what happened to raiden after metal gear rising

His eye after his upgrade in 2018 occasionally turned crimson when being deployed or when about to undergo a deadly maneuver, a side effect of his eye being modified with an optical implant. This, alongside Maverick's previous cybernetic maintenance person going into hiding, resulted in him being performed on by a German cyberneticist nicknamed "Doktor" (which was also the latter's first time doing a full-body conversion). Disavowing his identity as Jack, Raiden updated Snake as to his dealings with the Paradise Lost Army, before the call was interrupted due to a firefight. The civil war? His parents were killed by George Sears (AKA Solidus Snake) and at a very young age Raiden was recruited into the child soldier program. And in Metal Gear, devotion matters. [49] While Raiden's hair was loose in Metal Gear Solid 4, in Rising it is swept back. PMC started attacking, of the people involved also including a cyborg named Samuel Rodrigues. The exclusive armors can be downloaded via purchasing codes from KonamiStyle, Tsutaya, and Geo, respectively. During the attack on Outer Haven, he also appeared amidst several lightning strikes that killed several FROGS. Also when the player equips the night vision goggles or thermal goggles, the visor is shut taking on the full appearance. Several of Raiden's skills in the game have names referencing thunder and lightning. What happened to Raiden after Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance? Although willing to go through the sewers if it meant finding a Desperado lab, Raiden nonetheless felt uncomfortable doing so, especially after his briefing referenced the gas explosions in the Guadalajarasewers back in 1992. He also read the French novel L'tranger. Armstrong believed that America had rotted to the core, so he intended to remake America so the citizens will all fight, die, and kill for whatever they individually believed in. Of the canonical main characters, Raiden is the only one who does not have any significant interaction with Revolver Ocelot, as Solid Snake and Ocelot had a massive rivalry for most of their games, Naked Snake and Ocelot were friendly rivals, and Ocelot served under Venom Snake. Now fully trained in VR, Jack, now codenamed Snake, was recruited into FOXHOUND and ordered on his first official mission to stop some terrorists who had infiltrated the offshore oil clearance plant, Big Shell. This was implied in an auxillary Codec conversation during the second phase of the final battle with Solidus Snake, and later confirmed by Raiden in an optional Codec conversation with Kevin Washington. It was largely because of this cold nature, as well as his pushing people he knew away that resulted in Rosemary initially fearing that he was unfaithful to her. Raiden is conflicted through most of MGR, he's hurting, and he's fighting against himself. He then proceeded to rush through the enemy resistance, eventually jumping across several Sliders and run up a building to reach the top. Jack would grow up to suppress the memories about his terrible childhood, burying the memories of his bloody past, though he still suffered from nightmares of his past nearly every night. He then pursued Sundowner to the heliport, and fought against him. The final color model was unveiled on the Metal Gear Solid Facebook page at 5:58 PM on August 9, 2012. Raiden wanted to expose Armstrong and World Marshal for their actions, but Kevin suggested against it. Raiden as depicted in a promotional image for the, Rare Raiden (White (MGS4) armor) card from. Olga's final words were for Raiden to live. Career He received a call from George, and he reminded George that he didn't want to kill, and that war isn't fun and games when explaining why he wouldn't let George tag along. Rose told Raiden that the child was in fact his, and her miscarriage had been a lie. [19], At some point, both as a direct result of the attack and Raiden's injuries, and under his personal request, Raiden underwent a full-body cybernetic conversion, as he felt the Patriots "didn't leave him much of a body to begin with." Raiden also managed to save the other children from the chloroform gas in time and was successful in the attempt to save both the children and George although Raiden was heavily disturbed by what he had seen that day. Raiden's business suit from the prologue was also implied in one of his cards in Metal Gear Solid: Social Ops to be an unlockable skin, similar to Snake's suit in Metal Gear Solid 4. Upon wiping all of them out, Raiden was extracted and given his payment, with Miller considering meeting him again in the future. Despite the best of his abilities, he was unable to defeat Armstrong, let alone do sufficient damage. The AI instructed Raiden to kill Solidus, which he had no choice but to do so, for his own sake and for the sake of Olga's daughter and Rose/their unborn child. Nonetheless, due to his past experiences with Snake, he was completely loyal to the legendary soldier and citing his personal views about Snake. Prior to finding out that Pliskin was in fact Snake, he also held some respect for Pliskin in terms of mentorship and camaraderie. Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops (Plus) However, they eventually got the latter to reprise his role when Metal Gear Solid: Rising was revamped into Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. he shot himself. He then received a call from Boris, who angrily demanded an explanation for his resignation. [deleted] 5 yr. ago. In the novelization, Fortune's reference to Raiden's time as a child soldier in Liberia was further emphasized, where Raiden thought to himself "Fires of hell. Squall_exe (Topic Creator) 9 years ago #9. After a grueling fight that descended to the bottom level of the plant, he eventually disarmed her of her weapon, which eventually culminated in him finishing her off after she was doused in liquid nitrogen while she backed away. Raiden later met up with Iroquois Pliskin, a Lieutenant Junior Grade with the U.S. Navy SEALs, who had saved Raiden from being ambushed by Vamp. As such, Maverick still supported him, albeit unofficially. He also states that he's going to enjoy the ensuing carnage before being ambushed by the DPD cops/Desperado/World Marshal soldiers. Suspicious about his C.O. A Play Arts Kai figurine of Raiden based on his appearance in Metal Gear Rising is in the works. In the ending, he accepts that he can't change the past, although he does hope to get a starring role in another Metal Gear game (which he does). After some reassurance from Snake, the pair battled through the Arsenal Tengu commandos before encountering Dead Cell's leader Fortune. In it, Raiden went to the unemployment office at 4:00 PM on a Tuesday (16:00 hours), having been unemployed from Corporate America for four years due to the bad economy, where his unemployment manager attempts to help him get a job, but all the job offers he gets end up going horribly wrong, including an entertainer for children's birthday parties (accidentally destroyed the table and moon bounce while attempting to cut the cake bushido-style during a birthday party for a five year old kid named Leonard); plumber (wrecked Ricky's toilet further while attempting to use his sword as a plunger at 8:00 AM (08:00 hours) on Friday); Gourmet chef (overdid the Japanese Steak House-style cutting of Red and Green peppers at a Gourmet Restaurant at 7:00 PM (19:00 hours) on a Friday, causing the patrons of a Gourmet Restaurant to lose their appetite and be covered in mowed down pieces of pepper); Professional Dog Walker (accidentally electrocuted the dogs to serious injury when attempting to restrain them); Town crier (mostly rang bells to an at best ignored response from the townspeople while not declaring anything); implied professional skateboarder ("Ladies love skateboarders"; Raiden attempted to do a trick, but fumbled, causing his skateboard to go flying into a park goer's meal); Breakdancer (attempted a break-dance move, but his legs kept spinning around apparently due to a malfunction); and artist (did a picture of a cupid, only to be told by the guy nearby that his artwork sucked). He decided to forsake his sword for the mission, instead relying on a firearm. Another letter regarding the retrieval of Raiden's arm further implies that the amputated body part was in fact his left arm. The Patriots had named him after the plane[24] and later informed Raiden that, like his namesake, he was nothing more than a weapon, a tool to be discarded once its usefulness has been outlived. Raiden wasn't much of a sports fan, although he had admitted that the closest he'd came to actually liking a sport was basketball. As Raiden was one of the few people who could expose the truth, Armstrong decided to kill Raiden with EXCELSUS. RAIDEN - This Raiden, taking upon the appearance of Gray Fox, is armed with the H.F Blade. Prime examples include swinging Gekko around in a circle by his legs, and momentarily stopping Outer Haven, an Arsenal Gear class submarine with his body. After locating and destroying Metal Gear, Solid Snake discovers the mercenary leader is Big Boss (Venom Snake), and defeats his former commander. He also learned of Olga's motivation for aiding him: The Patriots forced her to participate by holding her child hostage, after her kid was kidnapped shortly after delivering her. Combat Ability Sometime after this Raiden was moved to the United States where he was secretely injected with a large amount of nanomachines by the Patriots. Another trait of Raiden was also incorporated into Snake as well (having the same name). It was here that he earned the nickname Jack the Ripper as he was particularly brutal with his killings and showed remarkable prowess with using a blade. Raiden (, Raiden?) Raiden, however, also expressed disgust towards the Patriots' actions, and made it clear beforehand that he will not follow their commands anymore. His skills with a bladed weapon, as well as his cruelty in dispatching enemies with them, was another reason for his "Ripper" nickname. Raiden was confirmed to make a reappearance in Metal Gear Solid 4 during its development. Max STMN In other words, Raiden's lack of awareness of his son and his disdain for Rose meant that both would serve no purpose to the Patriots, as their suffering would not move him in any way. Raiden prepares to combat Desperado cyborgs. After