brandon hall plantation slaves

By 1878, white Northerners were retreating from Reconstruction. A native Kentuckian who had recently moved to Covington, just across the Ohio River from Cincinnati, Ward became a deputy sheriff in 1853. Begins October 21, the most melancholly day I have had in Texas. James (Jim) leaves for home & from thence to the army., Begins October 25 entry. When the United States banned the importation of slaves after 1807, Virginia became the largest provider in the nations internal slave trade, Levengood said. Begins October 3 entry. The bulk of his papers are in several collections at Historic Natchez Foundation. Because the award was small, procedural rules prevented Ward from appealing to higher courts where the verdict might have been more widely noticed. Sends Sandy to post office hoping to hear from home. The tract was known as Martin's Brandon. She had not forgotten Ward and sued him the following year. Horse foundered, took him to Middletons camp. His wife Charlotte (39) and children Elmina (16), James (14), Charlotte (12), Sarah (9), Agnes (9), Mary (5), and Alice (4) are listed a fellow members of the household. The society stores the documents in an archive spanning thousands of square feet, he said. On July 1, 1863, just days before the U.S. Army arrived to free thousands of people around Natchez, Brandon, determined to defy emancipation, forced some 300 slaves to march 400 miles to Texas,. In 1889, he was one of the first African-American graduates of what became Northwestern Universitys School of Law. The antique papers turned out to mention slaves. In the first half of the 19th century, there were as many as 85 slaves working at the plantation. Theyll be able to take it and grow from that.. It is believed that the name Brandon came from the family name of Martin's wife . is brandon hall plantation haunted? Not so many complications of a legal nature arise out of the old relations of master and slave as might have been expected, the New York Tribune argued with barely concealed relief. The New York Times observed, "Files of newspapers of the five years following the passage of the Fugitive Slave Law are filled with stories of the kidnapping of free men in free States." Elsewhere in the database is a stark description of the sale of slaves and goods in a February 11, 1858, typed letter from slaveholder William Daniel Cabell of Benvenue in Nelson County, Virginia, to his wife, Elizabeth Nicholas Cabell. Amateur genealogist Crasty Johnson of Richmond said she hopes the sites will help her trace her roots back to the 1800s. The private, nonprofit historical society, the fourth-oldest in the nation, is assembling a growing roster of slaves names and other information, such as the slaves occupations, locations and plantation owners names, said Levengood. Major Boone was a successful planter and slave owner, and his plantation . He came 407 miles.. Whether she succeeded in that quest is unknown but she did find a lawyer, Harvey Myers. erath county rant and rave; springfield, mo jail inmates; essex county hospital center jobs; blanching vs non blanching erythema; star trek next generation cast salaries In the 1863 tax sales the property was sold to the Federal government for . Descendants identify the man in this photograph, found on, as Brandon. Some newspapers even predicted that lawsuits like hers would proliferate. In order to identify records of interest, you must first examine the genealogy of slaveholding families. Many of the slaves had been forgotten to the world until the Virginia Historical Society received a $100,000 grant to pore over some of its 8 million unpublished manuscripts letters, diaries, ledgers, books and farm documents from Virginians dating to the 1600s and began discovering the long-lost identities of the slaves, said society president and CEO Paul Levengood. Also Brandon Hall in Reid Smith and John Owens, The Majesty of Natchez (Montgomery, Ala.: Paddle Wheel Publications, 1969): it is obvious that he, like so many of his contemporaries, had succumbed to the Greek Revival era of elegance. Ward began to plot with a group of these notorious slave catchers. The gang located Woods employer in Cincinnati, a boardinghouse keeper named Rebecca Boyd, and paid her to join their scheme. See menn1964 for more information about this holding., J. H. Coltons map of the state of Louisiana and eastern part of Texas, commented on the unequal application of criminal justice, Walter Williams who died in 1959 at age 117, Philip A. Brandon (b. Brandon Hall is a beautifully restored plantation home that dates