer six-shooter that I used to carry on remote gold mining operations, and in a M&P Shield and Glock 21, it also serves as my concealed carry. Their saliva or blood can kill you even after the animal itself is already dead. While attempting to release the Grizzly an accident occurred with the bear on top of FL). coyote-wolf hybrids P-38 was a male mountain lion born in 2012 and first collared in 2015, the statement said. I would take a 357 Magnum with hard cast bullets over a standard 45 Colt round. 9mm & 38? The capsaicin in the bear spray will act as an irritant and will likely make the animal retreat. Rain, Wind, Snow all those things can and will reduce the effectiveness of Bear Spray much more than they would affect the employment of a firearm. When I go into the Cascades, I always take a .357 revolver. Definitely not in the same category as a Mounain lion. Even if the game warden had survived, he Its lack of weight had me cringing at first, expecting some wrist-wrenching recoil, but I was pleasantly surprised with the manageability of the K6s. In this case, the mountain lion was found to have rabies. Though it is illegal under state law to kill a mountain lion to protect a pet, CPW has decided not to press charges. We now have on earth more humans than were ever born since the beginning of mans evolution and with the masses of excess pollution we have already destroyed the planet we are living on. They are not fun to shoot, not fun to carry. A shotgun with buck shot would be handy if it is in your yard. Or even a simple GLOCK 10mm like the A.H.P. I own a 45 Colt Ruger Bisley with a 5 1/2 inch barrel ,among other larger caliber handguns , and it is far and away my favorite for handgun hunting or a defensive woods gun. I havent tried it, but maybe a cut down .454 case to .45 Colt length would help with that. One thing that does not get mentioned much is that Y pattern that a charging bears head presents makes for a difficult target to hit. Unfortunately, an enraged bear will knock you down before your gun clears leather. There are too many variables involved to deliberatly under gun yourself on a planned trip in bear country. It can be very difficult to bring down a rabid animal. The Casull is an updated and slightly elongated version of the .45 Colt, fully capable of firing .45 Colt ammunition. Shot 3 whitetail doe in the noodle with that rifle, and it wasn,t graphic. Its a free country Plinker you are free to engage in Prayer, Ritual and Incantations by the light of the moon. It provides some seemingly good info, but some is just confusing and troublesome. Other accounts give less detail about accessing the firearm, and indicate that two shots were fired. Key Points: No dog, regardless of the breed, would be able to take on a full-grown mountain lion solo. I love packing iron, but in a 44 mag, 300 grain load minimum for bigger critters. It was the first handgun I ever purchased.. After I put it down with my .357 magnum, we found both 9mm rounds stuck in the skull. a lot of hunting forums ive read recommend at least .357 for the wilderness and thats the bare minimum for small to somewhat medium game/predators. Big bears do not get big being stupid around people. What did you have I asked, he said he had a .454 Casull in a shoulder harness. do revolvers. They want to second guess people. the reason to own a .38/.357 revolver. Nope, no way. For actual hunting a big bear, 375 H&H; I guess I love the classics. More than 12,400 mountain lions were killed between 1907 and 1963 and turned in for bounties, according to the Mountain Lion Foundation. Hollow points sacrifice penetration for larger wound channel . Alfredo Gonzalez, 60 . Fortunately I was about 80 yds. I recommended getting a .357 Magnum or a larger caliber. (altho I make and sell them) I want straight line complete penetration best offered by a hard LBT. Let us know via I live in Alaska. He saved them both, barely, with his .338 rifle. All shots were heart lung ,,,edit,, All shots were attempted heart lung. Practice with light loads and carry it with one of Pearces 22k psi heavy loads. I own several Casulls, but my favorite handgun is a 5-inch, custom Freedom Arms Model 83 that Ken Kelly tricked out for me. A farmer living in Lower Lake, in Lake County, noticed the dead lambs last week and notified the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. A bear spray story- A couple of quick .25s to the knee of your brother in law ought to make that possible. The lion did not attack further and the boys uncle shot at the cat. I will keep my 4 Smith and Wesson (K-Frame) Model 66 stainless .357 Combat