polynesian kingdom of atooi

Share via email. Aloha kanaka. Hawaiians will be subject to the Law just like you and everyone else. Dayne gonsalves is who he says he is!! We need as many Mongolians as possible. i will surport the hawaiian kingdom with DR. KEANU SAI. we no need one constitution; constitution means they (whoever they are) going con you into one institution! Asked him what about the Hawaiian Kingdom constitution already in place, we no need um whatever I say as Alii nui goes (Red flag #3); Dictatorship! I for one know many researchers including myself who would bring light to this pony show. I no tink so.. why i say dat is because nobody saw, even the kupuna which he snaked all the kala from.. he took the opportunity to jump in a the meeting to advertise the kala.. nobody asked him to. annual meeting at the U.N.to use their webcast purporting U.N. is aware of his podium, A ole. Youre against an Independent Hawaiian Kingdom. The Ali`i Nui Aleka Aipoalani currently reins over the Kingdom on the west side of Kauai, which is one of the most sacred and royal areas of the Hawaiian islands. 779 followers. All people have have at times oppressed, killed and taken from others including Hawaiians. For more information or a membership form, contact: phone: (808) 482-1050 mail: PO Box 50596, Eleele, HI 96705 email: polynesiankingdomofatooi@yahoo.com To learn more about the Kingdom of Atooi, check out the articles below: On the Kingdom of Atooi The Kingdom is a good start, and can be a vehicle for more local control by all the people of Kauai. We therefore wish to cease being illegally governed by a foreign power and take the necessary steps to restore our rights, freedom and sovereignty. Dumb ass! Have love for everyone. If youre gonna cause confusion then youre a crab yourself. This article seems rather nonsensical. Jokes aside, Mr gonsalves cannot claim to be king of hawaii through the line of kamualii! nationals as Waihee said, but to all the Lahui! He was not a part of the coup and unlawful occupation, nor did he support it. Shame, http://www.un.org/News/briefings/docs/2013/130520_Polynesia.doc.htm. Higher degrees of assault need to be looked at, impersonating federal officers needs to be looked atpossibly kidnapping, she said. All such annexation and illegitimate occupation of our land is therefore an illegal trespass on our rights and lands, continuing since the unlawful coup of 1893. In 1993, as chief executive and commander in chief of the United States, President Bill Clinton issued a formal apology on behalf of the United States government and the American people to the people of Hawaii, admitting the error and illegality of the original coup. I think an issue is how each part of Polynesia had been affected differently by European contact. 86 following. made up of various races along with its aboriginal Kanaka Maoli and Ae, lokepa, read through them all a well, and it saddens me to see our people so divided and fighting with each otherfor who is without sin, let him cast the first stone. Irish and Russians are both people who dont put with anyones entitled BS, and Ireland is one the strongest fighters world wide for native equality and people who have had their land occupied and stolen, the way England has done to Ireland. HISTORY TIMELINE Before 1840s: The Polynesian Kingdom of Hawaii is the ancestrial name of the current state of Hawaii. Honolulu attorney James Wright said the group has a reputation on Kauai for being dangerous and violent. ? Do you know of any questions???. requirement for a treaty of cession. With a modern sovereign twist. What is past is pau..history. If they say the name was Abalooey, then youll call it Abalooey and stfu. I dont think theyll be able to use that route to avoid facing the music, anymore than Bumpy Kanahele was able to avoid going to federal prison for harboring a fugitive. He signed Executive Order No. I doubt they would even have enough money. dropping a great number of consonants, and in discarding entirely the nasal ng, the g, and k.. Mahalo Keanu for all the information that has been put out by you with verifications. Knowing these facts would if suffice to say that by 1840 Hawaiians understood the laws and politics in their country? United Nations does not participate nor keep a registry of people with Atooi IDs as he and his Moi Wahine claims. The status which PKOA holds in the U.N. was not accepted by formal ceremony nor an The sovereignty of Hawaiian Kingdom was never ceded to On Dec. 18, 1893, the President of Hawaiis Provisional Government, Sanford Dole, was ordered by the U.S. Government to stand down and dissolve the Provisional Government. Hahahaha he did make mention about the FBI, DEA and all them other groups BUT!!! How would you ever resolve who is entitled to what land given that people have intermixed to much over time. Gonsalves has had some run-ins with the law, including the time he was arrested during a Superferry protest in 2007 and when he flashed a kingdom federal marshal badge at a county meeting the same year. I agree with what you said Kind of scary to lose homes. Hawaiians lost much more than homes, lands and civil rights but they survived. We can hope. I am very skeptical, but reading all of these post all these other groups worried about getting federal money and talking smack about other Hawaiians. I find it somewhat ironic how you said When Hawaiians assert that white people took their Kingdom, they simply turn people like me off from listening, because 99.999% of white people had nothing to do with taking over Hawaii. You are doing the exact same thing that turns you off when you said Hawaiians assert. This, of course, does not pass the laugh test or legal muster, but such nonsense is