back to 1856. Returns from Salado to reports of death, including Henrietta has just come to say Diceys little boy is dead. After moving to Ables, All at Home for the war. Description of the Able Family , and another Mississippi refugee named Williams.10 Difficulty getting a beef he had paid for. Even the judge who presided over Woods case, Phillip Swing, viewed it narrowly. And when the carriage finally rolled to a stop outside of Covington, Ward's men were waiting. Absence of farm animals on the list indicates strongly oriented cotton plantation. Most rural enslaved people were owned by masters who had 10-20 enslaved people, who often were housed in closer proximity to masters, perhaps sharing housing, and perhaps having access to closer relations with their masters than plantation slaves had. On July 1, 1863, just days before the U.S. Army arrived to free thousands of people around Natchez, Brandon, determined to defy emancipation, forced some 300 slaves to march 400 miles to Texas,. Finally, they announced a verdict that few expected: We, the Jury in the above entitled cause, do find for the plaintiff and assess her damages in the premises at Two thousand five hundred dollars.. 2023 Cable News Network. Lists his route, expenses, and ferriage for the trip back home. The sale included 1,514 7 /10 acres and a town lot and buildings in Mt Pleasant. Sometimes its a real detective work. Stayed at a house in which the Ladies (3) of the house washed their feet (in our presence) in the common wash pan. Begins November 2 & 3 entry, attends a public sale of someones effects. Includes elegant balconies, walkways, gazebo, pond, 2 guest cottages and a 3,438 sqft reception hall. This description comes from Mortuary Customs and Beliefs of South Carolina Negroes, published in 1894 by May A. Waring in the Atlanta Constitution: Many newspapers described Woods suit as an old case or a relic of slavery times, consigning stories like hers to a fading past. For centuries, a story of a haunted tree has been attached to Comingtee. Her official freedom papers, at a courthouse in Cincinnati, had been destroyed in an 1849 fire, and her kidnappers had confiscated her personal copy. The case was eventually dismissed. Cookie Policy Few white Americans wished to dwell on those evils. The society Saturday held the first of four community workshops on how to use the online database at the organizations headquarters in Richmond, Virginia. Carter said the original documents digitized on the site will help her uncover more of her own familys history in Virginia, as well as help her students learn about the era. Daisy Patterson Brandon Dale (Natchez: Daisy Patterson Brandon Dale, 2007), 72., Williams may be the Mississippi-born Walter Williams who died in 1959 at age 117, though that claim has been questioned., Phoebe appears to have been owned by Brandons brother Dr.James C. Brandon. More critical talk from his dinner partners about rich planters, whose negroes are dressed better than Texas soldiers. Brandon feels it unfair but holds his peace. What a pity, that amount would have supported you during the war. Their son Dunbar Merrill had a daughter named (Ruth Britton) Dunbar Merrill Flinn (1926-2006), whose attic contained many Brandon family papers before they were donated to the Historic Natchez Foundation.2. This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. Discusses leaving Poole with a power of attorney, and one with Bennett if Poole becomes indisposed. Wood's victory briefly made her lawsuit national news. She must be about 85 years old now. After her suit, she moved with her son to Chicago. These slaves hadn't been disguised as 'servants . about opposition to refugees, particularly if they had much property, and the slogan rich mans war & the poor mans fight. Another refugee who had fenced up a spring. She was soon sold again, to a French immigrant, William Cirode, who took her to New Orleans. If he followed the road from San Augustine to Crockett pictured on Texas Map (1865), then he likely passed through Nacogdoches as well. Mulberry Hill and White Hall Plantations, located in Bryan County, Georgia, had more than 130 slaves when Richard James Arnold took over in 1823. Maintained by Deloris Williams Note that some of the slave listings are under the Counties from which the families were originally living, including now extinct Counties. At some point during those hellish days, Wood gave birth to Arthur, whose father is unknown. Set in 19th century Louisiana, Smith portrays a runaway slave who embarks on a treacherous journey to Baton Rouge while thwarting off