34 pict 3 idle jet size

As we learn more, we will include it here. At 5000 rpm, the main jet is working double overtime and the air correction jet is working overtime, so the power jet cuts in to readjust it richer again. Hey, use the stock jet size, which is 125 for the 34 PICT-3. All three of these jets can be changed. The carburetor was a little "leaky" around the shafts. The 30PICT/2 carburetor has a fuel idle cut-off in the right side of the carburetor but the 30PICT/3 and the H30/31 should have an air idle cut-off in the left side for the carburetor (same as the larger 34PICT/3) -- that was part of the change to the /3 carburetor version -- moving the idle cutoff valve to the left side. You may have to get creative about how you attach so many wires to the single terminal on the coil. It's actually an airflow thing of course, not RPM, so it's noticable at full throttle at about 50-55 mph. Our 74 Super has a tube running from the 34 PICT 3 down, and is . Peugeot 205 Manual . and 34-3 carb. So, I let it warm up, and set the timing to 32 degrees full advance. Note: Dave found that none of the gaskets in his kit fit his carburetor. It is very easy to check the idle cut-off valve to make sure it is functioning properly. JET KITS are available if needed. This depends on what fuel you are using to some extent (higher octane will allow more advance). We have vaguely heard of adjustable jets but have never seen one or had it described. . Run about 100 miles and then look at the tail pipe. I couldn't find it in any book. ). In either case, spending the time to properly jet your carburetor is a very worthwhile task. PRODUCT INFORMATION: All information provided by Aircooled.Net (via website or email) is for USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. The idle cut-off valve receives power from the positive (+) terminal on the coil (#15) -- see the schematic which shows this wiring arrangement. There also is an EMPI replacement 30 Pict-1 with the Pilot Jet . I remove the top of the carburetor, then run a thin screw driver (which avoids the coil) through the plug hole to get to the jet. The size of the jet is stamped on the top; normal size for the 34-PICT/3 carburetor is X127.5 (1.275mm diameter hole). I've been running my '68 Bug with the X127.5 main jet in the smaller carburetor, and he's running a tad rich. = Uses .0 Bypass: WEBER 34 ICT: Factory Sizes: Single Carb: Dual Carbs: AIR CORRECTION 1.60 N/A 1.60 EMULSION TUBE F-78 N/A MAIN . Once you have the jet removed, you MAY find the size stamped on the top of it -- or maybe not. Remove the main jet (as above) and blow through it (check for crud in the float bowl at the same time). Rob notes -- I have a 1500cc single port engine with it's original 30PICT/2 carburetor. Try to use the leanest main jet you can -- too rich will only result in the cylinder oil film being diluted more, and this means higher cylinder wear. general exploded view of the 34PICT/3 Carburetor is shown in the You . If you can't find one at about 125-130Z, try a smaller one, say 110Z. PRICES are subject to change without obligation. Please only continue if you are prepared to be PATIENT. The You can also get detonation (pinging/knocking) if the engine gets too hot. So a 34PICT/3 carburetor with an 009 distributor should be jetted with an X130 or X132.5 main jet, and an 80-100Z air correction. body (5). Pilot jet cutoff valve: 3: Carburetor upper half: 15: Gasket: 27: Circlip: 4: Float needle valve: 16: That front nut (near the fan shroud) is a bear no matter which wrench/spanner you use. Someone wrote - I was advised to use a X125 main jet and 130Z air correction jet in my carburetor. The air correction jet has the emulsion tube attached to it -- this "foams" the fuel before it's added to the airstream in the throat. The sizes are stamped in tiny numbers on the heads of each jet. Others might find that the 30 sized carburetor on a 1600cc engine works better with a larger X127.5 main jet. Then tighten further according to the chart. Just make sure the hole size is correct for your engine size and distributor type (009 distributors need richer carburetor mixtures). Rob replaced the air correction jet with a 140Z, and at low-middle speeds there is no discernible effect. To explain, the main jet supplies the fuel, and it supplies too much as the rpms increase (a function of the increasing vacuum in the main venturi). The VW 105-1 Air Correction Jet would be 125z. The only method of getting it exact is to run the car on a dynomometer with an exhaust gas analyser in the exhaust pipe. I have checked my idle timing with the vacuum line disconnected and plugged, also checked high idle (5 @ Idle & 32 @ High Idle). . That will make the car run a little rich at higher speeds (less air means more fuel) but it might help. Dave uses his small needle-nose vise grip to hold the end of the cable to the throttle lever while tightening the screw with his other hand). The air correction jet affects mostly the high rpm -- not much effect on low-middle rpm). Sorry! following topics related to the 30 PICT/2 and 3 and 34 PICT/3 and 4 It's a brass screw with a hole in the middle, extending straight down into the body of the carburetor. You might want to drop a pilot jet size. The modern H30/31 carburetor replaces the 28, 30 and 31 series carburetors and can be used on 1200cc, 1300cc, 1500cc and 1600cc engines with appropriate jetting. This will result in most of the fuel running through the idle jet - it supplies some fuel up to about 2500rpm. if you look around to really get it right on! So with a vacuum distributor, using a 55 idle, X130 