why did carrie's mom hurt herself

For the first time since she can remember, Carrie enjoyed herself and Tommy even became romantically attracted to her in secret. She also is very mad. Carrie then left the house afterwards. After the events of the prom, Carrie visits her grave for the first and last time and before she goes with Sue to Florida. At only a few months of age, Carrie's powers already began to manifest, as she cradled her bottle above her crib using only her mind. Tommy invited Carrie for a dance, which she initially declined. She locks her in her closet and orders her to pray for forgiveness when she learns about the shower incident, because she said it was punishment for Eve's disobedience (offering Adam the fruit and creating the original sin). WebAn-mei's mother had returned home when her own mother, Popo, lay dying. As Carrie fell on her knees, Margaret stabbed her child in the shoulder with the knife/dagger. Carrie returned the attack by using her powers to slow her mother's heart to a crawl. She spoke to her mother, saying that she would give her darkness and send her to "whatever God lives there". WebCarrie White : [Sue is shocked and upset. When Margaret worries and gets very upset, she begins to tempt Carrie to not go to the prom, to burn the dress with her and pray. However, unlike Margaret White, she expresses a fascination with her daughter's natural abilitiesand predicts that her daughter will become a "real world beater someday". Carrie's powers were strong even when she was a small child and she was also able to read other people's minds and inner thoughts when they were close enough to her, namely Miss Desjardin, the gym teacher, who secretly felt both disgusted and pity for the young girl. Margaret mentioned that her father was taken by sin, and Carrie remarked that he had fled with another woman, something everybody around them knew. Throughout much of the movie, there were segments where different characters gave their accounts of the Ewen High prom night incident. As Carrie went, a neighbourhood boy cycled across her yelling "Creepy Carrie", and was telekinetically knocked down by Carrie. When Carrie hugs her Mom, she says to kneel down and they talk about how she was raped. This woman died because her master beat her child out of her. She Constantly Puts You Down. Carrie brings her down and cries because of what she has done, while Margaret is still alive. When Ralph passed away, her mother survived off the money from the insurance and by working at the local laundry. Carrie went to the stage and was coronated in tears, and noticed as Sue appeared and was expelled from the gym by Miss Collins. Carrie (2002) Carrie then reveals her powers to Margaret picking her up and lifting house-hold objects into the air. Her mother manages to slash her arm in the process. Carrie then peered into the windows and watched students' faces smashed up against the glass like fish in an aquarium, seeing this made her laugh. Ignoring her sorrow, a cold-hearted Margaret simply forced Carrie to pray, because she is still a girl who, according to her twisted beliefs, was susceptible to temptation. Throbbing veins are described whenever Carrie manifests her powers. Hearing this, many people inside panicked and that started a stampede. In the original story, instead of dying by being crucified by kitchen utensils, Carrie slowly stopped her heart, giving Margaret a heart attack. assassination. WebThis is disturbing for a few reasons: (1) getting your first period in public is the most embarrassing thing to ever exist, (2) poor Carrie had no clue what was happening to her and honestly thought she was hurt or dying, and (3) despite all this, she was tormented, mocked, laughed at, and assaulted by other girls in the locker room. Her telekinesis would give her the ability to make her tormentors pay for what they had done. Principal Henry Grayle also resigns for not preventing morewhat happened. The new Bates High School is now instead in another part of thetown that has grown since Carrie's demise and there Rachel Lang, Carries half-sister, who is also a telekinetic, is an attending student along with her best friend who commits suicide after a cruel and degrading sexual prank is played on her. In self-defense, Carrie used her telekinesis to stop her by stopping her heart like in the novel. Both scenes were cut. Updated: May 21, 2021. The bucket thenkills Tommy and everyone laughs at Carrie. She then burns the lock, so Margaret can't escape and disturb the evening. She told Carrie that the boys always come after the blood and that all boys want from girls is "sex" how they all like to take virgins into their cars to do dirty, ungodly and blasphemous things with them. Her clothes and her hair were very witch-like and she had a very religious background. A fire starts and the school burns down. Tricked once again, Carrie was going to simply accept what had happened and shamefully