I took a 29 S&W 6 .44 mag. The hunting part mostly Brown bear hunting. Now he is a sports talk radio host for 104.3 the Fan . However, two of those incidents resulted in fatalities. Size. He shot it twice point blank with his 9mm and the hog just shook its head and continued to walk around. delivered him from a mortal fate. Can you shoot while on your back or while youre being chewed on? I doubt that I have walked past a moose without noticing. Why dont you go out in the woods and try out some of your hollowpoints . I hope that you had a good camera and a long lens to shoot it. Fifty-four mountain lions in Alberta were tracked with GPS collars during a three-year study of . Some dogs work together well enough to make a cat figure it's best to run but rarely will a pack of dogs be able to kill a cougar. There was also a guy who used the Air Force M6 .22 LR/.410 GA over/under rifle/shotgun. Those who think they can empty their Glock into a charging bear are fools. A farmer living in Lower Lake, in Lake County, noticed the dead lambs last week and notified the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. A picture shows a lamb and a mountain lion side by side. When a bear is facing you even if you penetrate the meat and skull, the skull is angled flat so the bullet would probably ricochet rather than penetrate. Mountain lions are a protected species in California. Now before we take a look at particular models and calibers, lets get one basic premise out of the way: when the excrement hits the oscillator, any gun is better than no gun. Hunting and slaughtering are hardly a comparison. They only penetrated a 1/4 of an inch, while the .357 round went through the skull and ended up about nine inches deep in the neck. The examination of the animal, believed to be about 3 years old, suggests it was an opportunistic predator and not starving because deer, its natural prey, had been over-hunted, as . I was carrying my S&W M-57 4 inch gun. Id have gladly traded it for a snub-nose .38 Special. Grizzlies make mock charges; black bear do not or thats what the experts say. Yes! not litter the landscape. You could get pretty close to a semi-auto .454 Casull if you had a .440 Cor-Bon Desert Eagle. Its available right now, only in 9 mm, .40 S & W and My colleague and friend Bryce Towsley ( is a veteran gun writer who has considerable experience with bears of all sorts. The shop will have something to shoot almost every time regardless of where you are. I used them for too many years to be so. A starting load of 3.9 grains was decided on, and the first rounds were loaded up. wolves The child was scratched by the cats paw when the lion was spooked by gunfire. The 357 magnum is able to kill a bear much better then the 9mm and the 38 special even though they actually shoot the same bullets. Companions showed up shooting to save the day. Loaded with good ammunition, either of these Smith & Wesson .44 Magnums will make excellent bear medicine. CCIs classic .38 Special shot or snake cougars Why not? Brian M.- I also did the same thing with my Glock 21 accept I started with the 45 Super cartridge. If a domestic animal (pet/livestock) is injured or killed by a mountain lion, the owner has the legal right in California to have the mountain lion killed. Protect your neck, throat, and head. What would be the minimum barrel length for any bear spanker? I wouldnt recommend anything less than .44 mag or equivalent. That wouldnt do it for me. bear which turned on him. A 10mm Glock is not going to be too . can a 38 special kill a mountain lionohio state income tax. Mountain lions are a protected species in California. A good friend used to go to Alaska to fish. So the point is simple; a wonderful collection of pistols at home wont do you any good, youll have to make do with what you have, Like the Boy Scout motto says, Be Prepared. I carefully googled this story using the locationImpossible to find any story that confirms that what you said id true. They called me to come over and look at the tracks. the game warden. Robert Rourke famously said, Use enough gun.. My wife carries an old Model 60. A Utah friend of mine called to ask about using a .38 Special with a 4" barrel as a trail gun and a defensive gun in the mountains of his home state. Just holes. Does Bear Spray work?.. I have two dogs and they said that might provoke the bears. bullets would probably only allow one shot, one handed. 