or X132.5 main and about a 100 - 120Z air correction jet should provide good mixture for a 1776, without affecting fuel economy to badly (fuel consumption WILL be a little higher with the larger capacity though). I've used this particular carburetor with a 1600cc dual port engine and it works fine with the same main jet, but seems to like a fractionally larger X130 air correction jet (it runs a little rich with the X125 air correction jet). If the jets are screw in to tight that will cause high idle. Status: Offline. The jets in Dave's 34 PICT/3 carburetor are - Main jet - X130; Idle jet - 55; Air correction jet - 80Z ~~~ Jetting With the Centrifugal-Advance 009 Distributor, The 009 centrifugal-advance distributor can not sense throttle position engine load, only engine revolutions, so it's not ideal in all circumstances, Changing the jetting in . mains: 120, 130, 135, 145. air jets: 160, 170, 180, 185. Remember on the 34PICT-3 the idle jet affects drivability and power up to about 2,000 rpm when the main jet takes over. Also check that the valve hasn't worked loose in the carburetor -- they do sometimes, and then work only intermittently. The stock carb has a 26mm venturi. The other one (pointing straight out to the right side of the car) is the power jet, which feeds additional fuel at high throttle/high rpm. Ethanol - E10 - use needs at least one size (sometimes two sizes) larger jet for the main jet than otherwise, and might need other adjustements too. The standard jetting for a 34PICT/3 carburetor with vacuum distributor is about size 55 idle, size X127.5 main, and size 100Z-120Z air correction jets. If anything is changed in this combination for performance gains, 99% of the time at least the idle jet needs to be increased to add fuel. The air corrections I have are 125z, 170z and in the carburetor a 135z. . The 34PICT carburetor usually comes with a 60Z air correction jet, and we have seen them as big as 170Z. Location: Miami. If it's working, you'll hear a clicking sound as the relay pulls in. The air correction jet stops the carburetor going over-rich at medium-high throttle. Currently our response time to emails is slow (we are severely short-staffed). The 1200cc engines usually used a X120 or X122.5 in the 28PICT carburetors, the 1300cc engines used either X122.5 or X125 in the 30PICT carburetors, the 1500cc engines usually used a X125, and the 1600cc engines usually need a X127.5 in either 30PICT, H30/31, or 34PICT, but MIGHT get away with an X125 in the smaller 30PICT and the H30/31. Note: The manuals say that you should not remove the volume control screw, as it is set at the factory. As indicated previously, the VW engine actually runs better at fractionally rich settings (ideally 13.8:1 rather than 14.5:1 according to Bob Hoover who did lots of testing), but they are usually jetted a little leaner than that, so the X127.5 is really a minimum jetting for the 1600cc engine. Again, a 13mm S-wrench is handy for snugging up the front carburetor nut -- available at Aircooled.Net. Be sure to check your engine's fuel pressure and ignition system. Do you know what size high speed jet you have? The main jet is accessed by removing the big brass bolt on the left side of the PICT carburetor, right at the bottom of the carburetor bowl. We rely heavily on email as the most efficient and accurate way to serve our customers. . Both clearances are essential; If the accelerator pump linkage rubs on either end, the throttle lever will not be able to return all the way to the stepped cam, the result being an excessively high idle that cannot be controlled with the bypass screw. All suggestions here are just that - suggestions. 737-144. If your car is having a problem with spitting/sputtering/cracking, this is an indication of the fuel/air mixture being too LEAN. You must do the opposite -- make the main jet a little bigger (X130 or X132.5) to stop the engine from hesitating when you accelerate. A sooty plug means the idle jet might be a little large. The optimal stiochiometric (balanced) ratio is 14.5:1 -- that is, 14.5 parts air to one part fuel. Rob responded - If you still have a vacuum distributor - yes. The extra advance helps reduce the 009 flat spot just a little. were visibly larger in the new jets than the old ones. If it doesn't open you won't idle! Then video is intended as an example.. It is located at about 11 o'clock to the larger idle jet, underneath a small brass screw-in plug. In addition, if you have a problem with a 55/60 idle jet, and you have the right main jet, and still have a hesitation regardless of accelerator pump adjustment, you need to play with your idle air bleed (what the fuel from the idle jet mixes with). There is also a 65 power jet there too) a X127.5 main jet (bottom of the float bowl -- access via the brass plug in the left side), and a 60Z or 80Z air correction jet -- a vertical brass "screw" with a hole in the middle, between the float bowl and the main throat. Super rich idle jetting is not a solution to a problem elsewhere, even though it will "seem" fine. Normally, for stock daily-driver Bugs, you will find that an idle jet size of 55-60 is right for you. Single 40/44/45mm carburetor, venturi range 28-32mm, Typical displacement of up to 1900cc. The carburetor has a 55 idle, X125 main and 125 air correction jet. On the H303/1 it is often oversized too - a 65, used to stop the engine stalling at low rpm as the main jet supplied with these is often VERY lean 117.5 or 120. (See the discussion of the air correction jet above.). Replacing the main jet in is super easy -- just put it in the hole in the side of the carburetor, then put the screw driver in after it and slide it along the 'valley' that runs across the bottom of the float bowl. Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk Ethanol in Gasoline/Petrol results in less energy per litre/gallon, so you need MORE of it to keep the mixture in balance. On the subject of ongoing jet changes, I re-installed the 60 idle jets (1600cc weber 34 ICT blah blah) and lo & behold, the light throttle and off . Main jet should be around the 130-135 area. For information -- the 1200cc engines originally came with a 28 PCI or 28 PICT carburetor, both of which have a 22mm throat. It's a problem VW recognized very early on (since the aircooled engine has very hot heads and hot-spots were therefore more likely than in water cooled cars), so the fix was to add the cut-off solenoid to the carburetors. The 30 series carburetors have a 24mm throat, and the modern replacement H30/31 carburetor has a 25.5mm throat. Note: Compare the new float valve with the old one. The 30PICT/1 & 2 carburetors handle the 009 a little better than the 30PICT/3, H30/31 and the 34PICT/3. Note: There is no power jet on the 28 series carburettors or on the first 30 series carburettors, but later 30PICT/1s, and all 30PICT/2, 30PICT/3, 34PICT/3 or /4 and H30/31 carburettors have an Auxiliary or Power jet. If not, I find that "canned air" (like Ultra Jet or similar) works pretty well. Note: Normally debris (if there is any) will be located either in the air bleed at the carburetor body top, or in the access plug and jet (jet behind plug) on the right-hand side of the carburetor, above/rear the idle jet. The use of VW, Volkswagen and any model names and numbers is for the sole purpose of description of parts application. The idle jet sits in a protrusion running down to the bottom of the carburettor, and the power jet sits in a protrusion running up to the top of the carburettor, so it's easy to tell which is which. Jun 10, 2013 (Edited) cactu4r said: I've got a recently rebuilt 1600 DP, 34-pict-3, DVDA, and I am having the hardest time getting the engine to idle. Fillister head screw and lock washer (upper for ICTs, you need a 57 or 60 idle jet; for IDAs, the idle jet you need will depend on whether your carb has 2 or 3 progression holes. The following topics are discussed in this article -. But optimum performance and MPG will be achieved when you use a wide band and tune the carb for 16:1 A/F on cruise, and 13:1 over 1/2 throttle. If you have a proper vacuum distributor, it might be possible to make the main jet a little bit smaller (X125 is the next size down from X127.5), but this will not make very much difference in the fuel consumption. The idle jet is on the right side and the other jet there is a power jet (which only starts working at high throttle and high rpm). Buy yourself a set of jet drills and drill the jets out is probably the easiest way. The standard jetting that the 30PICT/1 & 2 carburetors came with is size X122.5 or X125 main, size 55 idle, and size 125Z air correction jets. Solex Carb Spacer for Alternator, 30 PICT Carburetors, 00-3245- If you do not hear this clicking sound, it's time to replace the idle cut-off valve. The idle cut-off valve is not strictly a "jet," but this is a good place to discuss it. Here's the story: '68 bug with a ~'73 engine, 1600 dp, dual vac dizzy. Once again, try the conservative approach first, then get richer only if you have to. The X127.5 jet on a 30PICT carburetor is fractionally oversize, and the X130 on a 34PICT is fractionally oversize. Contrast the Main Jet of the VW 105-1 for the '67 Beetle which would be120. First - Muir above was writing in the 1970s, before the USA changed their octane rating system, and also before Ethanol became common in fuels. The carburetor idle circuit controls how much fuel you have at idle. I think the original idle jet was a 50, but the replacement jet orifices (orifii?) 34 PICT-3 carb, SOLEX 34MM ; Fitment: Carburetor Fits For any 1600cc VW Air cooled Type 1 engines,such as: 1971-1979 Volkswagen Beetle, 1971-1979 Volkswagen Super Beetle, 1973-1974 Volkswagen Thing, 1971-1974 Volkswagen Karmann Ghia, 1967-1973 Volkswagen . SOLEX 34 PICT 3 Carburetor Adjustment Procedures. That's fine for modern cars with engine computers which can adjust the mixture on-the-run, but what about our old fixed-jet carburettors? I played with the timing, the volume screw, almost everything, I even found a X120 main jet and tried that as well, but she's still failing. almost all the way to the top.-the idle 'cut off' solenoid clicks repeatedly when tested. (Solex jets are marked with the hole size in mm, so a X127.5 jet has a 1.275mm hole - I'm not sure what numbering method Mikuni use). Recommended sizes are given in this article. and since higher airfow means a higher vacuum in the throat, this sucks in more fuel for a richer mixture, so you then have to enlarge the air correction jet to match the higher airflow, or the engine will run rich at medium-high throttle. Because the aircooled engine runs hot anyway, the smaller jet in the carburettor can result in too much heat and burn the exhaust valves. We are still processing and shipping orders from our warehouse as normal even while our site is offline. For example, the X130 main jet is a tad rich for the vacuum dizzy at sea level, so if the car is to be operated at a high altitude it will be running very rich, and you might get a smoother engine and less exhaust soot with an X127.5 or even an X125 main jet (the "right" size for 5000 feet altitude). 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