violent plantation owners. The postwar constitutional amendments that abolished slavery and extended national citizenship to ex-slaves enabled Wood to pursue Ward in federal court. I really sometimes wish the war was ended, & would rejoice to hear the glad tidings of peace. Begins August 30 entry awakened by a fuss about eggs & a chicken and a slave who has robbed a hen house of a neighbor last night. Learned of others who had been to a poor mans house to beg bread & meat, another robbery of rye to make coffee. Brandon vexed, curses. S. Able who owns 3500 acres on the John Welch and Joseph Welch grants.6, This confirms that Brandon settled most of the enslaved people he brought to Texas in the northwestern corner of Robertson County, somewhere between Hammond and the Brazos River.7. Even "Juneteenth," the day in June 1865 when Union soldiers arrived in Texas to enforce emancipation, did not liberate Wood. It would have bought 20,000 in Confederate money at that time. Improve this listing Property amenities Negro slave owners were listed in 29 Kentucky counties (see below). Elijah informs of threats from a woman about tresspassing on her pasture and pulling down her fence. Gerard Brandon (1818-1874) was the Mississippi planter who purchased Henrietta Wood and then took her to Robertson County, Texas, during the Civil War. February 27, 2023 By restaurants on the water in st clair shores. They led me to archives in nine states in search of her story, which I tell in full for the first time in my new book, Sweet Taste of Liberty: A True Story of Slavery and Restitution in America. Robertson offers him use of land, offers to put the deal in writing in Belton. One is hiring negroes to go 300 miles west for the government. Brandon sends 40. I wanted to really know. Conversation with Dr.Killibrou (?) Gerod Brandon appears on the 1864 County Tax Rolls for Robertson County with no real estate, but 270 slaves valued at $108,000, as well as $5000 in Confederate Notes and $6,125 in horses, cattle, and other property. Smithsonian magazine participates in affiliate link advertising programs. Improve this listing Property amenities Free parking whole race. According to scarborough2003, p.432, Brandon owned 706 enslaved people on plantations in Adams County (512), Concordia Parish (113) and Tensas Parish (81) in the 1860 Census, making him the tenth largest slaveholder in Scarboroughs sample for 1860, even though he does not appear on Scarboroughs sample of planters with over 500 slaves in 1850. The Robertson County Tax Rolls for 1866 show him with 25 horses and no real estate. Some 80 people came to Saturdays workshop, including Gale Carter, a high school history teacher who flew in from East Chicago, Indiana for the event. By 1878, white Northerners were retreating from Reconstruction. Updated The free, public website also provides a high-resolution copy of the antique documents that identify the slave. Sanford Poole & Sandy had gone to kill a deer. Middleton arrives, and he gets a package from home. Cirodes daughter and son-in-law, Josephine and Robert White, still lived in Kentucky and disagreed with Jane Cirodes manumission of Wood; they viewed her as their inheritance. The plantation is located on 4,500 of the original 7,000 acres patented to Captain John Martin (1562-1632) in 1616. Today, the opulent residence, which was . It almost makes me sick. A second ferry location is illegible, but he also paid for ferries across Cocodrie Bayou and Cross Bayou. Advertising Notice Slaves from West Africa were first brought over to grow rice. On July 1, 1863, just days before the U.S. Army arrived to free thousands of people around Natchez, Brandon, determined to defy emancipation, forced some 300 slaves to march 400 miles to Texas, far beyond the reach of federal soldiers. Destructive 'Super Pigs' From Canada Threaten the Northern U.S. Did an Ancient Magnetic Field Reversal Cause Chaos for Life on Earth 42,000 Years Ago? The park like setting, private walking trails, and stocked pond allow for a secluded get-away. Today, it remains virtually unknown, even as reparations for slavery are once again in the headlines. They lived in this original dwelling until 1853, when they began construction of Brandon Hall which was completed in 1856. Brandons family was one of the staunchest supporters of the Confederacy in the area. Betsy brought $1400. Prince George County: Brandon. Gangs worked throughout the antebellum period to capture free black men, women, and children and smuggle them into the South, under the cover of the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850, which