10 mm, the old lady behind me at checkout at Cabelas asked me why I was buying so much ammo. What I really love I the light weight of the Blackhawk, its great in a shoulder rig. the vast majority of industry gun writers are basically shilling new gear and tend to exist in a repetitive echo chamber with little or no practical experience. killed a mountain lion years back with a 3 inch 629, 240 grain hollow points, was not impressed. Now thats an appropriate comment. Eventually, Ill get around to getting a .460 Rowland kit and chest holster for my 1911 and start taking that instead. If I find it I will post it. based on their investigations of human-bear encounters since 1992, persons encountering grizzlies and defending themselves with firearms suffer injury about 50% of the time. The reverse is not true. rather hungry bears stalking, attacking, and then attempting to eat human beings. thanks again from a Liberal Gun Toting Okie! Youre just a hokey guy who tries to be funny by putting others down. Ammunition To Go : 50rds - 38 Special Federal LE 158gr. You combine the penetration of .45 Long Colt with the facial (and nose) disruption of a .410 shotgun shell. LOL. For what its worth, bear spray is likely to get you killed in my humble opinion. I would wantShortFast out of the holster.and powerful. As far as I am concerned the best handgun for a person is one they are familiar and competent with. Light to carry, manageable recoil, do a quick reload of 125jhp and your good for CCW. Humans travel about 21MPH tops.. Bears.. 35mph.. Its a gun I have confidence in when 44 mag is a minimum and it would have to be a DA version. Fly fishing in AK, and knocking around the woods I often carry a stainless charter target bulldog in 44 special. The only real downside is there is not a good rifle to go with the 10 mm. All of these four-legged animals that have attacked humans are in my state: They understood the dangers. Great article, even better advise-44 mag super redhawk will be on my side when the opportunity comes my way. Its often with me in bear country and has made several trips to Alaska. The issues penetration. The second shot went CLICK. Back in the 70s, this form of competition was only for revolvers. Something I doubt the 500 or 460 blunderbuss allows. His cousin, the brown bear, is an entirely different story; when a brown bear means business you need to stop the threat and stop it fast, by any means necessary. However, the realization that you might have to use one to defend against a couple-hundred pounds of teeth and fangs doesnt exactly make one feel like Zorro; in fact, I looked down at it and said to myself:This is gonna hurt. BTW seems like shooting an elk here is like ringing a dinner bell for the grizzlies. All silliness aside, this illustrates a challenge for a woods gun. Required fields are marked *. The Complicated Truth About Mountain Lion Encroachment. Also, for killing venomous snakes. There was an Indian woman in Canada out hunting small game for the stew pot with her .22 rifle, when she found herself being hunted by a large grizzly. reviews, Hard cast bullets at 1100 fps. People started carrying bear spray in that area. Penetration tests have shown that load to penetrate almost exactly the same distance as a standard hardcast 44 Magnum load. If used in a custom 5 shot 45 colt with bullets and a cyl. While mountain lion attacks are rare, it is because mountain lions are not common, and interactions between mountain lions and humans are uncommon. The SW 460 mag xvr is the best choice in my opinion. I remember clearly, back in 2002, while surveying in the foothills of the Berkshires a young employee came running up from the point he was supposed to locate, toward the survey instrument I was running. Bear spray is actually bear fogger and comes out in a finely atomized mist with absolutely no chance of moving against even the faintest of breezes. 296) Alan and Alex are correct. Really. Mountain lions actually have the largest hind legs (proportionally) of all the members of the cat family. After feeding on its kill, the lion will cache the prey, or bury it in a secluded spot. You would have had until between the 8 and the 6 to be unloading a gun into it , and still possibly wind up injured ! The statement that you wont be able to dump a full magazine into a charging bear is likely true as well. Bye the time you get out a can of spray and start squirting it at a charging bear, and it starts burning his eyes he will be swallowing your nice juicy rump roast ! He lives every day with brown bears and has guided to dozens if not hundreds of them. I some what agree. is probably better than nothing but foolhardy in my opinion. Conflicts between mountain lions and humans have become more common in recent years due to habitat degradation and