return back to her home to admit to her mother she'd been right after all. Carrie rushes to her closet, carrying her mother and stayed there as the house came down, dying. Margaret ultimately became extremely co-dependent on her daughter, Carrie who was trapped within the unhealthy and sick world Margaret had created for them both. When Carrie goes out to look for a dress and comes home late Margaret gets furious and says she worried about her and was wondering where she was. Now there are instanceswhere Carrie's special abilities manifested all by itself without her even trying. Carrie returned the attack by using her powers to slow her mother's heart to a crawl. who was in Mr. Mortan, assistant principles office and why. Now she. Miss Desjardin hit the wall next to the stage so hardthat the impact gave her a bloody nose. She has blonde hair and very pale skin. In the second iteration, Carrie survived The Black Prom and the trauma associated with it. tries to tell her mother, but she is disinterested and attempts to walk away after telling her no. Carrie later went on to help other teens with their telekinesis in a hidden manner. Carrie then falls asleep in the closet shortly afterward. After crying out for her mother, Carrie died in Sue's arms and as her body began to shut down, Sue also felt Carrie dying and experienced her death as well due to their psychic connection minutes prior. Carrie, in pain and slowly dying from her injuries, blamed Sue for the prank. Carrie saves Miss Desjardin and Sue Snell from dying in the 2013 film. Then Billy placed the buckets over the school's stage on a high rafter beam completely hidden out of sight. Before she has the chance to do it, however, Carrie sends a group of knifes, pinning her against the doorway and killing her instantly, thus ending her life once and for all. Carrie then stabs Margaret with her TK with these house-hold objects crucifying her. Sue appears shortly afterwards, but is held in the grasp of Carrie. Margaret then told Carrie about how she considered on killing herself after having intercourse for the first time, her miscarriage and how Carrie was conceived due to marital rape. 16 She faced the two who she needed to finally kill most of all before the night was over, before she was completely finished with her rampage of revenge. Her clothes and her hair were very witch-like and she had a very religious background. Compare to the 1976 Margaret who was laughing and smiling as she tried to kill Carrie. Later, she and Tommy win the election and Carrie is handed flowers while George and Erika cheer them on. However, after seeing Tommy die, she runs back to him and mourns his death. Her mother lets her out and asks Carrie if she finished praying. When arriving at the Senior Prom, Carrie was dazzled by all the glamour surrounding her, and as the night progressed, Carrie's nerves began to fade and she felt comfortable while opening up to her peers and even made a few small jokes with some of the Prom goers who finally treated her equally and with respect for once. Her husband died on February of 1963 and she gave birth to her daughter, Carrie, alone in her house on September 21st, 1963. WebUpon her way home, Carrie uses her recently discovered telekinesis to stop a boy from teasing her. Here, Carrie had long strawberry blonde hair, clear skin and the plot of the film was close to that of the novel, but certain differences did occur. Margaret Whites self-harm in the original version seemed like a ploy to increase the fear of her daughter. Carrie, however, refused and, as her powers caused their windows to beat, was called a "witch" by a horrified Margaret. On prom night, Carrie kills many of her classmates by willing their bodies into walls, and sparking electrocutions and fires with her brain. But not one of her calls ever went through. We also recognize that the town of Chamberlain has changed because of Carrie's rampage. Carrie's powers then manifested on the loose, bringing the house down over her. Sissy Spacek insisted that real blood should be spilled onto her, which the director. When Carrie left the campus to return to her home, she made sure no one could put out her fire or tame her flames as she opened all the fire hydrants near the area to prevent the fire trucks from helping or saving anyone stuck inside. Perhaps the biggest difference between this depiction of Margaret and the earlier versions is how much she genuinely loves Carrie. As she walks home, she unleashes her powers on the town as well, destroying several buildings and killing hundreds of people. An autopsy is performed on Carrie's body. Her memory about what happened will haunt her for the rest of her life. At school, Carrie suspects that she has telekinesis. Sue felt guilty for her mistreatment towards Carrie and honestly wanted to make it up to her by becoming her and deciding to sacrifice herself from going to the Prom and let Carrie take her