Arsenal crashed into Manhattan, it was revealed that Raiden was merely a puppet of the Patriots, and that his entire mission on the Big Shell had been carefully scripted. Raiden is actually a pretty good dad considering his situation. At this time, Raiden had his original cyborg body upgraded, outfitting it with a more natural jaw using artificial skin, and replacing its outdated organic polymer muscle fiber with modern carbon nanotube muscle fiber. Similarly, some concept artworks for Raiden himself also had him wearing an outfit superficially resembling his Skull Suit with a face mask covering all but his upper face, as well as his carrying a then-infantile Sunny. Raiden was forced to confront the PMC's modified Metal Gear RAY while Sundowner made his escape, which he fought three times due to its persistence and eventually culminated in Raiden running his HF Blade down its spine. It was this point that the Patriots also contracted Rose to meet and seemingly fall in love with Raiden. In an interview with The Gaming Liberty, Quinton Flynn admitted that under the suggestion of voice director Kris Zimmerman, he based Raiden's English voice on what a slightly older Jonny Quest would sound like. He then killed Sundowner after having a Slider crash into his Hammerhead late into the duel. This allowed him to operate at high efficiency even when he lost both his arms at the shoulders. At the beginning of the Big Shell mission, Jack was briefly referred to as "Snake" before his codename was changed to "Raiden" by the Colonel, as the leader of the terrorists was also referring to himself as Solid Snake. Making his way to Solis via motorcycle, he re-encountered Sam. Before the events at the Big Shell Raiden was recruited into US Army, where Jack would undergo significant Virtual Reality training including a simulation of the events of Shadow Moses which took place during Metal Gear Solid. Also, because of his past as a child soldier, as well as his possessing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, as a result, he also occasionally pushed away even people he cared about due to his being "afraid of the night." Raiden then looks up and says "Adios, amigos" (Spanish for "Goodbye, friends") before departing and closing the grate, also leaving his sombrero behind. "fans rejected the character of Raiden pretty harshly upon the release of MGS2. Because of his earlier failure to protect the African Prime Minister, and Desperado's involvement, he also had an extremely cold outlook regarding the cyborg members of Desperado, claiming that they were nothing more than "walking vending machines" (referring to his capability of yanking specific electrolyte body parts to recharge his cyborg body after cutting them up). Raiden himself did VIP protection, military training, and other related jobs. He began viewing himself as being "part of the 2%" of people who take joy in murdering enemies upon making their first kill in the battlefield. He also speculated that Solidus' role in his life may have been the reason why the Patriots selected him for the S3 Plan. His strength, although greatly benefiting him, can also get him into big trouble, a notable instance of this was when he arrived at Solis, where he accidentally (and unknowingly) wrecked the front gate's electronic lock. Konami kept his starring role a secret right up until the game's release in North America, even going so far as to have his Japanese voice actor swear to secrecy about the role his character would play until the game's release and replacing Raiden with Snake in teaser trailers and other preview materials (although he did appear in a few trailers, in his scuba gear, his presence was not as emphasized as the other characters). He also mentioned that the scene of Raiden losing his eye was meant to represent his change from White Raiden to Black Raiden, and also admitted that he based it on Solidus, as the latter was his favorite character and shared a special connection to Raiden. Although the prime minister was to be protected during the attack, the Desperado leader Sundowner had managed to abduct him after several cyborg soldiers ambushed his limo near the port along with a modified Metal Gear RAY unit. As Solidus ordered the remaining RAYs to kill Raiden, the virus uploaded into GW went into effect, disabling the RAYs. These act as grips for his HF blade, in the event that he attempted to use a break-dance-like maneuver to cut up enemies. Command Raiden Skin bonus giveaway advert for Geo. Afterwards, he left to wander the Earth. Raiden's claim of being a "two-percenter" is a subtle reference to the term "one-percenter," referring to the concept of the 1% of America's richest people. He also seemed to understand at least some French, as he understood Mistral's last words. Upon becoming free, Raiden fought off the remaining Gekko and engaged Vamp in an intense knife fight, the contact between their weapons becoming so fierce at one point as to cause his sword to glow red hot. Prior to being dispatched, Raiden's superiors also removed his natural blood, placed it in cold storage, and replaced it with a nanite filled blood substitute instead.

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