required the return of runaway slaves. The Civil War began, followed in 1863 by the Emancipation Proclamation, but Woods ordeal continued. Often there was a human connection, and they grew up with these people, and they recorded their birth dates and deaths. Our brave participants started in a near-pitch black maze through the auditorium. And when the carriage finally rolled to a stop outside of Covington, Wards men were waiting. The case was eventually dismissed. (pg 45a-46a), Adams County, Mississippi: 93 enslaved people were listed under Gerard Brandon, trustee for wife and children. (pg 46a-46b), Concordia Parish, Louisiana: 113 enslaved people are listed under G. Brandon of Canebrake (the, Tensas Parish, Louisiana: 81 enslaved people are listed under Gerard Brandon of Monclova. When he returned to camp,Sanford had come up with all the negroes. : Pelican Publishing Company, Inc., 2007), 92. Wood was an early contributor to a long tradition of formerly enslaved people and their descendants demanding redress. Her official freedom papers, at a courthouse in Cincinnati, had been destroyed in an 1849 fire, and her kidnappers had confiscated her personal copy. Ownership may have meant the purchase of a spouse, an individual's children, or other relatives who were not emancipated. Two of Brandons brothers were killed in battle, one at Chancellorsville and one at Fredricksburg (p.329). In 1969, civil rights leader James Forman issued a manifesto calling on churches and synagogues to pay half a billion dollars in reparations to black Americans. Over 700 Black men and women were enslaved on this plantation. I suffer much mentally.. After Brandon pursued several possible places to rent in Texas, Joseph S. Able, a resident of Robertson County, offered Brandon a place on his land with 300 acres in cultivation 2 cabins & corn on the ground as well as use of a mill. Thinks about people at home. ( photo 1; photo 2 ) Reynolds and Lively got married at Boone Hall Plantation in Mount Pleasant, which features nine slave cabins, referred to as "Slave Street." The move was criticized at the time, but came under . 1872 - The plantation was sold to Henry Horlbeck's two sons, Frederick Henry Horlbeck and John S. Horlbeck ( 7 ). By 1983, only 40 acres remained and the house had fallen into disrepair. All the while, however, there were people conspiring to take her freedom away. With numerous slaves and landholdings in Mississippi and Louisiana, Brandon was one of the wealthiest planters in Natchez when the Civil War began. When she died in 1912, her suit was already forgotten by all except her son. Brandon kept her enslaved on a cotton plantation until well after the war. Plantation records reveal nearly every aspect of plantation life. Historic house in Mississippi, United States, U.S. National Register of Historic Places, National Register of Historic Places listings in Adams County, Mississippi, The Clarion-Ledger: Historic house donated to Natchez foundation, Official website for Brandon Hall Plantation, History of the National Register of Historic Places, List of U.S. National Historic Landmarks by state, List of jails and prisons on the National Register of Historic Places, University and college buildings listed on the National Register of Historic Places, National Register of Historic Places portal,,_Mississippi)&oldid=1090743436, Houses on the National Register of Historic Places in Mississippi, National Register of Historic Places in Adams County, Mississippi, Articles using NRISref without a reference number, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 31 May 2022, at 03:54. She spent the first nights of her captivity locked inside two roadside inns. The plantation, however, plays a role in the darkest period of American history. More information can also be found at I am captivated by their character and charm! She had not forgotten Ward and sued him the following year. FOR SALE: 1856 Brandon Hall Plantation, Natchez, Mississippi Our Restoration Nation 103K subscribers Subscribe 16K 1.4M views 1 year ago Have you ever wanted to own your own historic mansion. An affidavit provided by Brandon in a later lawsuit indicates he departed on July 1.5. A couple walks through the grounds of the Boone Hall Plantation in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. Few white Americans wished to dwell on those evils. Brandon mentions his diary in a letter to his daughter Ella, dated October 21, 1863, and found in the Vonkersburg Family Collection at the Historic Natchez Foundation. So you may not know you have Virginia ancestors, but you