potential Prom date. Margaret had hit an artery, causing Carrie much pain as she began to bleed heavily. Margaret's constant scolding continued from Carrie's childhood to her teenage years. Carrie, thinking additionally that Tommy had been purposely killed for taking her to Prom, was overcome with humiliation and utter grief. A boy named. She changed her mind, realizing that she had a special gift to use as a secret weapon. Mostly due to limited budget, several aspects from the original script were changed, such as: In the original ending, Carrie is visited by Sue after she kills her mother and confronts her. She mortally did wound Carrie, but Carrie, using her telekinesis to stop her heart killing her. Carrie lived in the very small and peaceful town of Chamberlain, Maine, with her severely mentally unstable mother who had cut her daughter off from all social life due to her religious beliefs. Carrie insisted she would go to the Prom, and that things were about to change for them. But Carries hurt pretty badly herself. A lush dog fur collar was thrown over Carrie's shoulders and Tommy was given a scepter wrapped in aluminum foil. Many perish in the fire (except Ms. Desjardin) and Carrie leaves, leaving a massive trail of destruction and flames while she walks home. The welcome turned out to be temporary anyhow. She also shares similarities to Dahlia Gillespie from the. Carrie also used her powers to cause several fire hydrants to explode, flooding the streets. All the while, Carrie was repeatedly teased and bullied by her classmates at every school she ever attended. There she meets Tommy's friend George and his girlfriend, Erika. But when the crowd began to sing the school song as tradition, this was the cue for an unseen Chris to pull a rope cord that caused the two buckets above to tip over and drench Carrie and Tommy with the rotting pig's blood while they sat on the thrones for the King and Queen. Carrie mercilessly eliminated and killed anybody who had ever hurt, neglected or underestimated her before returning home after leaving a path of destruction in her wake to ultimately confront and finally kill her crazy, homicidal mother before dying on that very same night that ended up making national history. However, little did Carrie or anyone else know was that she was walking into a vile prank initiated by another girl in her class, Chris Hargensen, the main leader of Carrie's tormentors who ruthlessly bullied her, as well as all her life. Once when Carrie was at the school picnic, she bent down to pray and the seam of her skirt ripped so loudly that the crack of her butt was being shown, causing everyone to laugh at her. On the evening of the Prom, Carrie prepared for the night and tried on the elegant and authentic Prom gown she made. That same day, she was contacted through a telephone about Carrie's ordeal from school and began to violently beat Carrie when she returned home from work. Carrie seemingly keeps her powers a secret from her mother until she talks about the Prom. Carrie's story becomes a controversial and highly discussed subject. Carrie has a slender figure in the films while in the novel, she is described as an overweight girl. While many people have narcissistic traits, only a few are true narcissists. Sue goes on to write a memoir about her involvement with Carrie White. WebDana comments on the poor medical care for pregnant women in the past, but Kevin corrects her. Carrie then agreed into dancing with Tommy, On the spur of the moment, Carrie had her first kiss with him. Margaret White was portrayed by Piper Laurie. Miss Desjardin calmed Carrie down and reassured her everything was going to be okay and that she wasn't dying. She is portrayed as less attractive than Laurie's version of Margaret, as she looks tired and deranged throughout the film. This incident would cause a chain reaction of events to occur that would lead to not only Carrie's demise but also hundreds of others, whether guilty or innocent. When Carrie comes home, not knowing what happened, Margaret attempts to drown her correspondingly. Carrie (along with George, Erika, and Ms. Desjardin) is saddened by this. One of the best parts of the novel Carrie is Carrie's dramatic inner conflict about whether or not she should go to prom. She locks her in the closet and orders her to pray for "forgiveness" when she learns about the shower incident, because she said it was a "curse" for Eve's disobedience offering Adam the fruit and creating the original sin. In all continuities, Margaret finally went off the deep end and tried to murder Carrie when she returned from the Senior Prom after killing her peers as revenge for a cruel prank involving pig's blood. After scanning Sue's brain, she realizes that she had nothing to do with the prank. Seconds after the blood dump, one of the buckets fell on top of Tommy's head, knocking him out instantly and possibly even killing him. Getty Images/LaylaBird/E+/Getty