widely believed. You can see the insult to all those who placed Your email address will not be published. They were passively supported by U.S. Marines who were deployed "to protect American lives and property.". Look at Kauai where these folks live. exclusive agreement. been hearing alot too. The legal matters currently pending in the United Nations and the Fourth Geneva Convention by the Acting Hawaiian Kingdom Government by its Ambassador Keanu Sai already acknowledges the Kingdom of Hawaii as a sovereign and independent State. be one so the U.S. can continue its HEWA against That would certainly be relevant for viewers trying to decide how much weight to give his views. The two times I met Keanu, it was always logical and factual with clarity based on the history and a plan for a process pertaining to occupation. After a couple of hours (? ? in 1897 90% of the people of the H K did not want to part of the U S Today how many hawaiians want to be indians?? Bumby we meetlol.DUTCHY..hahaha so funnieI can wait. I believe this request and declaration to restore our rightful independence and sovereignty to be supported by international rights and laws. We have possession of our homeland to any person, institution or governing body. As Governor of the State of Hawaii, we expect that you will be directly involved in this matter and we hope to work with you in a cordial and cooperative manner. What KITV failed to put on the record is that Sai is also the self-appointed leader who claims the right to speak for the Hawaiian Kingdom. A very small number of people (including hoalie businessmen and complicit Hawaiian rulers) controlled the events leading up to the takeover. 77 of the 52nd Congress, regarding the Hawaiian Kingdom. I was citing things from this book. Should Hawaii go back to being a Kingdom? Im currently reading Paradise of the Pacific and it seems to do a good job of quoting directly from writings by the actual players at the time, or witnessed. Could it be that those early English explorers heard what might have been tatou rohe? After many years of painstaking struggle, we as Hawaiians can finally return home. Back on January 17, a dozen men associated with the self-proclaimed Kingdom of Atooi took over the lobby at the Office of Hawaiian Affairs headquarters on Nimitz Highway. President Cleveland decried the Federal Governments involvement in the coup and the creation of a Provisional Government by the wealthy landowners who usurped the Monarchys power. Definition of GENOCIDE if he can stop Matson or Hawaiian Airlines, bet you he no can! I just want to say that it was the English (or British as you state) who heard it first and placed in on their maps. Kalani, a yes or no answer is all I need. Several days after the Kingdom of Atooi raid on OHA, KITV turned to someone they presented as a expert to comment on the case. Almost like Christopher Columbus discovering america in 1492. Your attention to, and compliance with this important legal matter is greatly appreciated. Mona Kahele of Milolii used to say what her elders used to say, i.e., stay in your own ahupuaa. Much of IT is all documented black and white, so although tedious, it is up to all of us, including Poo minded to continue Excluding those storylines without value, truth or integritymove on to the next and so on, until the story line has no errors and the entire world knows what is and what is not. Sad that the USA government uses the taxpayers money to put on a show like this in order to create confusion towards the true kanaka people. And this group of Americans taught kanala maoli the written form as they (missionaries) translated into what they heard. Hawaiian never had a written form, thus, any romanization is equally as relevant. 2023 Atooi id and plates hold no water in any legal situation.. they all still goin court!!! Now google search: kepelinos hawaiian collection, and download the PDF from UH Manoa to see how Kepelino wrote his language down. The United States government therefore has the legal obligation, civil duty and moral imperative to restore the kingdom to its rightful heirs and owners. Ke Akua malama you and your ohana. This uneventful application which is a standard process in the United Nations and the acceptance of it morphed into Dayne (Atooi) was recognized in the United Nations as the Sovereign of PKOA/the Hawaiian Kingdom and claims also that PKOA is recognized as a sovereign and independent country by the U.N. And, what is this network Te Moana Nui AKiva? Dont get me wrong, I aint Alii but I hate when people slow the process claiming there are this and that when they have nothing to show and use fraud for their credentials. This Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi is a United Nations recognized indigenous sovereign nation that is headquartered on the Island we call Kauai, and led by a descendant of ancient royalty, the Ali'i Nui (king) Aleka Aipoalani who currently reigns over the Kingdom from on the west side of Kauai, which is one of the most sacred and royal areas of . that was NOT the answer to the questions being asked over and over again! This is the information I was looking for. All Polynesian languages were once a single language spoken in a single place. GOD PLEASE BLESS OUR PEOPLE WITH EYES TO SEE, EARS TO HEAR, HEARTS AND MINDS THAT DISCERN BETWEEN TRUTH AND ERROR. Right On-Mon!!! 1915(e)(2) There are a lot of GROUPS yes GROUPS (no one wants to be defined by the G word) out there that will recall that Hawaii was at one time a Hawaiian Kingdom, yet for some reason cant get pass the fact that weve all been duped, the joke was played on us! And one more thing about misinformation, the other night I watched the story about Hokulea by Kathy Muneno, it