could.. When he died in 1951, after a long career as a lawyer, he left behind a large clan of descendants who were able to launch professional careers of their own, even as redlining and other racially discriminatory practices put a chokehold on the South Side neighborhoods where they lived. However, at the height of the slave era (1830-1860), only a few thousand masters owned as many as 300 people. Brandon Hall is a Greek Revival architecture style house built in 1856 in Washington, Mississippi, United States. "And I know some people might think that's strange," says Belton, 76.. This mansion on the outskirts of Natchez was once the centerpiece of a large cotton plantation located on the Natchez Trace. Unsure of his next steps, whether to visit home and be on the dodge all the time, the great fear I have is being sent to a northern prison.. Anyone who knows me well knows that my imaginary dream house is a Spanish villa or a Colonial period house. Begins November 10 entry. Suggest edits to improve what we show. By suing Ward for the wages she had lost while owned by Brandon, her lawyers made clear that a verdict for Wood was an acknowledgment of the evils of slavery itself. The plaintiff was Henrietta Wood, described by a reporter at the time as "a spectacled negro woman, apparently 60 years old." (She is still living this October 6, 1932. Wood was never allowed to testify, however, and Ward denied her claims. The Boone Hall Plantation, located in Mt. His next ferry payment was to cross the Red River on July 11, likely on his way out of Alexandria. Documents citing slaves go back to the 1690s: Thats when slavery starts to grow fast in Virginia and other English colonies, Levengood said. W. Caleb McDaniel Then, in 1848, Jane Cirode went to a county courthouse and registered Wood as free. 1890 ( photo) The Briars , (aka Briers), built 1814-18 possibly by John Perkins, Natchez. Able. He strikes new deal with Able to settle on his land: he could let me heave as much land as Col. R. had offered, with 300 acres in cultivation, 2 cabins, & corn in the ground at $1 per barrel, and let me have the use of a mill , would charge $5 an acre for the cleared land & let me pay for it by picking cotton at $1 per 100 pounds. Brandon agrees. The Brandons had numerous slaves and most likely used them for tobacco growing, resulting the in the prosperity that enabled the construction of the ca. The Robertson County Tax Rolls for 1865 show G. This site contains affiliate links to products. Brandon and Middleton travelling. Grain and food were raised for local use. For them, the money Henrietta Wood demanded for her enslavement made a long-lasting difference. Brandon was one of many Refugees to Texas who took Refugeed Slaves there to escape emancipating Union armies. He owned 700 to 800 slaves on several plantations, and he "put me to work at once in the cotton field," she said. There are 10 enslaved women between 31-48 years old listed as mulatto on this schedule. Brandon kept a diary of his Texas sojourn which is probably held today by a family descendant. The value of his real estate was $18,000. See Goodspeeds entry on the Brandon family. In 1834, the teenager was bought by a merchant in Louisville and taken from her family. Travels to Belton in buggy. did desi arnaz jr have a stroke; moose tracks vs cow tracks ice cream 1841, d. 1859 in the, Elizabeth Elmina C. Ella Brandon (b. While Wood received $2,500 as compensation for more than 16 years of unpaid labor, her former enslaver, Ward, left an estate worth at least $600,000 when he died in 1894, a multimillionaire in todays terms. This was the most valuable property they owned, and they wanted to make sure it was recorded. Unfortunately Charlotte Brandon Stanton Merrill had little time to enjoy her undivided ownership of Brandon Hall because on January 27, 1914 the plantation, house and land, was sold at auction to one George Hightower as a result of default on promissory notes held by the First Natchez Bank. Upper Brandon Plantation: William Byrd Harrison, George Harrison Byrd, Francis Otway Byrd, Harry C. Thompson, Fred E. Watkins, Jim Justice Gangs worked throughout the antebellum period to capture free black men, women and children and smuggle them into the South, under the cover of the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850, which required the return of runaway slaves. At Boone Hall Plantation Black history is not something that is defined by a certain time of year. After 1815, as white settlers rushed into the lower Mississippi River Valley, many looked to purchase slaves to cultivate the regions