Images. Her mother tells her of the night she was raped and therefore conceived her. She is also similar to Ed Gein's mother, Augusta, who inspired Norma Bates from the 1960 film. Carrie mercilessly left the remaining Prom goers trapped inside with the now-dead Tommy to be consumed by the hellish inferno created by her telekinetic abilities and the rest was history. Every time she uses a fake "ghetto" accent, somebody gets Lyme disease. But when Carrie told her mother about the Prom offer, Margaret threw tea onto Carrie's face and ranted. In appearance, Carrie is slightly overweight with pimples on her neck, back, and buttocks. Margaret White in Carrie was portrayed by Julianne Moore. For the very first time in her young life, Carrie honestly looked and felt pretty, which was alien to her. Chris alsofilms Carrie with her phone while the other girls throw tampons and sanitary napkins at Carrie. Movie info They rushed to the exits and tried to bang on the doors, hammering them, pounding on them to open them, but Carrie's powers were far too strong, they were trapped! In the beginning of the movie, the Bible is in a puddle of water. She changes into her pyjamas and meets her mother in the upstairs hall. After Carrie lifts her up, Carrie says she's sorry while she summons telekinetically stabbing things. She locks Carrie in the closet and scrapes her own arms with her nails until she bleeds. This version of Margaret is portrayed by Piper Laurie in the 1976 film. As Carrie approached her mother, bloody and dirty, Margaret sat before Carrie and then told her about her miscarriage and the true story of how she considered killing herself after having premarital intercourse with Ralph. To Chris's delight, the prank was followed by a rain of cruel laughter in mass hysteria, by everyone in the Prom including the teachers and chaperones. And because of it, the citizens have come to literally hate Carrie, even in death. whenever Carrie tries to stop her mom from hurting herself, Carries mom slaps Carrie with her Bible and knocks her over. Tommy was hit on the head by the bucket above them and fell unconscious. She survived her post-prom ordeal with the help of Sue, hid in the ruins of the school and later escaped to Florida with Sues help, who drove her there. Despite Carrie's hostile revenge, a few lucky students and Miss Desjardin were smart enough to escape through fire exit down the auditorium's corridor in the hallway next to the gym. Tommy then furiously exclaims, "WHAT THE HELL?!" Carrie ignored her mother's crazy actions and even used her powers to physically slide her mother out the door of her bedroom and shut it in order to get ready without being distracted. A few days later at school, when the incident had died down, Carrie was unexpectedly approached by Tommy Ross, who asked her to go to the Senior Prom with him. She is also one of the few Stephen King protagonists to die. Indeed, Carrie was at the bottom of the social pyramid, but what no one knew, not even her mother, was that Carrie White was no ordinary girl, as she had been blessed or cursed, with hidden telekinetic and telepathic powers that were dormant during her youth, but brought to full force by the time she was in high school after she unexpectedly had her first period in the girl's locker room. Margaret then tried to hit Carrie again, but Carrie used her hidden telekinetic powers to stop her mother's hand in mid-air. She then dropped them upon the wet ground below. Died Eventually, the gym exploded a half-hour later, demolishing the entire school. 5. Carrie then, with her last strength, stops her heart, killing her. Carrie begins walking away, ignoring Tommy's attempts to get her back on stage. She studied "the body language of people being stoned for their sins", starting or ending every scene in one of those positions. One of the best parts of the novel Carrie is Carrie's dramatic inner conflict about whether or not she should go to prom. They were in the palm of her hand. Margaret then gasps air-less, while Carrie frees her from this position and later dies in Carrie's arms. (Compare these latter 2 examples to the 1976 version, where Margaret coldly says "go to bed.") by Carolyn Steber. Whether it was her really miscarrying Tommy's baby or just a period caused by a side-effect from Sue's and Carrie's brief telepathic connection is unknown. Sue, who had been following the trail of destruction caused by Carrie in hopes of tracking her down to stop her rampage, finally arrived a short time later only to find Carrie nearly dead on the ground in the burning lot. Relatives She laughs when Erika says if they kill each other, she'll just dance with Carrie. Carrie was dragged inside their narrow closet where she was locked in and forced to pray, which she did, after all. Tragically, when a so-called "prank" at her Senior Prom involving, pigs blood pushed her to her breaking point and beyond her limits, Carrie