increasing populations. My resulting theory is that if you see the bear/cougar, draw your gun and do your best to avoid the encounter. In the springtime, when the streams are populated with fishermen, the bears are coming out of hibernation and are ravenous. On average, a mountain lion killed one deer a week. So if its a two shot scenario with a revolver, I can place 4 AIMED shots with my 10mm in the same amount of time. Related Tags: No matter what anybody says, Shoemaker got lucky with that 9mm on the bear. They eventually had to replace them with the Makarov series because of over-penetration. Once you get over 300gr. If you get to take a shot while standing, you should be making an effort to evade an attack while at the ready. This gun is horrible to carry full time when it must be out of site sometimes!! Holy shit! They always seem to show up. One California farmer found herself caught up in a conservation dilemma, after a wild mountain lion attacked her ranch and killed her animals. Sheep and goats are the most commonly killed domestic livestock, but mountain lions also kill cattle, I find it odd that people who trust autoloading pistols for protection against instantaneous violent attack by humans do not trust them for bears? I heard that some hikers on Mt. I will take it to heart and now that Ive learned the 4 3 1 rule Ill not forget it, and not fail to abide by it while in bear country, and quite probably every time Im hunting. Been involved in 2 grizz encounters. Im somewhat challenged with smartphone technology. Mountain lion facts. An interesting piece giving advice from expert typewriter shooters to bear hunters. They did better than most 9mm and only slightly less than a 357. The S&W Govnor and the Taurus Judge are not what you would want in bear country. I usually carry it in a cross-draw holster that allows me to ride a horse or ATV. By Mary Forgione. We could provide billions of data bytes and not help with our purpose and goals. So is it not logical that a bear moving in your direction charging or otherwise. Even then, I havent seen a failure in nearly 10 loadings, at which time I usually get rid of them. A Colorado runner who fought off and killed a mountain lion who ambushed him is speaking out about the attack that left him with multiple gashes to his . When it comes to the coastal brown bear, thats a whole different animal. And its usually charging you in a self-defense situation where youre trying to penetrate all that meat, gristle and bone in the way of its vital organs. If I gotta shoot something that wants to eat me ! By Anders Anglesey On 11/3/21 at 11:39 AM EDT. Everyone Practices Cancel Culture | Opinion, Deplatforming Free Speech is Dangerous | Opinion. For self defense/house protection/ A revolver is a one threat gun so unless you are Jerry Miculek you will run out of ammo with a revolver. Since Proposition . Reply. Beside, everyone agrees, and it has been my personal experience in bear (black only so far, but grizzly are about) stand-offs hauling out elk quarters in the Bitterroot Mtns that youre only going to get two shots and the extra round of a semi-auto (6 + 1) offers over a six-shooter revolver is a debate of deck chair arrangements on the Titanic. Thats why I would always plan to have with me.a friend who could not run as fast as me!!!!! My two cents. The way I see it there exists no substitute for accuracy, proper shot placement, and More is always better and the bullet is the key. I am 80 years old remember my dad had a meat market . I no longer use trick bullets or many jacketed bullets. ( nothin) lol. Suddenly everyone was yelling at Paul not to move and the somewhat lethargic lion placed his jaw on the boys head and put its paw on him. You have to be a reloader or know a reloader to get this, but it is well worth it. First you start off by saying a Judge or Governor is not what you want for bear country, then end by saying you carry a Redhawk in .45 Colt for bear. Most of the time if all you are trying to do is keep the bears from attacking you, wear bells on your clothing as the old timers did. A black bear sow protecting a cub from your invasion of their space will have her way with you till she decides shes done. Listed were all the big names but one very powerful handgun was not mentioned. He was knocked down to the ground getting mauled fending off the black bear with his left arm while he drew and fired his semi-auto point blank into the bears throat with his right. Until just a few few years ago, the largest bear ever killed was by a young girl in Alaska. 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