most profitable crop. must be sold out of this section, or hung, or I must move, as my negroes might be the cause of all the negroes being dissatisfied and many a man might loose his property by my coming here. After a second return to Texas, in August 1865 (Affidavit of Gerard Brandon dated April 25, 1866, Estate of Margaret Smith, New No. Wood secretly told her story to a sympathetic innkeeper who followed her to Lexington, where a lawsuit was filed on her behalf asserting that she was free. For them, the money Henrietta Wood demanded for her enslavement made a long-lasting difference. The couple had numerous children, though only five survived into adulthood; four daughters died of natural causes during the Civil War. Living very poor. His travels for land continue. Finally, they announced a verdict that few expected: "We, the Jury in the above entitled cause, do find for the plaintiff and assess her damages in the premises at Two thousand five hundred dollars.". On April 17, 1878, twelve white jurors entered a federal courtroom in Cincinnati, Ohio, to deliver the verdict in a now-forgotten lawsuit about American slavery. Captivating Houses, In the 1890s another formerly enslaved woman, Callie House, led a national organization pressuring the government for ex-slave pensions. They also said that Ward's alleged crimes had occurred too far in the past a recurring argument against reparations. Then, in 1878, jurors ruled that Ward should pay Wood for her enslavement. The Brandons were harvesters of cotton, sugarcane, and indigo and owned 700 slaves. Eats well on the road. Brandon Hall would make a wonderful family estate. In the 1860 census, a 43-year-old Gerard Brandon is listed as a farmer in Adams County, Mississippi. Not everyone agreed with the verdict, but the facts of her horrific story were widely accepted as credible. He had cautioned the jurors against an excessive award, claiming falsely that many former slaveholders already regretted slavery. The search for enslaved ancestors requires research in the records of slaveholding families. Boone Hall was built on the backs of black slaves, who harvested cotton and pecans and produced brick on its grounds. Black men and women were first brought . I am aware of the hands that built it, and the literal blood, sweat, and tears that entailed. He owned 700 to 800 slaves on several plantations, and he put me to work at once in the cotton field, she said. Harrisonburg by the 16th, butcould not pass the pickets" and found that all the Ferries on Ouachita & Tensas were destroyed or strictly guarded. Backtracks to Alexandria. The building is an example of the fast-disappearing service structures that once were a ubiquitous feature of the Southern agrarian landscape. The postwar constitutional amendments that abolished slavery and extended national citizenship to ex-slaves enabled Wood to pursue Ward in federal court. Known as the Robintation Tree, it is said to have been quite feared by the slaves of the plantation. See Goodspeeds Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Mississippi, vol. Cirode returned to France in 1844, abandoning his wife, Jane, who eventually took Wood with her to Ohio, a free state. Article. I cant quite tell my age, Wood recalled in a newspaper interview in 1876, but she knew she was born enslaved to the Tousey family between 1818 and 1820. Mentions great opposition to new comers particularly with large numbers of negroes, adds that Deming had incured the displeasure of the people around him by furnishing supplies to a Mississippian. Returns to find Dud, jack S, Mose, Diceys & Lucys babys quite sick, Difficulty of keeping enslaved people well because they will eat imprudently & in evry way keep themselves sick. Begins September 28 entry. 468 Filed Under: Mississippi Natchez Natchez On November 15** went ot hear a Mr. The study found 3,777 Negro slave owners in the United States. Son to Chicago his route, expenses, and indigo and owned 700 slaves someones effects five survived into ;... Elijah informs of threats from a woman about tresspassing on her pasture and down... She spent the first half of the Boone Hall plantation black history not. And Historical Memoirs of Mississippi, vol Mississippi Natchez Natchez on November 15 * * ot!, offers to put the deal in writing in Belton he said well after the war completed in.! Many refugees to Texas who took Refugeed slaves there to escape emancipating Union armies of... With almost no restrictions whatsoever a family descendant, all at home for the war to Chicago human... 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