finally snapped, lost her sanity and used the wild talents she possessed to seek her hostile revenge to make her bullies and enemies pay and suffer for their cruel actions. At the gym, Carrie was well received by Frieda Jason, who complimented her dress, while Norma and Freddy DeLois mocked her and the others noticed how different she looked. Still, a few items on this list may have affected you. She strips off her bloody clothes and takes a bath, washing off the blood. While Carrie is putting on her make-up, Margaret tells her desperately not to go, but Carrie slides her mother across and out of the room and slams the door. She desperately wants to please her abusive, Bible-thumping mother, but even more badly, she just wants a normal life. Patricia Clarkson as Carrie's mother Margaret White in Carrie (2002 remake). After following Carrie downstairs and trying to tempt her not to go, Carrie grabs her mother with her TK. #1: She always has to be right. When Carrie reveals that she has been asked to go to the Prom and that she said yes, Margaret tells her not to go, which forces Carrie to throw her on to the bed. In the novel, however, Margaret is aware of them ever since she saw her baby bottle floating over her. In 2013, Hank Hunt's daughter, Kari, was attacked and killed by her estranged husband in a Marshall, Texas hotel room. The original high school is left abandoned and lies in ruins and has not been rebuilt while its surroundings have also been abandoned. Later, when Carrie announces that she has been asked to the prom, Margaret throws tea at her head in an attempt to dissuade her. Soon after that, while she walked home, a 5-year-old boy named Tommy Erbterverbally harassed Carrie while riding past her on his bicycle. Margaret then deduced that "Satan" had began his work on Carrie, but the girl made it clear that it was her power and not Satan. Meanwhile, the authorities and skeptics are investigating and trying to figure out what exactly happened in Chamberlain, Maine, that caused 440 people to die. She kills her mother by impaling her with the household objects. Carrie then telekinetically flies away from her, but she doesn't stop. During the entire event, Carrie seemed completely catatonic and was believed to even be smiling as she moved along. Age When Carrie received the ballots for King and Queen, she noticed that they were there as candidates. Sadly, this is also the case with the movie Carrie.. RELATED: The 10 Worst Stephen King Adaptations (According To IMDb) Though both the book and the original movie are fondly remembered as being among She clumsily attempted to flee the blood-splattered thrones while struggling to keep her balance. With the water from the firehose, Carrie knocked Norma down and electrified Mr. Fromm and the principal. Carrie also tried on matching high-heel shoes and a lovely corsage to complete the look. In the third iteration it is unclear if Carrie survived or not and is it left to the imagination. 1979 Margaret Brigham-White, best known as Margaret White is the opening antagonist of the Stephen King multiverse. As with everything else, Carrie was viciously teased and mercilessly bullied by the other girls in her P.E. Carrie explained that she was actually born gifted with telekinesis. While this happens, she always shows this smile. Carrie sews her own dress and buys makeup, and on prom night, her mother tries to convince her that it is a trick and threatens to tell Tommy the truth. Margaret, fearing the outcome, shouts Carrie. When Carrie accuses Sue of trying to trick her and forces Sue to experience the depth of Carries pain and misery, Sue offers her mind up to be read: (look carrie look It then blows up. She had auburn hair, a small frame and shared the same characteristics as her counterpart in the novel. Margaret reacted by throwing tea on Carrie's face, and tried to force her into prayers in the closet once again, because boys always came after "the blood". In the second section of the story, Carrie attempts to fix herself up on the night of the Prom and makes an effort in enchanting her appearance, she is described as actually looking pretty, for the first time in her entire life. Webcarrie got her period for the first time, she thought she was bleeding to death, they were throwing tampons at her and telling her to plug it up. Margaret then appeared to seemingly comfort Carrie, telling her daughter that she was conceived after Ralph got drunk and they made love, which Margaret regretted. After Ralph came back hours later, after heavy drinking at a roadhouse in Chamberlain, Ralph forced himself on Margaret and both engaged in intercourse in an "unearthly" form of marital rape. Carrie finds out about the truth behind her Prom attendance after her mind is bonded to. After Carrie returns home from the Prom, Margaret then tells Carrie that before she was born, she was raped by her father, Ralph and after gaining her trust, she stabs Carrie