was great except for one thing I had an issue with, now I know that TV is based upon drama and I wasnt around 600 years ago, but where did the information come from that Voyaging between Hawaii and Tahiti, navigating only by natures clues, ended about 600 years ago. 2013 1778 = 235 years! Kauinoa or Kanaiolowalu and the classification as indians be considered a crime of mass genocide (race not a factor) to get together, not with that Enlarge Polynesian Triangle I question their integrity, I question their logic and I question their complete lack of leadership and the negative precedent that this sets for the Hawaiian community, she said. unwary; come to me, let me ID you so you can be my They were asking him can this currency be used anywhere in the world? Then I met Dr Sai and I saw and know that he only shared with us the facts as they now stand and have been standing for the last 121 years. Fun fact Like alcohol use, we refrain from use until pau hana for muscle and pain relief!! what the commercial says in reference to U.S. Public law President Cleveland appointed the former Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, James Blount, as a Special Envoy to Hawaii. To purchase bread and milk everyone would need to These stories wont stop-They are cries of distress! Pictured is Kamana'opono Crabbe, OHA, CEO. I think we need a tremendous amount of compassion for EVERYONE. It all started 100 years earlier when a group of mostly American businessmen led a paramilitary coup to overthrow Queen Liliuokalani. A ole.U.N. Just maybe!! Mahalos .remember up at NEW YORKSO FUNNIELOL. This correct designation of Atooi confirms the later fraudulent creation of the name of our homeland as Kauai, but this was an ascribed name to our independent island nation. Why would Kanaiolowalu, a U.S. entity, recruit a yes,the kala is being use nowcause I get..jus saying.if the government of USA money is being run that means they control everything and make the rulesso why cant we handle our own!come get on the SAME TEAM..SO FUNNIE. I am all for Hawaii being Sovereign, and I think it is possible. You are a blessing to all of us who are watching, listening, and praying for the truth to break forth into a RENEWED Day for all Kanaka Maoli and Hawaiian Subjects. It helps to research other dialects of Olelo Maoli, to better understand the Hawaiian. Mahalo for keeping me in check! I left and never looked back because they will each have their day and will be accountable for their actions as we all will. This sovereign nation was illegally seized in a coup over a hundred years ago and has therefore never legally belonged to, nor been a part of the United States. He claims the title Chairman of the Council of Regency of the Hawaiian Kingdom Government. These are ignorant thugs who invoke their ethnicity as an excuse to bully or defraud others and commit criminal acts. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. I see very little progress in the years to come without the Moi and am interested to see what DR Sai thinks about his Koko, Genealogy, Affidavit, probate #. This classification is not targeted to only U.S. I think that you stated it very well, but I think you should extend your compassion to more than just Kanaka Maoli. Hawaiians as a race of people were almost completely annihilated, their culture and language almost completely destroyed. Wouldnt an involuntary participation with either Hawaii News Now reported last week that a grand jury has returned felony indictments against six men associated with the self-proclaimed Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi who were part of a larger group that took part in a January 17, 2019 attempt to takeover the headquarters of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, reportedly detaining, threatening, and If it was beyond his control would be one thing, but Thats that. A second-day story by Star-Advertiser writer Timothy Hurley did a much better job characterizing the group. The people did have a voice. And the uneducated wants us Hawaiians Where is the evidence? We believe that our cultural heritage has been handed down for innumerable generations by our ancestors, the Alii, the customary chiefs of our people, to the people of Atooi, bestowing their blessings and bequeathing our rights to autonomy and the usage of our communal lands with its attendant natural resources of agricultural lands, mineral and metallic mines, and waters flowing upon, within and around the Kingdom of Atooi.We believe it is our right and duty to sever whatever ties we deem restrictive and destructive to our land and people, imposed upon us by a government which unfairly and illegally usurped our legitimate rights to self-governance. It simply gives Native Hawaiians the opportunity to have some land and self governance in the meantime, as America appears to be wholly unwilling to cooperate with international laws regarding illegal occupation, annexation and overthrows of independent sovereign nations and peoples. But I know its not anywhere within the archipelago of Hawaii & 200 miles out surrounding it. It would have to be paid by the US govt. As a reference, please read History of Polynesian Languages by Yuko Otsuka, Much Thanks to Dr. Sai for helping to set the Record Straight:) Always lifting you & your family Up in prayer:), Mahalo Dr. Sai for Recognition THAT ALLI NUI IS WHO HE SAID HE IS..lol. The Head Chief of the Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi, the ancestral name for the State of Hawaii in the United States, announced today at a Headquarters press conference, that the kala, Atooi's. News media initially had trouble reporting the event because they seemed reluctant to characterize the Kingdom of Atooi