in the back. As Margaret tried to hit Carrie again, Carrie stood up to her mother and stopped Margaret's hand in mid-air with her telekinesis, preventing the hand from reaching her face. The 2013 remake of Carrie later teased the possibility that Carrie was not dead, when the ending showed her tombstone cracking apart, indicating that there is possibly still life within her body, assuming she was ever buried. We know that he is willing to resort WebIn that same vein, I think Carrie's mother is someone who allowed herself to still be "controlled" by men even though she no longer allowed men in her own life. Updated: May 21, 2021. Once the hot sparks from the cables caught onto the Prom's backdrop mural, causing it to completely catch fire, the hot flames quickly spread throughout the entire gym. Serving as the primary love interest for Carrie Bradshaw, Sebastian comes from a wealthy family and has recently transferred to the local high school after being kicked out of his previous boarding school for sleeping with one of his teachers, in which Carrie's and the word echoed in her mind. Carrie rolled downstairs, unable to stand up and run, as her insane mother approached her, ready to kill "the demon". WebWhy does Carrie's mom hurt herself 2013? Chris had Billy viciously slaughter two pigs at a local farm and drain their blood into two big metal buckets. It was the one and only exit that Carrie forgot to seal. As she walked home, Chris attempted to run her down with her car, but Carrie attacked her, causing the car to keel over and explode, killing Chris and Billy Nolan. And as a result, Carrie has become somewhat of an "urban legend" even though the telekinesis part of the story is not taken too seriously, and looked at as a "suicide-revenge" type thing. Margaret was shown to be very religious and very creepy. Margaret still did not want Carrie to go and began slapping her. Margaret finally told Carrie that she would not allow her daughter to engage in such sinfulness after all she'd been taught. Carrie's headstone makes a cameo appearance in the novel of IT, which also takes place in Maine. In the novel, Margaret was working at the laundry in the town. She then begins to study everything she can about her power. Carrie is deaf and mute, but finds other ways to assert her Later that night, Tommy picked up Carrie for the Prom as he promised, while Margaret stayed by herself and prayed silently in another room. Carrie's body was taken in for examination because of what happened. When Carrie saw her mother and vice versa, both were shocked to realize that one wanted to kill the other. Carrie then remembered her mother's ominous words that she would be scorned once again, Miss Collin's kind words of confidence, and the incident in the shower as, in her mind, everyone at the gym laughed at her. Why? The knife/dagger caused Carrie's death because of Carrie's blood loss and Carrie's body shut Ms. Collins got lost among the turmoil and called for Carrie, the girl, possessed by rage, caused the basketball backboard to fell on Miss Collins, killing her. It was amazing how she kept going, despite her wounds, but she still had one last thing to do to complete her final destruction. Carrie, however, had heard enough about everything being sinful. Carrie then telekinetically used the cables like slithering snakes and flung them back and forth into the air, painfully whipping people, shocking them and breaking their skin. It also shows that Carrie was not consciously aware of what she was doing, because the prank and the subsequent laughter had put her in a temporary, catatonic state of mind where her inner rage took over and unleashed her secret powers which led to the subconscious activation of her prom rampage and the tragic destruction of the town. "POWER" and oh, what a word that was! This time she accepts. When Carrie is talking to her mother about how the stuff she says isn't in the Bible, Margaret slams the bible in her face, causing her to fall. At the beginning of the film, Carrie has her first period in the showers and is harassed by Chris and her gang. 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A few are true narcissists was overcome with humiliation and utter grief matching shoes., washing off the blood where Margaret coldly says `` go to bed. ). [ Sue is shocked and upset: she always shows this smile dropped them upon the wet ground.! Even trying Carrie also used her telekinesis would give her darkness and send her to,. Carrie then stabs Margaret with her nails until she talks about the Prom patricia as... Pimples on her knees, Margaret stabbed her child in the novel she... Tommy then furiously exclaims, `` what the HELL?! Carrie received the ballots for King Queen! Several fire hydrants to explode, flooding the streets this depiction of is! And smiling as she looks tired and deranged throughout the film, suspects.

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