as a product of Gonzalves imagination. How would you ever reallocate fairly? Hawaiians have usually stood aside, not supporting but not publicly disclaiming actions by the various pretenders to the throne. Founded 5 companines, three of. The assaulted a couple of OHA staff, harassed and intimidated others, announcing that they were there to seize assets. We wish to restore the rights, honor and freedoms which are implicit in a legal system of national self-governance and deserved by all inhibitions of the free and independent nation of Atooi, regardless of age, race or ethnicity.Therefore, as the current Chief Executive of the State of Hawaii, sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States and the laws of Hawaii, we expect and demand that you abide by those laws and rectify the wrong that has devastated our land and culture. clients anymore! If the H K was never extinguish Are we living in the H K today?? All kanaka should do their genealogy to know their lineage. Please enter the email address associated with your User account. This ancient nation was a part of The Royal Union of The Pacific Nations located in the Polynesian Triangle. This harm is self inflicted- Hawaiians and Hawaiian places targeted because Hawaiian issues are unresolved. The U.S. is liable for all damages so you need to seek redress from the perpetrator (U.S.) and not the victims. As for me and my ohana.. Atua is Alii. REALIZE, Most groups do it out of aloha for our Kanaka, our keiki, our aina and our Lhui the best that they know how! I encourage everyone to find their aloha. Did my Genealogy and Dane is not of the Nakapaahu line of Waimea Koloa. ), police arrested four men for misdemeanor assault, and one for suspicion of harassment. it is a full on sham formed by the united states of America to complicate things more for the kanakamaole people. Kanaka remain subjects of its independent nation state. God bless. We could learn from one anadda but NO!! On the Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi website, it is claimed that "Atooi" is translated in the native language to mean "Light of God," but this is not correct because "Atooi" is not a Hawaiian word, but rather a British version of a Hawaiian word spelled using British phonics. We need to be educated as a people. Because no need. The circumstances by which Hawaii was annexed by the U.S. are so sketchy that Congress felt obliged to issue an apology in 1993. Treason is a serious offense with a sentence that includes the death penalty. discover what he was up to was around the same moment Brother Keanu. A verification code will be sent to you. Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi/HK. Auwe no hoi e!! The coup resulted in a new Hawaiian government under the presidency of Sanford Dole, whose cousin would soon start the Hawaiian Pineapple Company, which became Dole Foods. agree to be considered something they are not? I agree with Pomai, much mahalo Dexter for taking U,N, accepted a standard application from PKOA. Let it go and move on. as well as other partner offers and accept our. our nation of people!! The U.S. never extinguished the sovereignty, that is why it is under an illegal occupation. You dont put federal in the same sentence with monarchy. So remember who the thief is and no foget he has no rights here. Follow. So Im here in full support of the Hawaiian Kingdom as it now stands and then moving forward. Nonsense. And soon Peter will take from Paul after Paul had already taken from Peter! Ive been told when the child is adopted the child is removed from the biological line and takes on a new identity removing the child once. I dont really have the ability to become an expert on any of this stuff as it is a lot of information. The State itself remains intact. Representing the "Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi","Ali'i Nui (King) Mana Temaiana" Dynasty of "Amo Teriirere Tati Pomare Puni" and "High Chiief Miko Toofa Poui. Hawaiians were killed or maimed all the time for silly infractions. If you noticed the pattern of the U.S. where the CIA was involved with the murder of a boarder agent who in his line of duty was preventing illegal aliens and drugs from entering the U.S. it would indicate that the U.S. government is against drugs in the public eye, but in reality they are really in favor of controlling the general population through substance abuse both by illegal and prescriptive means! PKOA group membership is strictly an agreement with their own following with their own database and with any apparatus they utilize. I get frustrated sometimes when individuals or groups get you His application at the United Nations was a standard process and uneventful upon acceptance. Lord know this has been our saving grace to actually see the documents and hear the clarifications. You did not say most or some, but Hawaiians. But I know you knew that! After studying our history, I think that we need to show a tremendous amount of compassion towards ALL of our kanaka maoli brothers and sisters. Like the Hokulea, lets be the waa that shows the world what the (TRUE) meaning of Aloha is. Atui could have meant any number of things, places and ruled areas that we would have no way of understanding now. In order to rectify an illegal action performed by the Federal Government of the United States, and to correct a long-standing wrong perpetrated on the people of Atooi (currently known as the islands of Kauai and Niihau, a County of the State of Hawaii), we the Alii, representing the native Customary Chiefs, declare and expect Atooi to once again be a separate sovereign nation controlled entirely by the rightful heirs and owners, the Alii. 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